Chicago seven psychosomatic diseases


It has long been known that in the occurrence and development of diseases in children and adults there is a “share of guilt” of the mental and psychological factor. More precisely, in any disease there is such a component, but there are diseases that are caused exclusively by the patient, that is, psychosomatic diseases. There are seven of them, and in psychosomatic medicine they are called the "Chicago Seven."

In this article we will consider them and tell you how to prevent such diseases.

What it is?

Psychosomatics is a field of medical science that is in the field of tight contact between classical medicine and psychology. She sees the person as a whole, consisting of the soul and the bodily shell. Thus, diseases have a psychological premise, most often pathological conditions cause negative feelings and emotions, fears, anger, anger. That is why positive-minded patients usually recover faster, and people in a state of depression get sick long and hard, acquiring new and new diagnoses.

The American psychoanalyst doctor Franz Alexander, considered one of the founders of psychosomatic medicine and psychoanalytic criminology, in the 30s of the last century worked for many years on the basis of the University of Chicago psychoanalysis. It was there that he became the author of the theory of the psychosomatic occurrence of certain human ailments. The author called it the "Chicago Seven," under this name she is known to modern doctors.

The big psychosomatic "seven" included diseases that were most often recorded in patients for psychosomatic reasons, and which, according to Franz Alexander, should be treated primarily by a psychotherapist, and only then - by a doctor of a narrow medical profile.

Let's look at these diseases more closely.

Diseases and causes

The classic list of diseases that need a psychosomatic approach to treatment is as follows.


Increased pressure in a person suggests that emotionally he blocked himself. From within, his own unspoken and unlived emotions put pressure on him.. These people are very sensitive, but diligently drive their feelings into the very depths of their souls in order not to express them, not to show them to anyone.

Often, high pressure is an unfulfilled need for power. Aspirations such a person demonstrates very contradictory, sometimes sharp, direct, but can not express their best feelings or vice versa.

Helps relaxation therapy, human learning methods of pronouncing emotions, methods of psychological relaxation.


Peptic ulcer disease develops in people who are very much in need of support and care. At the same time, they are strong enough, independent, to do everything themselves. Internal conflict breeds resentment, aggression and anger, especially in situations where he was waiting for support, but did not receive it.

With regard to unpleasant types, such people often say that they “do not digest” them, the need to be alone with them is often called “Samoyedism”, and when they are completely disappointed with the world, they become isolated and begin to “boil themselves”.

It helps the psycho-correction to improve self-esteem, to gain self-confidence, self-reliance, as well as techniques for getting rid of offenses.

Bronchial asthma

It develops against the background of one of the most complex psychological conflicts, in which a person needs tenderness and expressions of love, but on the other hand, he is afraid of them in panic. At the core is a fear that prevents you from fully breathing, and sometimes so strong that a person cannot breathe at all. (attack).

Such people, according to Alexander's classification, most often have a hysterical character, they practically do not know how or cannot express their emotions, accumulate them: this is exactly what becomes the starting mechanism for an attack of asphyxiation. It is believed that often in childhood is formed with a deficit of parental love.

Methods of relaxation, relaxation, self-esteem and forgiveness help.


It develops in those who are chronically not experiencing satisfaction, satisfaction with life. Most often - melancholic, as well as people who do not see the meaning and purpose of life, do not have strong desires.

Motivational psychotherapeutic techniques help.

Neurodermatitis, psoriasis

Franz Alexander linked the development of such dermatological problems with clinical self-sufficiency: self-doubt, low self-esteem. Modern psychoanalysts and psychologists have completed the description by adding fear and rejection of society, attempts to protect themselves from it, including such effective protection as skin lesions.

It helps relaxation therapy, sedatives, methods for improving self-esteem and communication methods of psychotherapy, designed to reconcile a person with the outside world.

Rheumatoid arthritis

It develops because of a stagnant erroneous attitude towards people, in which a person controls himself well, he is inclined to sacrifice himself and help others, but his help always has an aggressive and negative “taste”. A person believes that his sacred duty is to help, and imposes help even when they are not needed.

A person is critical to others, has rigid principles, suffers from disappointments and offenses, gets angry. Often, big stubborn people are treated for arthritis.

Hypnotherapy, changing attitudes and revising previously unshakeable principles for a given person helps.

Coronary syndrome

This disease is better known to modern readers as the manager's illness is a predisposition to heart attacks, ischemia. Developed by motivated and active people who are focused on their business, regularly coping with severe fatigue. They are constantly at the forefront of events, tense, have one or more chronic diseases.. Do not pity others and themselves, do not love themselves, but only compete.

If there is a situation in which the control turns out to be inappropriate or untimely, the person, feeling that he is losing, is straining stronger than usual, which leads to ischemia and seizure.

It helps change the type of activity, relaxation therapy, revision of the system of values, the redistribution of attention to other areas of life.


Psychosomatic medicine is not in place, and since the middle of the last century, researchers have found a number of illnesses that quite often have psychosomatic causes: hypothyroidism (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland), male and female infertility, cystitis in adults and children, enuresis, bronchitis, allergic reactions .

It turned out that In most children, chronic diseases or frequent episodes of diseases are 85% psychosomatic in nature.Since the expression of emotions, control over them by children is inaccessible due to age reasons, and the impossibility in childhood to somehow influence the external situation, perhaps created by parents, forms not only diseases, but also pathological disastrous beliefs for the rest of their lives.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.