Psychosomatics of angina in children and adults


Very often parents complain that their child often has a sore throat. At the same time, adults are perplexed - they give only warm drinks, children are supplied with vitamins with an enviable constancy, they do not let them out on the street without a scarf in winter, and the baby still falls ill!

The fact is that sore throat in children and adults may develop for hidden, psychosomatic reasons, which we will try to tell as much as possible in the framework of this article.

About the disease

To better understand the psychosomatic component of angina, you need to clearly understand how it develops on a physiological level. Acute tonsillitis (also known as angina) is an inflammation of the pharyngeal lymphoid ring, the tonsil is most often inflamed. Lymphoid tissue in the body performs immune functions - inhibits and inhibits the progress of bacteria, viruses, fungi, all that can threaten human security.

It is believed that angina is caused by bacteria and viruses, penetrating both from the outside (through the nose, mouth), and from the inside. And also a sore throat is allergic.

Symptoms are always characteristic: high fever, severe pain when swallowing, swollen lymph nodes, as well as an inflamed, hypertrophied palatine tonsil, which can be covered with bloom, including purulent.

Angina is contagious, antibiotics are used in most cases to treat it., because most often it is bacterial in nature.

Psychosomatic causes

Tonsils, from the point of view of psychosomatics, as well as, from the point of view of traditional medicine, are a checkpoint. They meet the “enemy” first and take a hit upon themselves, preventing more serious consequences for the organism. But psychosomatic medicine, which studies a person not only from a physiological, but also, from a psychological point of view, clarifies that it is not only about enemies in the person of viruses and bacteria, but also everything that a person encounters - events, emotions, interaction with the world .

Quite often both kids and adults have to do what they don’t want, say what is expected of them and not what they want. They cannot speak of their irritation and anger because of their upbringing, out of fear. AND everything that was not said and done as it should, a heavy burden falls on the tonsils - angina starts.

This makes it possible to understand why it is precisely in childhood that sore throats are such frequent “guests”. The child very often does exactly what the parents require, and it is not always decided to express out of hand their disagreement, irritation and anger.

As they grow older, people learn to say “no,” and they usually do not have tonsillitis, and if this happens, it is rare.

Why are sick in adulthood?

Adults with sore throats, it is usually trouble-free people, “darlings” who are ready to do everything well, they categorically do not know how to say the words “no”. Even if what is being asked of them contradicts their own plans and can do harm, they will still take up the business with enthusiasm and a kind of sacrificial sheep.

Usually they depend on the environment, they are afraid of losing the position of the society, and this is the reason for their “sacrifice”.

Psychologists and psychoanalysts emit another type of adult who runs the risk of sore throat often. These are submissive people, those who are manipulated by stronger members of society.. This can be seen on the example of some companies with a pronounced "corporate spirit" and a bunch of training for employees.

Usually, employees in such organizations are under constant pressure from the authorities, they cannot make decisions themselves, their installations under pressure are broken. Usually, after a person leaves the company, frequent sore throats disappear.

Always acute angina is a signal of the presence of dangerous, toxic information inside the human body. If neither to find it, nor to eliminate it, or to revise the causes, then tonsillitis becomes chronic, its symptoms somewhat smooth, but it appears regularly.

If you have a sore throat, you need to remember what you were bowed to not so long ago.. It is possible that someone persistently urged you to sign a contract or lend money, invest in a profitable business or sell a car. If a sore throat develops after this, it is a clear signal that the information received with the proposal is toxic.. If you have already signed an agreement or agreed to an investment, please note that the decision was most likely erroneous.

At the heart of the psychosomatic mechanism should be seen fear. Any person in one degree or another fears the consequences of their decisions and actions. The most attentive can notice the signals of the body. The stronger the fear, the greater the likelihood that a sore throat will help prevent the negative effects of the transaction or solutions.

