How to instill in the child a love of learning?
Any parent wants the child to learn with pleasure and he likes the process of obtaining new knowledge. To achieve this situation is not difficult, because all children are naturally inquisitive and eager to learn new things. From an early age, kids are open to new information, know how to think outside the box and quickly learn the knowledge gained. And the main task of parents is to support the natural curiosity and interest in learning.
Place of the game in teaching preschoolers
The game is the main activity of children of preschool age, so teaching kids 3-6 years old with the inclusion of game elements is much more effective than the traditional learning process. Firstly, due to the positive emotional background, thanks to which children better absorb the material. Secondly, due to the direct impact on the communicative activity of the child and his intellect. In addition, thanks to the liberation in the game, the child gets the opportunity to find creative solutions.
In teaching preschoolers, the game should not be opposed to learning. And in modern children's institutions this is known and taken into account when drawing up classes for children of preschool age. Such classes not only teach children to help them acquire certain knowledge and skills, but also develop their intelligence, help them communicate with each other, identify developmental problems and positively influence the personality of each child.
Education of preschool children is carried out using:
- Plot games. The child builds the game with the help of toys and other children, playing a certain plot.
- Games-dramatizations. The child presents himself as a certain character, showing his experiences, feelings, intonation, facial expressions, while at the same time studying literature and speech.
- Director's games. The child comes up with the plot and implements it through toys or other children.
- Theatrical games. Several children participate in such games, and their subjects are very extensive. During the game, children improve their speech, study the world around them, develop their intellect.
- Constructive games. The child creates a game or items with a new appointment.
- Didactic games. They are more than other types of games close to the learning process. Such games are interesting for children and instructive.
- Outdoor games During such games, the child develops dexterity, reaction speed, ability to navigate in space.
How to instill a love of learning?
- When a child succeeds in something, he gives the right answers or does the task correctly, praise and encourage. However, it is important not to overdo it, so that the child does not become too dependent on external assessments.
- When a child has learned information or skill, offer him more complex tasks so that he gradually moves from simple skills to mastering complex tasks.
- Learn all around in the process of communicating with the child. Ask about how the kid spent the day in kindergarten, count trees or clouds on the way home, name the color of cars passing by, guess riddles. School children, be sure to ask about what they learned in school, what the new child learned. At home, play chess and other board games.
- Do not forget that the child needs enough rest. Let the baby have time for his non-learning activities.
- If you do not know the answer to a child’s question or don’t understand how to solve the problem, do not be afraid to sincerely admit this to the child. At the same time, say that you are interested in finding out the answer or solution. The child will take an example and will be involved with interest in the process of obtaining new knowledge.
Joint classes, chemical experiments in the form of magic tricks and other interesting activities will surely help the child develop a love of learning.
How not to discourage the desire to learn?
Parents should not form a child's attitude toward learning as a commitment. Therefore, do not say to your son or daughter “you must learn” or “you must learn,” instead, suggest that you work out or practice.
In addition, parents should not be upset because of a child’s poor grades, and it’s simply unacceptable to punish low scores.
Do not react to the wrong actions of your daughter or son too emotionally, otherwise the child will be afraid to make mistakes (and there are no learning errors). Softly correct the actions of your son or daughter, offering to find a new solution, think together, decide differently.

Love reading
In order for a child to love books, parents should read it more often in the first years of life. Start with books with melodic poems, and later go to fairy tales. To the kid listened to poetry or stories interested, you need to read emotionally and with expression.
Let your child choose the book you read to him today, even if the kid takes the same book every day. Ask him why he liked the story so much that he remembered from reading what the book is called, who the author is, what is painted on the cover. Also, the child may be asked to turn the pages while reading.
While reading the baby, periodically stop and ask questions. For example, the question “what do you think will happen next in this story?” Will help in the development of a child’s fantasy. If there are pictures on the pages, pay attention to them. Let the child show the character or item you just read about.
When it comes time to learn the alphabet, pick up the alphabet that your child will like. Now the range of primers for kids is very large, so you can easily find a suitable book. If no store option came up, you can make your own alphabet with the child. To do this, cut out bright pictures from old magazines, paste them onto the pages of the album and write a suitable letter on top.
An example of parents is of great importance in instilling a love of reading. If mom or dad read books, newspapers or magazines, the child will imitate them and will also want to read. You can write out a baby magazine for the child, and also write the baby to the library. So you will provide your child the opportunity to read what he will undoubtedly appreciate in the future.
For information on how to arouse interest in learning, see the video by Pavel Zygmantovich.