The use of Miramistin in the treatment of throat in children


«Miramistin"Highly in demand for various diseases of the throat in adults. If you are interested in the use of "Miramistin" in the treatment of throat for children, this article will help to understand this issue.

Composition and release form

"Miramistin" is a liquid that has no smell, taste or color. After shaking, the drug begins to foam. It is produced in several packages, the volume of which ranges from 50 to 500 ml. In addition, the packaging is different and nozzles: for example, some bottles have a dispenser, while others have a gynecological nozzle.

In the treatment of diseases of the throat usually used "Miramistin" in plastic flat or round vials containing 150 ml of solution. In this package there is a spray nozzle that allows the medicine to be sprayed directly onto the tonsils, the posterior pharyngeal wall, the sky and other parts of the oropharynx.

The main ingredient of the drug is called the same as the drug - Miramistin. Its amount per 1 liter of the solution is 0.1 g, therefore the drug is 0.01%. The remainder of the drug is purified water. Any other chemicals in the composition of "Miramistin" are missing.

How does it work?

Once on the mucous membrane, the drug has a predominantly local effect, affecting harmful microorganisms. This drug has a bactericidal effect on a fairly large number of bacteria, both aerobic and anaerobic. Among them are staphylococcus, gonococcus, Escherichia, pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and other microorganisms.

The drug destroys one pathogen, and a group of several pathogens. The drug is effective against strains that are resistant to popular antibiotics (such strains are called hospital). Compared with antibacterial drugs, it can be noted that "Miramistin" is also able to destroy some viruses (for example, herpes viruses). The drug also has antifungal effects on candida and many other types of fungi.


«Miramistin"Prescribed for such diseases of the throat:

  • SARS. Such an infection in childhood can occur in different ways, but the throat is affected by viruses quite often. Treatment with Miramistin will help reduce inflammation, remove viruses from the mucous membrane and prevent complications.
  • Flu. This viral disease in children is often difficult and can cause complications. If you use the flu "Miramistin", it will clear the mucous membrane and help to avoid undesirable consequences.
  • Angina. This disease is often provoked by bacteria, but it can also be caused by viruses or fungi. Treatment of the tonsils with an antiseptic will increase the effectiveness of the effects of other drugs on pathogens, therefore, "Miramistin" in this pathology is usually used in combination with antibiotics or other means.
  • Pharyngitis. This disease can occur independently or be a complication of ARVI. Thanks to “Miramistin”, the sore throat will decrease, recovery will accelerate.
  • Laryngitis. The use of an antiseptic with this disease will help get rid of viruses or bacteria, quickly reduce inflammation and prevent possible complications.

In addition, the solution is in demand in the practice of surgeons, dentists, gynecologists and other specialists, because it is effective in suppuration of wounds, stomatitis, conjunctivitis, burns, fungal infections of the skin, urethritis and many other problems.


The tool can not be used only in case of intolerance to Miramistin. There are no other contraindications, because the active compound of the drug does not penetrate into the bloodstream and does not act on the internal organs of the patient.

Is it used for kids?

In the annotation to the "Miramistin" there is information that this tool is recommended for use for children over 3 years. But in practice, the medicine can also be prescribed for children under three years of age, since it is considered safe and affects only at the site of application.

However, splashing the medicine in the throat of babies in the first years of life without consulting a doctor is unacceptable.

Such treatment is possible only after examining the pediatrician, if the doctor really sees the need for the appointment of an antiseptic.

Benefits in the treatment of throat

«Miramistin"Often prescribed for sore throat and other symptoms of infection, because:

  • Such an antiseptic has a fairly wide range of effects on various types of microbes.
  • Under the influence of the solution, the pathogens become less resistant to treatment with antibiotics.
  • The drug is effective not only for bacterial, but also for fungal or viral infections.
  • Miramistin also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Use of the drug stimulates local immunity.
  • The solution does not irritate the mucous membrane, so it is not necessary to dilute the drug.
  • The drug does not damage viable cells that are not damaged by fungi, viruses, or microbes.
  • The tool can be purchased at most pharmacies, and a prescription for its purchase is not required.

Side effects

Some children complain that they have a burning sensation after treatment with the medicine. This side effect does not require discontinuation of the drug and disappears on its own 10-20 seconds after applying the solution.

