Psychosomatic causes of miscarriage


A woman who has lost an unborn child always wonders why this happened. It should be noted that not always medicine can give intelligible and convincing answers to it, because many reasons why the fetus stops its development in the mother's womb and dies are unknown to science. In this case, the doctors confine themselves to expressing condolences and say that this happens or the reasons are not established. Experts in the field of psychosomatic medicine have their own explanation for miscarriages and missed abortion. It is about them and talk in this material.

In terms of medicine

The topic of miscarriage is in itself painful and very delicate. But it is impossible not to talk about it, and it was precisely this that the Ministry of Health understood long ago, and therefore it is recommended to all women whose pregnancy ended in failure, be sure to meet with a perinatal psychologist, such specialists today work in women's consultations. The fact is that the mechanisms of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, missed abortion and premature birth long before the baby is considered viable are very thin. And not always amenable to logic and scientific explanations.

Miscarriage is considered spontaneous abortion for up to 21 weeks. Then the termination of pregnancy will be considered as premature birth. A pathological complication, in which the fetus stops development and dies, is considered as a dead person pregnancy, but after that it remains in the uterine cavity for some time. Ectopic pregnancy - localization of the fetus is not in the uterus, but in another place, most often in the fallopian tubes. What unites these situations? In all cases, pregnancy can not be extended, this child has no chance of giving birth.

In medicine, infectious diseases, pathologies of the female reproductive system, hereditary predispositions, the influence of negative factors — bad habits, chromosomal abnormalities, unfavorable ecological situation, stress — are often referred to as causes of miscarriages and missed pregnancies. Every fifth pregnancy, according to statistics, ends in miscarriage.

Psychosomatic causes

A woman's body should create the most favorable conditions for the development of the fetus, and the fetus should “want” to come to this world. The baby is closely associated with his mother from the first days after conception. After about a week after conception implantation occurs, it will be bound even more: the baby will receive food and oxygen from maternal blood. Together with nutrients and vitamins, she may well transmit hormones to her child.

When stress, fear, hostility, anger, irritation, a woman produces stress hormones. On the one hand, they partially block sex hormones, including progesterone, which is important for carrying a pregnancy, on the other hand, they have a detrimental effect on the development of the baby and his well-being.

It is fear that explains the threat of interruption and habitual miscarriage, because the woman is afraid, having already had a negative experience, that this time she will not be able to endure the baby. Usually this happens in those who dream of motherhood, but fear turns out to be stronger. A competent psychologist or psychotherapist will help break the vicious circle, which is desirable to visit even before a new pregnancy occurs. The elimination of fear is an important condition for overcoming habitual miscarriage.

Psychosomatics explains exactly which actions and thoughts of a woman could lead to illness. The main condition is the full acceptance of responsibility for yourself, that is, a woman must understand that it is she who has attracted an event in her life and no one is to blame.

So, miscarriage or missed abortion can occur in a woman who simply does not want children. So it happens and there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of that the woman at the time of conception was not ready for motherhood. In this case, miscarriage is very likely. If she deliberately decided on pregnancy, but under the pressure of her relatives or husband, who began to shame that she had not thought about the children so far, and she didn’t have an internal pregnancy acceptance even after two stripes on the test, the unfavorable outcome for this pregnancy is quite real. .

Fears associated with pregnancy, a woman can have as many as you want: many attitudes are formed in childhood and deeply “stuck” at a subconscious level. Since childhood, the girl sees in films and reads in books that giving birth is pain, it is dangerous and very scary. In this case, the onset of pregnancy in adulthood can stir up a lot of fears from childhood and recently acquired experiences for how it can feed the baby. Miscarriages and missed pregnancies often occur in women who do not love their partner, unconsciously do not want to give birth to children from him.

The subconscious part of the mind always seeks to do what is best for man. All that worries him, what he fears, for the subconscious - a signal to action. If a woman doubts whether she wants to be a mother, if she is not sure of her partner, in her abilities, then the subconscious mind can take everything (on hormonal and other levels) to start the mechanisms for preserving the body, that is, get rid of the fetus that caused such emotions and experiences in pregnant. This may be not only the fears of childbirth, but also the fear of spoiling the figure, becoming unattractive after the birth of the baby, especially if the woman’s work and career are related to her appearance (model, actress).

What to do?

Where there is a loss of a child, fear always lives. Deep, hidden in the subconscious, sometimes childish. And you need to start the search from childhood. If the most difficult to answer honest questions, addressed to themselves, then psychologists or psychotherapist can help. Articulated fear, pronounced - always less than hidden.

We need to reconsider their installation in relation to pregnancy, childbirth and children. It is possible that a negative attitude to only one component and prevents the child from carrying out. Particular attention should be paid to her feminine element; the better a woman feels connected with him, she no longer imitates men, competes with them in anything, the more favorable her hormonal status will be, and the state of the reproductive system will improve.

If the reason lies in irritation and inadequate perception of men as such or of a certain man, then you should put everything in their lives in places, change attitudes towards men to a more positive and benevolent one and finally meet the one from whom you want to give birth to a child.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


