Dexamethasone inhalation for children


For diseases of the respiratory tract, medicines can be given to the child not only in the form of syrup, capsules, tablets or suspensions, but also to introduce the medicine directly into the lung tissue (using a nebulizer). In some cases, the child is prescribed inhalations with hormonal drugs, one of which is “Dexamethasone". Not everyone knows in what proportions the medicine is diluted and how to inhale the children correctly.

Composition and form

Procedures are performed with a liquid form of the drug, which is a dark glass ampoule filled with a colorless or yellowish transparent liquid. Although this drug is intended for injection into the muscles, joints or veins, it is also used for inhalation, which should be done only with a nebulizer.

The main component of the solution is dexamethasone phosphate sodium. Its dosage in 1 ml of the drug corresponds to 4 mg of dexamethasone. Among the excipients of the drug are sterile water, sodium hydrophosphate dihydrate, glycerol and edetate disodium dihydrate. The drug is available in 1 ml ampoules, and one box contains 25 ampoules.

How does

"Dexamethasone" refers to glucocorticoid hormones, so it has anti-inflammatory as well as anti-allergic effect. In addition, this substance acts on energy metabolism and the pituitary gland.

The use of such a drug, if it is prescribed in the form of inhalation, helps eliminate throat swelling, relieve coughing, and reduce wheezing. The drug acts on the focus of inflammation by blocking the formation of substances that support the pathological process.

Due to its effect on the vascular walls, the edema of the tissues disappears, and the cells of the immune system accumulate less at the site of inflammation. This leads to a gradual decrease in such manifestations of the disease as hoarseness of the voice, wet or barking cough, feeling of lack of air, sore throat and others.

From what age?

The instructions for the solution "Dexamethasone" no age restrictions noted, but it is mentioned that in childhood treatment with this drug should be carried out with caution. Nebulizer therapy should be prescribed only by a doctor if there are grounds for conducting the procedures. Making them at home to a child without consulting a pediatrician is very dangerous.

About children inhalation Dr. Komarovsky will discuss the topic in more detail in the next video.


Inhalation use of "Dexamethasone" is prescribed:

  • With laryngitis.
  • In case of bronchial asthma.
  • With laryngotracheitis.
  • With a false croup.
  • With acute bronchitis.

The most common reason for a child to breathe "Dexamethasone" through an inhaler is laryngism. The drug is often discharged with bronchospasms accompanying acute inflammation or an asthma attack.


For the use of "Dexamethasone" in the form of injections or tablets, there are quite a few contraindications, however, the local use of this hormone using a nebulizer is strictly prohibited only when intolerant of any of the ingredients of the solution. In addition, inhalation therapy is not prescribed at elevated body temperature, purulent sputum, heart disease or mental illness.

Very carefully, it is necessary to treat young patients with diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal ulcer, high blood pressure, epilepsy, severe liver disease, and also after surgery. If a child has any chronic pathologies, treatment with Dexamethasone is necessarily monitored by a doctor.

Side effects

A negative effect on the body is often noted only with long-term use of Dexamethasone (mainly with ingestion or injections), and coughing inhalations are short-term procedures, therefore they are considered harmless and can only provoke an allergic reaction with hypersensitivity to the drug. If a child has symptoms such as skin redness, rapid breathing and other discomfort during manipulation, inhalation should be stopped immediately.

Instructions for use

  • In children, 0.5 ml of Dexamethasone is used for one inhalation.
  • It is recommended to dilute this amount of the drug with 2 milliliters of saline - and only then add the drug to the nebulizer chamber.
  • The child must breathe medicine calmly, so that sharp breaths do not worsen his condition.
  • During inhalations for babies, a special mask is used.
  • The duration of the procedure is usually from 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After manipulation, rinse the mouth with clean water and eat nothing for at least one hour.
  • Such inhalations are usually prescribed for 3 days in 2 procedures, however, the treatment regimen may be changed (depending on the diagnosis and the condition of the small patient).
  • If the child is more than 12 years old, the dosage and proportions correspond to those used in adults - for inhalation in adolescents take 1 ml of "Dexamethasone" and 2 ml of saline.
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Terms of purchase and storage

  • Acquisition of "Dexamethasone" in ampoules is available only after presenting a prescription from a doctor. The average price of a package of such a drug is 180-200 rubles.
  • The shelf life of unopened medication is very significant (it is 5 years). If the date marked on the package has expired, the use of the drug is prohibited.
  • Keep a box of ampoules should be out of the reach of small children place. Storage temperature should not exceed +25 degrees Celsius.
  • After opening the ampoule the medicine is not stored. If it is not used for inhalation completely, the rest of the solution should be poured.


Dexamethasone inhalation use for children in most cases is good. Parents confirm that the procedure with this medicine is quite effective for laryngitis, quickly eliminates the barking cough and swelling of the throat. The drug is hormonal, but the mothers of most babies say that there are no side effects after inhalations.


If necessary, replace "Dexamethasone" by inhalation the pediatrician may prescribe other hormonal agents, for example:

  • «Hydrocortisone». This hormone medication is used for laryngospasm in children older than 2 years, but if necessary, can be prescribed by doctors at an earlier age. For inhalation ampoules with suspension are used.
  • "Pulmicort". The main ingredient of this drug is budesonide. The drug is released in the form of a metered-dose suspension and is prescribed for inhalation with obstruction of the bronchi or false croup for infants older than six months.

A child with laryngitis or another respiratory disease may be inhaled with "Ambrobene"," Ventolin "," Berodual "," Fluimutsilom "and other medicines. However, they have completely different active ingredients, the effect on the respiratory tract is different, so they cannot be called analogues of Dexamethasone. Only a doctor should select such treatment for children.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


