Treatment of teenage acne in girls


Teen acne on the face and body is a real scourge for teenagers. Girls perceive acne more painful than boys, because in transitional age, attention to their own appearance is increased. How to help your child get rid of acne, we will tell in this article.

Features of acne

Acne is always caused by local inflammation that affects the area of ​​the sebaceous glands in the skin and hair follicles. In medicine, acne is called "acne", which in translation from ancient Greek means "flowering", "full swing". Teenage acne is classified as common acne. Unpleasant rashes on the body and face appear at puberty (from about 12 years) and usually disappear closer to 25 years. Increased production of subcutaneous fat leads to the formation of kametonov. This term designates the familiar and familiar to all adolescents black dots on the skin that clog pores.

Pathogenic bacteria that infect the pores with excess sebum secretion cause inflammation. The bacteria themselves do not pose a danger to a teenage girl; local immunity copes with them quite successfully and without outside help, which is usually quite well formed by transition age. But the pus that remains after this "massacre" accumulates under the upper layer of the epidermis. So are purulent pimples.

The main feature of teenage acne is in stubborn reluctance of acne to leave the skin of the child. It is rather difficult to cope with rashes, because the flowing internal processes (hormonal, enzymatic, psychological) do not stop.

The most severely prone to acne are girls:

  • during menstruation (sometimes the rash apparently increases even a few days before the start of the next menstrual period);
  • during periods of severe stress (exams, first love, responsible competitions and other events can lead to increased acne);
  • in summer (during heat production of sebaceous glands secretion increases several times).

There is also a genetic predisposition to acne. If mom or dad suffered from skin problems at a transitional age or later, then the likelihood that the daughter also has serious problems with acne, grows dozens of times.

In the absence of other reasons, dermatologists consider as the main hereditary factor.

The reasons

Sex hormones, which begin to be intensively developed in adolescence and which trigger the process of formation of a sexually mature person from a child, affect the work of the whole organism. The load is experienced by the heart and kidneys, the nervous system and the respiratory system. But the biggest burden falls on the endocrine system.

Under the influence of shock doses of sex hormones, sebum and sweat production is enhanced. The composition of subcutaneous fat becomes more dense, which prevents its timely discharge through the pores to the outside. A blockage occurs and a pimple appears. If the girl is nervous, other hormones that develop adrenal glands in a stressful situation have additional effects on the skin. A poor diet (especially among adolescents who adore fast food and chips) complements the picture of what is happening and makes the girl's skin more “picturesque”.

Some teenage girls suffer from acne due to inadequate hygiene, while others suffer from excessive hygiene.

The fact is that the formation of new elements of the rash contributes not only to the rare and careless washing, but to frequent washing of the face with alkaline compounds (soap), frequent use of alcohol-containing products, and lotions. All these products dry the skin. Such an organism, where everything is balanced by nature itself, cannot possibly allow. And in response to the drying effect, it reacts by producing even more subcutaneous fat. It turns out a vicious circle - the more you take care of, the stronger the acne rash.

Sometimes the true cause of teenage acne lies in medication. Any hormonal drugs make their adjustments to the normal for the transitional age of the endocrine system, which causes a failure. Acne may be more pronounced in adolescent girls after the start of birth control pills, as well as some steroid drugs, which begin to take children who are engaged in professional sports, fitness.

There are other factors that increase the acne of girls:

  • an abundance of cosmetics - powder, foundation, blush, eye shadow;
  • improper and irrational use of adult skin care products, especially creams that additionally clog pores;
  • skin trauma - microtraumas, which are formed during the extrusion of pimples, only increase the likelihood of bacterial infection, the spread of purulent rash.


Different types of acne are treated differently. Before you start combating acne in a teenager, you need to understand What character are his rash:

  • acne gums - black and white dots (Wen) on the forehead, on the chin, on the nose and cheeks;
  • pustules and pimples - open or closed abscesses, which can be located not only on the face, but also on the back, on the legs, on the hands, on the pope and even in the intimate zone;
  • nodular rash - fairly large nodes formed from comedones and papules;
  • drain rash - extensive and deep rash with elements of discharge of nodal fragments.

