Dandruff psychosomatics in children and adults


Dandruff doesn’t cause much harm to health, but it bothers both adults and children quite a lot, since the head, covered with small scales of skin, does not look the best way, spoiling the appearance. Those who are familiar with this problem know that good skin care alone doesn’t solve anything - it does not always help. And therefore it makes sense to consider the psychosomatic causes of dandruff.

general information

Dandruff - small particles of the outer layer of the skin of the scalp. Scales are formed due to the high rate of their detachment. In medicine, the problem is considered a mild manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. It is believed that in the formation of dandruff plays a crucial role metabolic disorders, because of what the sebaceous glands begin to work properly, as well as fungal infection of the skin. The development of enhanced detachment of small skin flakes is considered to be culpable and a deficiency of vitamins A and C, as well as violation of hygiene requirements. - too frequent or too rare shampooing.

Dandruff is most susceptible to adolescents during puberty, but in old age dandruff is not such a frequent phenomenon, from which scientists concluded that the balance and intensity of the production of sex hormones play a key role.

Seborrhea is oily and dry - depending on the specific disorder of the function of the sebaceous glands, it is either excessive or insufficient. The treatment of dandruff is done by a trichologist.

It should be noted that the true causes of dandruff are not always found, and then doctors apply symptomatic treatment, and dandruff can come back again at any time. In this case, talking about the psychogenic factor.

Psychosomatic causes

Psychosomatics studies the relationship of the psyche, emotional state and illness. Insofar as the scalp has direct contact with the outside world, then its drying out or excessive salinization is psychosomatic a sign of tiredness of communication with this world. A person with dandruff is very tired to think logically and analytically about everything that happens to him in the outside world.

The appearance of dandruff in a child or adult is a sign that a person has a huge intellectual burden, which he can not cope with.He is tired and needs rest. But everything would be much simpler if he allowed himself a break from intense mental activity, but his pride and sense of responsibility prevent him from doing so he cannot show weakness and refuse to think about the tasks set.

From the point of view of psychosomatics, the sebaceous glands serve as accumulative cells responsible for the material. therefore adults who suffer from dandruff, according to psychotherapists, are usually very concerned about stocks, money issues, savings. People with dandruff, which in no way lend themselves to any shampoos and head masks, are usually very concerned about discounts, prices, salaries, they often talk about it and refuse to translate conversations to other topics.

Another type of people who suffer from fungal dandruff is reflected in the compilation of a psychological portrait. So, psychoanalysts believe that people with such dandruff have great knowledge, but use them mainly to manipulate others. They never do anything just like that - they always have their own calculation, their own benefit.

Problem in childhood

Children dandruff occurs infrequently, usually for the first time with her face in adolescence. At the first place in childhood go intellectual loads. If a child is excessively overloaded with studies, studies, if he tries to give answers to difficult life questions on his own, without any help.the appearance of dandruff, when the stress reaches its peak, is very likely.

Manipulators are not uncommon. Such young men and women take from external contacts only what they need to achieve their goals, the other aspects of communication usually do not interest them.


For the treatment of dandruff, which is not amenable to other methods and methods, you should honestly answer the question whether you are so brilliant and whether this world will manage without your constant thinking participation in it. It is necessary to eliminate high self-esteem and a sense of self-worth.. The world is going to live very well without you for a couple of days, which you allow yourself to rest and absolutely nothing to think about. Being concerned about money, it is worth learning how to treat everything material. - usually after the person starts to release money easier, they start to arrive more willingly.

In the treatment of dandruff in children, it is important to soberly assess the load imposed on the child, if necessary, they should be reduced. But it is also important to teach your child to ask questions "How" and "Why."

These questions, or more precisely, the answers that children receive from adults, calm them down for a while and give a sense of clarity of what is happening, eliminate the need to think things through and think for themselves, especially since the adult questions in the children's head simply do not fit and therefore overwork.

It would be helpful for a teenager to be more positive about others.. Sympathy and participation on their part - this is what will help overcome the desire to manipulate. A gift in the form of a kitten or a puppy can help in this. Empathy tends to multiply.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


