Relenza for children: instructions for use


Relenza is considered one of the effective drugs against influenza viruses. Is this remedy used in children to treat flu? What dosages are recommended for small patients and is this medication prescribed for prophylactic purposes?

The composition and form of the drug

Relenza comes in the form of special discs, which are called rotadisks. Inside them is a white powder used for inhalation. In one box there are 5 discs packed in a plastic bottle, as well as a device called the Diskhaler. One disc contains 4 doses of the drug.

The active substance of this drug is zanamivir in micronized form. Each dose of powder gives the patient 5 mg of zanamivir. The auxiliary ingredient of the drug is lactose monohydrate.

Operating principle

Relenza's antiviral effect is directed to the causative agents of influenza, since zanamivir has a tendency to inhibit neuraminidase. These enzymes are located on the surface of the virus particles and help flu viruses escape from the affected cells and then penetrate the healthy cells of the respiratory tract, ignoring the mucous barrier.

The drug affects all types of neuraminidases found on influenza viruses.

Under the influence of zanamivir, viral cell reproduction slows down. The effectiveness of inhalation with Relenza is confirmed by many clinical studies. During use, none of the patients developed resistance to the drug.


Relenza is prescribed for the flu, trying to start using such a drug as early as possible (best of all - in the first 2 days of the disease), because it affects the effectiveness of therapy. In addition, the medication can be used for prophylaxis, for example, if a child has had contact with a person suffering from influenza.

From what age is prescribed?

As noted in the instructions for rotadisks, the use of Relenza in children is allowed from 5 years. If the child is 4 years old or less, taking Relenza is contraindicated for such a patient.


Inhalation with Relenza is prohibited in case of intolerance to zanamivir or lactose. Since the product contains milk sugar, it cannot be used in patients with other problems with carbohydrate absorption, for example, during glucose-galactose malabsorption.

If a child has developed bronchospasm or has been in a patient in the past, the use of Relenza requires caution.

Side effects

In rare cases, using Relenza causes fever, an allergic reaction, dehydration, seizures, agitation, arrhythmias, shortness of breath, and other negative symptoms. If any of them appeared after inhalation, you should immediately contact your pediatrician.

Instructions for use

The medication is used only by inhalation using Diskhalera attached to the powder. This is a special device consisting of a body and a retractable tray. There is a spinning wheel in the tray (a rotadisk is placed on it) and a mouthpiece covered with a protective cover. The case has a cover and a needle made of plastic, which pierces one of the cells of the rotadisk, the powder from which will be used for inhalation.

The rotadisk itself is a round blister divided into four cells.It can be kept inside the Dischaler, but pierce the cell with the powder should be right before inhalation, otherwise, it will disrupt the device and affect the effectiveness of therapy.

The use of Diskhaler in children must be controlled by one of the adults. To conduct inhalation, you need:

  1. Release the mouthpiece from the case and check its purity.
  2. Taking the tray by the corners, gently pull it out until it stops, so that the notches on the side of the clips are visible.
  3. Pressing the clips with your fingers, completely remove the tray.
  4. Place the rotadisk inside the tray so that the cells are at the bottom, and then place the tray in the Diskhaler back.
  5. Pierce the foil rotadisk, for which you first lift the lid up, and then close the lid.
  6. Ask the child to exhale, then insert the mouthpiece to the small patient in the mouth so that the air holes that are located on the sides of the mouthpiece, remain open.
  7. Tell the child to slowly take a deep breath with his mouth.
  8. Remove the mouthpiece from the baby’s mouth and tell the child to hold his breath for the longest possible period, after which he must breathe out slowly. Need to exhale into the air, but not in the inhaler.
  9. Gently, without pressing on the clips, push the tray again until it stops, and then immediately slide it back. This action will rotadisk 1 cell and prepare it for subsequent inhalation.
  10. Close the mouthpiece cover.
  11. After every four inhalations, rotadisk should be replaced with a new one.

If Relenza is prescribed for the flu, then a single dose for a child, as well as for an adult patient, is two inhalations. The medication is used twice a day and is applied for five days. The single dose for prophylaxis is the same, but the medicine must be inhaled once a day, and the duration of administration is ten days.

If required, prophylactic administration can last up to 30 days.

Overdose and drug interactions

Accidental excess dosage is unlikely, since the drug is divided into single doses, and its bioavailability is considered low. For this reason, Relenza can be combined with another treatment if the drugs are administered orally, rectally, or in the form of injections. If the child is prescribed any more inhalations (for example, medications to enlarge the bronchi), they are advised to use them before using Relenza.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy Relenza at a pharmacy only with a doctor’s prescription. For one pack of medicine you need to pay from 900 to 1200 rubles. The shelf life of the powder is quite long and is 7 years. While it has not expired, packaging with rotadisks should be stored at a temperature of up to +30 degrees.

Relenza’s storage must be out of the reach of children, moisture and sun rays.


Both parents and doctors speak mostly well about the use of Relenza. According to them, the drug relieved the condition of the flu, and also reduced the duration of the disease. When treating such inhalations, the number of complications decreased significantly.

Dosage form of the drug is called convenient, and Diskhaler - easy to use. Although many mothers consider the price of Relenza high, they refer to the advantages that one package is just enough for 1 course of treatment or prophylactic administration. The drug is generally well tolerated, and allergies and other side effects occur in very rare cases.


There are no other drugs containing zanamivir, but one of these drugs may be a replacement for Relenze with the flu or to prevent this infection:

  • Arbidol. The effect of this drug on viruses provides umifenovir. The drug in suspension is prescribed for children over 2 years old, and capsules and tablets are prescribed from the age of 3 years.
  • Ingavirin. Such capsules containing vitagluta at a dose of 60 mg are used in children 7 years and older.
  • Orvirem. This syrup, containing rimantadine, is administered to children older than a year.
  • Ultrix. This tool is an inactivated vaccine that creates specific immunity against influenza. It is used in children older than 6 years for the prevention of influenza.
  • Tamiflu. Such oseltamivir-based capsules are used in children over 1 year of age.
  • Grippferon. The effect of such a drug in drops and spray against viruses is associated with the presence of human interferon in its composition. The medication is safe at any age.
  • Proteflazid. This plant-based solution is used in children from birth.
  • Oxolin. This nasal ointment is allowed to apply in children older than 2 years.
  • Amiksin. The antiviral effect of such tablets is provided by tilorone. The drug is prescribed from the age of 7.

All of these tools are used for children’s flu and many of them have proven to be effective against influenza viruses. However, giving them instead of Relenza to children without consulting a doctor should not be.

If a child has a fever and other flu symptoms, it is best to immediately show the little patient to the doctor so that the treatment can be started in time. If you wish to protect children in the epidemic season, it is also recommended to first contact a pediatrician who will take into account contraindications and other nuances, and then select the best analogue of Relenza.

For information on how to fill the Diskhal with the Relenza record, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.