Treatment methods

Acne treatment in adolescent girls is a rather long and painstaking process. The main thing that parents and the girl herself need to learn is that none, not even the most expensive, provides an instant effect. Therapy should be consistent.

You need to start with a visit to a dermatologist. The specialist should assess the skin condition of the girl, assess the extent of the lesion and the type of acne. This is important in order to make the treatment more successful. There is no universal cure for acne, and therefore the methods that helped one girl are unacceptable for another.

After the doctor examines, sees the results of blood tests, analysis of feces for microflora, in case of multiple purulent rash - analysis of the contents of papules for the determination of the bacteria that caused the inflammation, he will prescribe a purely individual treatment. Severe forms of rash require the use of antibiotic ointment. Mild acne does not need antibiotic therapy. Acne treatment is always carried out in several successive stages:

  • reduced production of sebum;
  • cleaning the pores of the accumulated secret;
  • treatment of inflammation;
  • skin rehabilitation, leveling and reduction of defects.

At the initial stage, they correct hygienic errors and establish new rules, which the girl must follow daily and strictly. To begin to abolish frequent washing with soap. It is necessary to wash during treatment with ordinary warm water followed by rinsing the face with cool water. It is not necessary to wipe the skin, just wet it with a cloth or a soft towel.

Twice a day should be used. salicylic alcohol for cleansing the skin from the accumulated subcutaneous fat. To do this, alcohol is applied to cotton pads and wipe the skin in the morning and evening after washing. It is better to choose a 2-3% solution of salicylic alcohol.From the moment when the decision to treat acne is made, one should completely abandon the masking of acne with foundation creams, correctors and powder. No matter how unpleasant, but temporarily have to do without cosmetics.

From the diet of a teenager completely eliminate all fast food and fatty foods.

Instead of burgers and shawarma, daily intakes of fermented milk food, fresh vegetables, fruits, boiled cereals, whole-grain bread in small quantities are introduced, other pastries should be abandoned, because after taking the sweet and flour acne will appear again and again. Be sure to give the girl vegetable oil, for example, in the composition of the salad of fresh vegetables, as well as low-fat fish (better sea) and meat (beef, poultry, pork carbonate).

When dealing with acne it is important that the girl get enough sleep. Sleep should definitely take at least 8-9 hours. If there are strong stressors, you can give the child once a day (in the evening) mild sedatives on a plant-based basis (Motherwort, "Valerian»). If there is a rash on the body, it is important to wear only clothes made from natural fabrics, so that synthetics and semi-synthetics do not mechanically irritate the skin. Be sure to start taking multivitamins, which contain a large amount, as early as possible. vitamin a and certainly incorporate polyunsaturated acid Omega-3.

At the second stage medications are prescribed. A light and moderate severity of the rash can be quite successfully cured with the most common zinc ointment. It is carefully applied to all affected skin areas, after thoroughly cleaning them, twice a day. The duration of the course will determine the dermatologist.

For the direct treatment of acne-affected skin, use Tretinoin ointment. Well proven for the treatment of acne in adolescence benzoyl peroxide-based ointment - "Baziron AS", "Effezel", "Oksigel", "Ugresol", "Acne Free". These preparations improve the condition of the skin, normalize lipid metabolism, make the fatty layer more liquid, which helps to clean the clogged pores.

The cream is considered the gold standard in dermatology. "Adapalen". It allows not only to clean the pores, but also treats inflammation. Apply all the ointment and cream should be only on clean skin and not more than twice a day.

When purulent acne at the stage of treatment is recommended ointment with antibacterial action - "Tetracycline", "Erythromycin", "Levomekol». Sometimes this is not enough and "Erythromycin" or "Azithromycin» prescribed tablets for oral administration. Severe forms of adolescent acne require the use of hormonal ointments, sometimes coupled with hormonal intake.

