How to properly wean the child from the pacifier?
Many mothers happily give crumbs a dummy, considering it as a useful accessory that helps you quickly fall asleep, stop capricious and cry, and also get rid of the little ones. But it happens that the baby becomes so attached to the nipple that it does not want to be separated from it at an older age. When and why, and most importantly, how to wean the baby to suck a pacifier?
Why do you need it?
It should be noted that the opinion about the negative impact of modern pacifiers on the development of the child, its digestion and bite has no medical confirmation.
But if a child walks with a pacifier almost 24 hours a day, this is wrong. After watching the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky, you will know when children need to give a pacifier.
Sucking pacifiers at any age can in no way harm human health. However, psychological influence of sucking is noted - children with a pacifier behave more closedly.
Usually, pacifiers are disaccustomed in the following cases:
- If the baby sucks on it almost the whole day.
- If the accessory interferes with the communication of the child with their peers.
- When a child has a problem with hearing or speaking.
- When the baby was 3 years old.
At what age should wean?
On the advice of psychologists, weaning of the pacifier should begin at the age of 3-12 months, choosing the most favorable period for this. If the child has not given up the pacifier by the age of one, the following weaning attempts are made in 1.5-2 years, when it will be possible to agree with the baby. However, there are no rules indicating when the baby needs to absolutely abandon the nipples. Approach in each case should be individually.
What can not be done?
Not recommended:
- Lubricate the pacifier with garlic, mustard or other unpleasant taste. Have pity on your baby's taste buds. In addition, it may be unsafe (there is a risk of allergies and throat swelling).
- Cut the nipple like a daisy. If the baby accidentally bites off a part of the pacifier, it can be dangerous if it enters the respiratory tract.
- Scream at the baby if he requires a favorite pacifier. The baby in this case is not very clear why the mother was angry that she will turn into even more whims for you.
- Take a baby's dummy when it is sick or hardly tolerates the appearance of new teeth.
- Scare the child with any horror that can occur if the baby does not give up the nipples.
- Shame the child and compare with others.

Gradual failure
In order for the baby to refuse to suck the pacifier without any problems, it is often recommended to remove his attachment gradually. Mom will need:
- To spend more time with the baby, walk more, play with the baby, show something new and interesting, so that the baby is fascinated by new impressions and does not remember the nipple.
- Remove baby's dummy from the child’s mouth after falling asleep.
- In daytime, hide a pacifier from children's eyes and not offer the accessory yourself, giving it only on demand, when the baby remembers the nipple.
- Giving a child older than 6 months to drink is not from a bottle, but from a cup.
- Closer to the age to teach to fall asleep under the reading of a fairy tale without a pacifier.
- Do not take a dummy for a walk.
Quick failure
This method is usually used at the age of 1.5 years, when the child can understand the explanations of the mother. Baby can offer:
- Give a dummy to a small child, for example, a younger brother or a newborn baby from neighbors. At the same time tell that the nipples are always passed to younger children, stressing that the child grew up, and the baby needs a dummy.
- Send a fish, bunny or other fairy character. You can tell a fascinating tale why the little animal needed a dummy.
- Exchange dummy for another thing. For example, you can give a toy instead of the nipples, which can be played by such an independent and big child.
It is important to get the child to agree on any of these scenarios. Having got rid of the pacifier in one of such ways, be ready for several days of whims. The child may wake up at night and cry, demanding a pacifier. If the whims do not cease for 10 days and the baby is inconsolable, do not torment the baby, and buy a new pacifier, leaving weaning for a later period. Most babies part with this accessory by 3 years of age.

Opinion E. Komarovsky
The famous doctor claims that there are no other ways to wean a baby from a pacifier than pedagogical. Parents will have to distract their child and entertain the child. At the same time, it is important that the whole family treat the weaning process equally. If you decide not to give a pacifier, then disagree with any cries and whims.
Having yielded once, the parents will give the child a signal that all problems can be solved by crying. It is also important that there was no situation where mom says dummy "no", and grandmother or dad allows.
Komarovsky argues that parting with a pacifier is not capable of harming the child's psyche. And if a child takes a few days and pranks a few days during the weaning period, it will not affect the baby more, but the mommy. He also admits that most often they start weaning out of the pacifier, not because this accessory interferes with the mother or baby, but because its use is condemned by others. In most cases, it is necessary to be patient and the child will independently abandon the nipple, as the sucking reflex eventually fades away.
For more on this, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.
Useful tips
Most often, parents who decide to separate the baby and the baby's dummy expect difficulties in falling asleep. Physical fatigue of the baby will be the best help for them. The day should be carried out to the maximum actively, go for a walk at bedtime, buy a child, feed and put to bed. A child who has spent a lot of energy will fall asleep quickly even without his beloved nipples. A few of these active days - and the crumb will forget about falling asleep with a pacifier.