If irrigation has caused itching, redness of the skin, nasal congestion, rash, and other allergic symptoms, the use of Miramistin is immediately stopped and the doctor is consulted.

Instructions for use

Before you start using the medicine in the form of a spray, you must remove the cap from its packaging, and then install the spray nozzle. After that, double-click on the nebulizer to start the medication in the right dose.

In case of throat diseases, “Miramistin” can be used in two ways:

  • To irrigate the affected area with a spray nozzle. The dose is determined depending on the age of the child. If he is from 3 to 6 years old, you only need to press once. Children 7-14 years old splash their throats by clicking on the nozzle twice, and adolescents over 14 years old are prescribed three or four sprays.
  • Perform gargling. For one procedure, a child of 3-6 years old takes from 3 to 5 ml of medication, for children of 7-14 years old - from 5 to 7 ml of solution, and for patients over 14 years old - from 10 to 15 ml. Rinsing time should be 5 minutes or longer.

Both during spraying and rinsing, the drug is used three times a day, and sometimes the doctor prescribes 4-fold use. The duration of treatment of diseases of the throat is usually 4-10 days. After rinsing or irrigation, you should not eat or drink anything for at least half an hour, otherwise the medicine remaining on the mucosa will be washed off and this will reduce the healing effect.

Children under three years old "Miramistin" splash only after the appointment of a doctor. Rinsing for patients of this age group is not used, and the solution itself is often diluted with boiled water of 1: 1 or 1: 2. The throat is treated after feeding no more than three times a day, pressing the sprayer once.

Solution or spray?

For children, a more convenient option of "Miramistin" is considered a spray, because with the help of a sprayer, the medicine gets even into hard-to-reach areas that are difficult to rinse. Many children do not know how to rinse the neck so as not to swallow the medicine.

Although “Miramistin” is considered safe, it is not recommended to swallow the solution, therefore, it is more expedient for the kids to spray the product in the mouth with a nozzle.

If the child is able to rinse his throat, it is better to treat this way, since he will ensure a longer contact of the drug with the mucous membrane.

Price and storage conditions

The average cost of a 150 ml bottle is 350 rubles. It is recommended to keep the medicine at home at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees Celsius (out of the reach of children). The shelf life of the solution - 3 years.


On the use of "Miramistina" for angina, pharyngitis and other diseases of the throat, there are many good reviews. In them, mothers confirm that the drug effectively helps with red throat, reduces pain and promotes rapid recovery. The advantages of this product are the absence of unpleasant taste, ease of use and the possibility of using even for the smallest patients.

Parents say that the tolerability of the drug is mostly good, and allergies are extremely rare. Only rarely can one see complaints of low efficiency, which happens in neglected cases. The disadvantages of "Miramistin" some mothers consider its price, which is considered high.


"Miramistin" can be replaced by any other antiseptic preparation. For throat treatment, you can use:

  • Spray or solution "Kameton»which contains camphor and eucalyptus oil, as well as chlorbutanol and menthol. The drug can be administered from the age of five.
  • Spray can "Hexasprey»containing biclotymol. For the treatment of children it is used from 6 years.

Hexaspray aerosol containing biclotymol. For the treatment of children it is used from 6 years.

  • Spray "Tantum Verde»whose main component is benzydamine. It is used from the age of 3 and is also available in tablets (used from 6 years) and solution (allowed from 12 years).
  • Spray "Oralcept"which also contains benzydamine. It can be sprinkled in the neck for children over 3 years old.
  • Spray "Maksikold Lor"The basis of which is hexatidine. The drug is used from 3 years of age.
  • Spray Hexoral, also containing hexetidine. It can be used from three years.
  • Spray "Lyugol"made on the basis of iodine. He is appointed from 5 years.
  • Solution "Yoks»including povidone-iodine and allantoin. It is applied from 6 years of age and also comes in the form of a spray, which is prescribed from 8 years.

In addition, for diseases of the throat can be applied and antiseptics in tablets or lozenges, which absorb in the mouth. This, for example, "Lizobact», «Septolete», «Hexalysis», «StrepsilsOr Hexoral Tabs.

About when to take antibiotics, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


