Hemorrhoids psychosomatics in adults and children


Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant and very delicate disease, which is usually considered an "adult." Recently, however, doctors have registered quite a few cases of children's hemorrhoids, and even babies up to 5 years old become patients with proctologists. Most often, the causes of the disease are sought in the diet, the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, in the sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. But these are not all causes that can lead to impaired blood circulation in the hemorrhoidal veins.

In this article, we will consider what psychosomatic causes can lead to unpleasant illness.

General information

Hemorrhoids are called varicose hemorrhoidal veins located in the rectum. Often the disease is accompanied by thrombosis, an inflammatory process of these veins with the development of nodes around the rectum. It is believed that hemorrhoids develop before the person feels it, it happens very gradually. The first sign is usually a feeling of heaviness, itching in the anus, there may be pain, difficulty defecation.

From time to time, the pain intensifies, especially after eating with hot spices, after physical activity, weight lifting, after a bowel movement. Blood excretion from the anus (homogeneous scarlet or with small blood clots) may come out. In the early stages, the nodes do not fall outside the rectum, but gradually, in the absence of adequate treatment, persistent prolapse can develop, which is not set manually. Anal bleeding quite quickly leads to the development of hemorrhagic anemia.

The most common causes of hemorrhoids are obesity, low mobility, sedentary work, bad habits, as well as frequent constipation. as a result of improper catering. It does not exclude traditional medicine and such reasons as the tension of the muscles of the anus as a result of severe stress. At the same time, even a highly qualified proctologist is unlikely to be able to tell which particular stresses adversely affect the state of the blood vessels in a delicate place.

But the answer to this question is known to psychosomatics. This science, located at the junction of medicine and psychology, helps to better understand what kind of emotions, thoughts and attitudes of thinking and behavior we create these or other health problems.

Psychosomatic causes

In psychosomatics, it is common to consider hemorrhoids in close connection with constipation - in fact, not always one is necessarily connected with another, but quite often one is a consequence of the other, and the psychological causes of women and men in constipation and inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins are quite similar. Please note that when constipation there are difficulties with emptying the intestines, and hemorrhoids usually follow constipation - painful veins increase in the anal canal.

The large intestine and the rectum in psychosomatic medicine relate to material emotions, they symbolize areas such as control, the desire for power.

People with chronic hemorrhoids, according to psychotherapists, are characterized by rationality, the habit of following dogmas, a certain stubbornness. There is even a psychological term - man of lock. He was first formulated by the master of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud.

In the history there are references to the fact that Dr. Freud himself suffered from intestinal diseases, including from hemorrhoids, and therefore it was not so difficult for him to make a psychological portrait of a classic patient with this ailment. All subsequent studies only confirmed and supplemented this portrait.

Psychotherapists are inclined to believe that people who are chronically suffering from hemorrhoids have difficulties with "recoil" - if they are constipated, the return of feces (a processed substance that has nothing left for the human body) is difficult.

But before that, problems of a different kind arise - a person can not give another: his past memories, which have become useless, grievances, which have become poisonous. Also people with hemorrhoids are prone to material greed and even stinginess. They are tied to everything they have - from property, cars, apartments, money to their grievances.

It makes no difference how much money a person actually has. Hemorrhoids with the same frequency are sick and retirees who are forced to save in order to survive, and successful entrepreneurs, whose profits are in the millions.

It is believed that money has its own energy. We will not dispute or agree with these metaphysical statements, but one thing is obvious: the more a person tries to accumulate, the harder it is for him to part even with a small amount of accumulated, the more likely that he will begin frequent and painful constipation and hemorrhoids.

Psychotherapists emphasize that at least half of cases of chronic hemorrhoids are diseases in people who are used to controlling, subjugating, controlling. These are people who need power, who never relax.

The anal sphincter does not have such a useful habit, and therefore a violation of the blood supply to the hemorrhoidal veins develops. Such people for the good of the cause can suppress any of their feelings and experiences, they live by the “head” rather than by the “heart”, try to do what is necessary and constantly monitor everyone. They are tormented by the fear of losing power, losing control over what is happening. They are not too inclined to innovate.