Independently, such funds are strictly prohibited to take, treatment of such acne is carried out only under the constant supervision of a dermatologist, and sometimes an endocrinologist. Many adolescents are recommended to visit a gastroenterologist and begin a parallel intake of drugs to improve the microflora - “Lactofiltrum», «Bifidumbacterin". Sometimes the doctor recommends enterosorbents - "Enterosgel". Drugs can be tablets, in the form of a dry powder for reconstitution.

Local treatment courses are usually prescribed for several months. Maximum - for half a year. If necessary, after a short break, repeat the treatment.

Alternative methods

In severe acne lesions, as well as the ineffectiveness of drug treatment, a teenage girl can The following methods are recommended:

  • tool or hardware face cleaning (cleaning of comedones by hand or apparatus);
  • chemical peeling (undesirable for girls under 14-15 years old);
  • hormonal injections in the area of ​​inflammation (shots are made directly in acne, glucocorticosteroid hormones are used as drugs).

At all stages of treatment it is useful to visit UV therapy (irradiation of the skin with artificial ultraviolet rays).Not so long ago, this method was considered almost the main curative, but modern studies have shown only auxiliary benefit from such an impact.

Medical cosmetics

After the main treatment will bring a positive result, the question will be how to keep the teenager's skin smooth and to avoid the appearance of new acne even after the abolition of medicines. This will help the use of special medical cosmetics.

You should not choose the series yourself, because only a dermatologist knows all the features of the girl’s skin. In order not to reduce the therapeutic effect to no, you need to carefully consider the recommendations of a specialist in choosing cosmetics for systematic care. Most often teenage girls are recommended a series of "Clean skin" Garnier, which includes a gel, scrub and mask. For washing, you can use gels with a strong preventive effect series "Propeller".

Wide enough according to the list of care products, but not the most affordable series - line Nornaderm by Vichy. More affordable and reasonably efficient line Advantage from Clean & Clear. And another popular line - Ultra from Clearasil. There are cheaper domestic lines for the care of problem skin in adolescence. These include "Clean Line" and "Spring."

The choice must necessarily be based not only on the price, but also on the mandatory consideration of the type of the girl’s skin and her individual characteristics.


For the treatment of acne in a teenage girl, alternative medicine recommends washing with acidic solutions, such as water with added apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. It is important that the water is cool.

If the child is not allergic to bee products, you can make honey masks. The warm product is gently applied to the pre-cleansed skin for 10 minutes, you should only wash off the mask with warm, but not hot water. To combat acne on the face, they practice daily washing with a decoction of St. John's wort (dry herb collection is sold at any pharmacy).

When acne on the back and chest decoction is added to the bath for swimming.

Viburnum mask helps to get rid of mild acne. For its preparation, take viburnum berries, knead in a mush and put on the skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. Instead of viburnum, you can use strawberries or cranberries.

For oily skin, it is useful to make apple masks. For this green apple rubbed on a fine grater, mixed with egg white and applied to the skin. Keep the mask should be no more than 20 minutes, after which the skin wash with cool water.

Folk remedies should not be used for severe acne, in the formation of cysts. The desired result viburnum and honey in this case will not bring. But the skin condition can worsen completely. Severe and deep acne, solid acne require mandatory medical care with the use of drugs, otherwise the process will then be harder to cure, and acne will leave deep scars and marks that will last for the rest of your life.

What can not be done?

Remember a few simple but important tips:

  • In case of adolescent rash, in no case should acne be removed. at home without sterile instruments. This contributes to the spread of acne and their additional infection.
  • Do not wash with hot water., steam your face, because it contributes to the additional production of subcutaneous fat. Moreover, you can not squeeze acne after steaming the skin. This is doubly dangerous.
  • If you have acne, you cannot often mask them. foundation and powder, especially not to go to bed with cosmetics.

On how to deal with teenage acne, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


