Diseases of the uterus in terms of psychosomatics


The uterus is a unique organ that is conceived and created by nature as the main reproductive organ of the female reproductive system. Uterine diseases often prevent a woman from becoming a mother, and therefore their treatment in gynecology is given considerable importance.

In this article we will talk about the psychosomatic causes of diseases of the uterus.

general information

Psychosomatic medicine does not consider the disease solely from a physiological or biochemical point of view, it looks at the problem in a complex way, taking into account the anatomy, physiology and mental state and the patient's behavior model. This is the only way to find out most precisely why a woman develops a pathology and how to treat it.

The uterus is a hollow organ, its main task is to be the receptacle of the embryo, the fetus during the entire pregnancy. The small uterus, which weighs about 50–70 grams, grows almost 500 times during pregnancy. The uterus actively "works" in the process of childbirth, helping the baby to be born.

No wonder the words "mother" and "womb" are related. It depends on the state of the uterus whether a woman becomes a mother, whether she can be realized in this life according to her natural purpose.

Pathology of the uterus may be congenital or acquired. In rare cases, there is angenesis of the uterus (its complete congenital absence), also infrequently girls are born with an infantile uterus that is too small and undeveloped. To congenital also include the two-horned and saddle-shaped uterus.

Acquired diseases include prolapse or prolapse of the uterus, myoma (benign neoplasm), polyps, body or cervical cancer, endometriosis (growth of endometrial cells outside the endometrium), endometritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ), cervical erosion, and ectopia.

Psychosomatic causes

In psychosomatics, the uterus symbolizes procreation, a focus, a haven for a baby, his reliable protection, a home. Therefore, problems with the health of the uterus often reflect women's problems with the perception of the house, the shelter, the hearth. She wants to become a child, as a whole, she is ready to become a mother, but here are some internal prohibitions and beliefs about her home that prevent her from realizing in motherhood.

The most common fear that at the subconscious level creates diseases of the reproductive female organ is the fear not to provide the child, not to create optimal conditions for him. A woman may be tormented by a feeling of guilt for not having organized the hearth properly, not being able to do so in the way that, in her opinion, would be most favorable for the new man, who will depend entirely on her for the first time.

Often women suffer from uterine diseases, who have not realized themselves creatively in their feminine beginning - they have chosen the male profession, experience severe physical overload in professional sports, compete with men in anything. Rejection of men, disrespect for them, hard personal experience and related offenses to the entire male race are fertile ground for the development of inflammatory diseases and tumor processes in the uterine cavity.

The habit of being crudely expressed, cruelty and toughness, the inability to be flexible in certain situations, arrogance, as well as the timidity and squeezing of a woman - all are parts of a psychological portrait of a woman with uterine ailments.

The disease develops and lasts, because women “bear” in themselves a grudge against men, the desire to be better, stronger, smarter than them, the rejection of their own feminine principle and the substitution of principles.

After childbirth, uterine diseases develop because of other offenses - already on those people or those circumstances that, according to the woman, prevent her from becoming a good mother and wife. It can be a husband who earns little, does not help, it can also be aggression directed towards herself, when a woman, in an effort to become a good mother, blames herself that not everything works out the way we would like.

Some researchers indicate that the uterus is the place of concentration of all the feminine forces. The body becomes vulnerable in case of strong offenses and big ambitions, which change the composition of female energy.

Diseases and causes

Diseases of the reproductive female organ can be caused by a variety of reasons, from the point of view of physiology, and the mechanisms of the development of ailments are also different. Psychosomatic medicine can also tell a lot about specific diagnoses and tell a woman how to be treated, so that the effectiveness of therapy is maximal.


A benign tumor suggests that there is no evil in a woman, she is not aggressive, but tends to postpone her feminine realization for later: to give birth until the time is right, it will be difficult to raise a child. Such beliefs against the background of a generally benevolent attitude of the fair sex to men and to childbirth gradually and lead to the formation of a benign education in the uterus.

A woman with myoma has regrets and small offenses against her relatives, that they do not help her to create the necessary conditions for female realization, and she can’t let go of these offenses.


Regardless of what type of malignant tumor in the reproductive organ is, it is important for a woman to answer the question of what a strong and long resentment she has had for men (husband, father, son) for many years.

A malignant tumor is no longer just an insult, but a self-destruction program that a woman has launched. She completely denies everything feminine in herself, destroys her desires.

Uterine bleeding

Bleeding says that a woman rapidly loses joy in life, ceases to enjoy life, from its feminine.

The reasons may be: disappointment, jealousy, lack of confidence in loved ones. Sometimes bleeding occurs as a protection against sexual intercourse, if a woman subconsciously does not want them - does not love her husband, does not respect him, does not receive pleasure from sex.

Appendages, tubes

With the pathologies of the fallopian tubes, psychoanalysts are primarily interested in what relationships a woman has with men. Most often, obstruction and adhesions develop in women who subconsciously limit this connection, block it, and do not want it. The reason is the same - insult.

Inflammatory processes begin when women feel anger towards their feminine or male.

Erosion of the cervix indicates a strong irritation that a woman experiences in relation to men or a particular man. Inflammatory processes in the uterus often become possible against the background of samoedism, accusing oneself of something relating to the continuation of the race and relations with the opposite sex.

Cervical dysplasia is a sign of disrespect and dislike of a woman for herself. Refusal of humility, submission, disobedience and pathological stubbornness - the tone of the uterus. The complete denial of self as a woman is a prolapse of the womb.


Psychosomatics offers to treat any pathological processes in the uterus in a complex way. It is not necessary to refuse observation at the gynecologist, as it is not necessary and to stop the prescribed treatment, even if the causes and psychology of the diseases become obvious.

Regardless of the diagnosis, it is important for a woman with a uterus health problem to reconsider her attitude towards herself. To love yourself, to forgive yourself and the men who once hurt.

If a man does not give near joy, causes severe irritation, grief, and so it happens all the time, then it is possible that it would be better to leave, in order to maintain her female health. After all, from inflammation due to anger and resentment at a man to cancer, when resentment accumulates a large layer, just a few steps.

Forgiveness has an amazing healing effect. There are cases when the tumor resolved and disappeared.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.