Example: they offered to sign a contract for profitable cooperation, and the person gets angina the next day. Thus, he still does not have time to sign something that he will regret in the future.

If a person is not too attentive to the body, self-confident, does not hear their own fears and forebodings, then a sore throat can begin after the contract is signed.

But it will also be a warning - there is time to prepare for the negative consequences and partially reduce or reflect them.

The origin of children's ailments

Parents of often ill with angina children are usually quite strict in their upbringing. Of course, they want, as it is better, that the child has everything he needs so that he grows up to be a good person. But they are rarely interested in the opinion of the child. The kid visits the section that dad chose, he goes to the garden that mom liked, even for dinner he eats what he put on his plate, and not what he likes to eat. They simply do not ask him what he himself would like (sports, food, yellow jersey or red).

Adults are sure that they know everything for themselves and for the little man. Alas, but they rarely listen to psychologists (since “they themselves know everything”). A child in such a family at some point begins to rebel. Usually this is a timid rebellion, trial - "I will not eat this mess", "I do not want to play tennis, I want to play football." It is not difficult to understand how each such rebellion ends. Either they ignore it, or they forcefully suppress it.

Having no other opportunity to shout to the parents, to inform them that they are psychologically raping him, the child simply falls ill with angina. He has no words to express feelings and resentment. He is trying to postpone the hateful case for which he is being forced, hence the inflammation of the amygdala develops.

Acute tonsillitis is a condition that requires bed rest. Everybody knows that. And having a sore throat, a child gets the opportunity to rest and not do what adults so strongly demand from him.

Another reason for the frequent sore throat in a child should be sought in the attitude of parents to their children as individuals. Very often, the child is “silenced”, it is forbidden to speak - “shut up”, “shut up!” and in more rough verbal messages. Angina partially makes it impossible to speak. And for this reason, the disease develops in very impressionable children, who fully trust their loved ones.

All children are closely connected with their parents by invisible threads, they are able to feel each other, to catch mood, changes in relationships. Moms at a distance may feel that something is wrong with the child. If the parent constantly doubts the child, criticizes him, even if he does it not in the eyes, but when the child does not hear, the probability that the child will have frequent sore throats, ARVI, significantly increases, because the very invisible connection is broken.

Opinion researchers

Doctor-psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov indicates that sore throats are characteristic of people who are used to “swallow” resentment and anger. These are obedient and not able to stand up for themselves adults (and almost all children).

You can cope with the situation only by learning not to create problems for yourself by “silence”.

The best that can be treated by a person, from the point of view of Sinelnikov, is the openness of speech and thoughts, the purification of thoughts, so that there is no that anger that will have to be “swallowed” again.

Louise Hay believed that sore throat is peculiar to very cultured people who avoid expletives, they try, in general, not to speak rudely to others, to make comments to them either for fear of being misunderstood or for fear of being alone. A swear word is not always so harmful and bad. You can just say it when no one sees it.

You need to learn to say what you think, regardless of what others say about it. This does not mean that everyone needs to urgently begin the indecent swearing with colleagues and household members. We need to work with purity of thoughts, because a person who is good to others is unlikely to want to start swearing at them.

Liz BurboA Canadian writer and psychologist who compiled psychosomatic tables claims that A person’s sore throat begins when he is confronted with a situation or a problem that is too complicated for him, that is, he cannot “swallow” it. The psychology of the disease, in its understanding, lies in the warning.


Psychosomatics cannot replace traditional treatment, if the disease has already begun, it is impossible to refuse antibiotics or other means prescribed by a doctor. In a state of acute sore throat, when the temperature is overwhelming, and the sore throat is strong, the person will also not be in a mood for psychoanalysis. But after an illness, it is imperative to try to understand what caused the inflammation.

Be sure to reduce the child to a child psychologist or the whole family to visit a family psychologist to people whose children often have angina. The very fact of frequent relapse is psychosomatic, and the problem must be solved by finding and eliminating the true cause.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