In childhood

All of the above is logical and applicable to hemorrhoids in adult women and men. But what about the fact that a delicate disease is rapidly becoming younger? Stubbornness, unwillingness to submit to pressure from the outside is the main cause of constipation and the formation of hemorrhoids in a child or adolescent.. Even babies of infancy can develop hemorrhoids, and this will not be associated with greed, stinginess or suppression of emotions.

If parents try to raise the child strictly on a schedule, which even provides time for planned bowel movement, then the child’s body begins to respond to this pressure with constipation.

Stubbornness, unwillingness to do so as imposed from the outside, is the cause of hemorrhoids in adolescents and in children older than 5-6 years. Constipated, the child simply rebels, expresses his disagreement with the demands of the world, the parents, he wants to decide and control himself.

But the formation and inflammation of hemorrhoids most often has a connotation of anger - if the constipation is not “reported” to adults, if the internal problem is not solved, the child closes, accumulates destructive emotions. At first, this only leads to an increase in certain areas of the veins, an increase in pressure on the walls of blood vessels. Gradually, anger against harassment and imposing opinion becomes stronger - this is how the process of inflammation of hemorrhoids starts.

Opinion researchers

The study of the causes and methods of treatment of hemorrhoids involved not only Sigmund Freud. So, the writer and the psychologist Louise Hay believed that the anus symbolizes liberation from unnecessary and unnecessary. If a person subconsciously "greedy" and does not give up what can already be safely considered as "emotional rubbish", then it is very likely that this will manifest itself in hemorrhoids.

Canadian researcher Liz Burbo believes that hemorrhoids appear more often in those who are used to winning.. Such people are tense, they are afraid of becoming losers, they force themselves to different actions. The psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov claims that hemorrhoids are a disease of collectors, archivists, bankers - people who, due to their professional habit or character, tend to save and save not only money or documents, but also their unpleasant feelings, offenses, anger, frustration.

Researchers emphasize that certain clinical manifestations in hemorrhoids also have their root causes: bleeding with hemorrhoids, which often becomes the cause of anemia, apathy, loss of strength, characteristic of people who have ceased to rejoice, have lost this ability under the weight of circumstances. Those who retain the ability to rejoice, may suffer hemorrhoids, but with him there will be no bleeding. Inflammatory process, necrosis - signs of accompanying greed of anger, irritation, aggression.

Interestingly, often the exacerbation of hemorrhoids or its primary manifestations fall on periods of time when a person is in a great hurry to complete some work, to hand over some project, to come to the final task, which is already in his grip.


In the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is very important to adhere to the golden mean: on the one hand, follow all the recommendations of the doctor, take medications, take surgical intervention if necessary, and on the other hand, psychological work is important.

In light stages of hemorrhoids, a person may well analyze his thoughts and feelings himself and correct the situation. Together with the elimination of such harmful feelings as envy and greed, resentment, hidden and suppressed anger, painful bouts of hemorrhoids will also recede.

It is very important to learn to relax. The same should be taught to the child if the pathology is revealed from him. To achieve this goal, massage, swimming, yoga, relaxation, meditative practices are suitable.

Then it should be analyzed in what situations, after which hemorrhoids most often become aggravated - this will give a hint about in which area of ​​life you need to look for a psychosomatic reason, because greed and unwillingness to give can be symptoms of pathological jealousy. Psychosomatics will help to enhance the effect of traditional treatment and help achieve a stable remission of the disease.

Psychological problems are not always easy to solve by yourself, sometimes you cannot do without help. In this case, an experienced psychotherapist or psychologist will give valuable advice on changing your own life. During psychocorrection to get rid of hemorrhoids It is recommended to learn to forgive, manage your anger, relax and let go of bad destructive thoughts and memories.

A child with such a diagnosis is important to teach a very useful skill - the ability to express their feelings and emotions.. Silence and depression - the right way not only to bowel disease, but also to heart disease, kidney disease.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


