Child development at 2.5 years
At the age of two and a half years, the development of the baby, both physical and mental, again takes a huge step forward. Now the character of the crumbs is almost formed. Baby loves role-playing and books. Many of the children of 2.5 years are going to go to kindergarten, and someone already attends this institution. What skills does a baby have by this age and how to work with a child to stimulate its further development?
Age features
- Physical activity karapuz continues to rise. Because of this, some 2.5-year-old children stop sleeping during the daytime, although pediatricians are advised to leave their nap in the daytime mode of a preschooler for at least 5 years.
- A new development crisis is approaching (three years), so it is important for parents to find a balance between prohibitions and permits. It is impossible to press a child, but one should not allow permissiveness either.
- The gamma of emotions of the child expands. A child already has subtle and highly complex emotional reactions, such as longing, empathy, apprehension, envy, or tenderness. The child can already empathize. The crumb is still attached to the mother, but the separation usually occurs without tears. When a baby gets something and he gets praise, it really pleases the baby. Hearing disapproval in his address, the child is upset.
- Games that are interested in the baby, gradually becoming more complicated. This applies particularly to role-playing games in which the crumb can change the role in turn.
- In the speech of the baby 2.5 years already present all parts of speech. In addition, the child learned to control the power of voice. If earlier the toddler was more interested in “where” and “where”, now the most frequent question is “why”.
Make a postcard for your grandmother using the “Little Leonardo” technique with a tiny one. In the next video, the lesson is shown by intellectual development expert O. N. Teplyakova
Height and weight
If you compare with the figures in 2 years, the child adds about 1100-1200 g and grows by 5 cm. The average indicators of physical development, as well as the limits of the norm of these indicators, we presented in the table:
Indicator | Average 2.5 years | The boundaries of the norm for boys 2.5 years | The boundaries of the norm for girls 2.5 years |
Weight | 12700-13300 g | 10500-16900 g | 10000-16500 g |
Growth | 90.7-91.9 cm | 85.1-98.7 cm | 83.6-97.7 cm |
Head circumference | 47.9-48.9 cm | 46,1-51.7 cm | 45.1-50.7 cm |
Chest circumference | 51.5-52 cm | 49-55,5 cm | 49-54.9 cm |
It is time to learn basic colors with your child. This will help you in this next video of the pre-school education teacher Anna Vedeneyeva.
What baby should be able to?
Most babies in 2.5 years can:
- To walk at a fast pace and run.
- Go down and climb stairs.
- Step over the obstacle.
- To walk, having raised on socks.
- Jump on two legs.
- Independently eat and drink from a cup.
- Wash and brush your teeth, as well as comb your hair.
- Wear simple things without help, as well as shoes that have an uncomplicated fastener.
- Understand the joke.
- Imitate adults in household chores.
- In games, imitate the role of your gender.
- Engage in conversation.
- Speak simple sentences that include two or three words.
- Draw with pencils and paints.
- Add cubes and play with the constructor.
- Assemble simple (from 2-4 parts) puzzles.
- Playing with the ball - throwing it with two hands, throwing over an obstacle, and catching it with both hands.
- Orient in 3-4 colors, as well as 4-6 geometric shapes.
- Monitor physiological needs.

- Teach your child not only to jump in one place, but also to jump forward, pushing with both feet. Also for physical development are recommended ball games.
- Offer the crumbs to collect pictures and puzzles that have 3-4 details. You can also collect the square Nikitin.
- Play with the designer, offering the baby not only to build arbitrarily, but also focus on the drawing.
- Consider different pictures with your child and discuss them. Offer to find errors on them (use for this tutorial).
- For the musical development of the baby, turn on the child a variety of melodies, listen to the sounds of different instruments together, and also pay attention to the sounds of the baby around him (tweeting birds, traffic noise, the sound of water in the bathroom, the rustling of leaves from the wind). If the child likes children's songs, invite him to guess the familiar melody sung by his mother.
- Engage with the child drawing. To do this, use pencils, paints, crayons, felt-tip pens, and also draw with a stick on snow or sand during walks. Kids 2.5 years old still like finger paints. You can also offer your child to paint pictures.
- Communicate a lot with the child so that his vocabulary is constantly expanding. Build dialogues with the baby, answer the questions of the toddler and ask your own.
- Sculpt with a crumb of plasticine or salt dough, and also make a variety of applications.
- Learn the concepts of little-much, below-above, right-left with your baby.
- Sort with the child different items, based on color, type, size or other characteristics.
- Make simple riddles to your child, for example, describe an animal and suggest to guess it.
- Offer the crumbs to play with cubes, clothespins, water, frame inserts, mosaics, lacing.
- Suggest the crumbs to guess the subject by touch.
- Consider Doman cards with your baby and use other benefits for developmental activities.
- To develop the memory of a toddler, hide the toys and find them, offer the child to bring you an object from memory, discuss the events that have recently occurred.
- On a walk, as well as with the help of books and videos, study with the child the world around them - animals, transport, natural phenomena, insects, food, flowers and much more.
To develop fine motor skills, use the exercises shown by Anna Gapchenko in the next video.
Tips for parents
- Follow the hygienic skills of the baby - let the baby wash their hands daily, wash and clean their teeth.
- Walk with your child at least 1.5 hours a day. Time to walk can be spent with the benefit of outdoor games, physical and cognitive development of the baby.
- Adhere to the regime of meals, offering your child 2.5 years to eat 4 times a day.
- If the crumb is naughty, it is best to switch the attention of the child. When offering something to the baby, do not say yes, but ask.
- If you have refused something to the child (in situations where it is harmful or dangerous), hold your own, so as not to provoke repeated tantrums.
For the musical development of the crumbs, conduct a lesson, shown by an expert on musical development M. L. Lazarev.