When the child starts to roll from the back to the stomach and what to do in case of a delay?


Parents tend to worry about their child. At any stage of the development of the children, they have many questions concerning the compliance of the actual development of the baby with the standards and norms. One of the most common questions is the question of the timing of the beginning of independent coups from back to stomach. In this article we will tell about when children start to make such movements and what to do if the calendar dates have passed, and the toddler is in no hurry to master the new position of the body.

Terms and norms

In any specialized forum on the Internet, a young mother will surely find the norms and terms in which the child is required to do something or achieve certain skills. Usually they clearly describe how many months the baby must lift and hold the head, and what time it must turn over, sit and walk. It is these norms that make an unfortunate mother feel terrifying, because the baby may not correspond to them.

Every child is an individual. All eminent pediatricians, including the famous doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, speak about this. From this point of view, all existing norms are no more than an approximate guideline, deviations from which are possible and highly probable. In this matter, it is not so much the desire of parents to compare the children with other children and with certain average norms, as the parents' desire to do everything possible and impossible for the child to “catch up” with the norms.

Parental actions can harm the baby, but mothers rarely think about it. Much more important are the resentment and the inferiority complex, which manifest themselves after a neighbor declares that their baby was turning back and forth at the age of three months, and then immediately began to sit. Mother can hear offensive remarks from the district pediatrician, who is not used to taking into account the peculiarities of the development of each of her young patients, and therefore also relies on tables with norms.

These notorious norms claim that the child begins to roll from back to stomach in 4-5 months. In real life, things may not be quite like that, but the young mother still has to get used to this thought.

A child who does not want to roll over from lying on his back on his stomach at this age is not uncommon, and he, most likely, is not ill with anything, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. Patients in this situation become his relatives, who spend a lot of nerve cells on experiencing a non-existent problem, as well as those who strongly advise them to treat the child.

So at what age does the baby begin to roll over? If you do not take into account the norms, which we mentioned above, the baby can make the first coup attempts earlier than four months, and also much later than 5 months. Often, at 6 months, the baby does not turn over on the tummy independently, but not at all because of some disease, but solely because of the individual characteristics of the development.

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What does it depend on?

Coups from back to abdomen depend on whether the muscles of the back, abdomen and lateral oblique muscles are ready for such work. In a newborn, these muscle groups are rather weak, since during the prenatal development the child had no need to make such movements. But the baby begins to "train" them from the first days of their stay in this world.

How quickly the child learns to roll over depends on the degree of development of the muscle and the desire of the child. If the baby was born with the temperament of an “elephant”, if he is slow, lazy, drowsy, he will master the coups much later than his more curious peers.

If the child was born large, and then gained weight over the norm, then it will be difficult for him to toss and turn, and he will also master the revolution from back to belly. The most "late" are usually children who are not only lazy because of their temperament, but also are overweight.

It will be quite difficult to master coups for children who were born ahead of schedule. In premature babies, muscle tissue develops more slowly. Also, coups will be difficult for children with congenital diseases, weak and often ill children. If you have just such a crumb, you should not be surprised that he will not be able to roll on his stomach for up to 5-6 months.

Thin and flexible children born on time and somatically healthy, distinguished by increased nervous excitability of babies, as well as restless and inquisitive babies, usually start to learn a new type of movements and begin to actively use it to explore the world.


If the child is already 5 months old, and he does not want to roll over, this is not a reason for worries and anxieties. It will be more useful for a baby if he is brought up by a mentally balanced woman. And therefore, first of all, mothers should pull themselves together, stop focusing on the average statistical standards, listen to friends and neighbors. If you need to stop reading thematic women's forums on the Internet, do it without a doubt.

There are no reasons for experiences and large-scale medical examination of a baby if there are no other complaints. If a child eats well, sleeps normally, rejoices at mom, knows how to express her emotions, tries to shout, reacts to the sound by turning the head, revives at the sight of a toy, there is nothing to worry about. The muscular system of such a baby is simply not yet fully strengthened.

Sometimes it is enough just to wait a bit, and the baby will surely start to make parents happy with their first coups.

If complaints about the absence of coups are not the only ones, and the mother notices that the child is lethargic, apathetic, unresponsive to toys or loud sounds, if he spits up a lot and often, often crying for no reason, not smiling, not pinging, be sure to show the child to the pediatrician and neurologist . It also does not hurt to visit an orthopedist. If these specialists do not find pathologies in the baby that could impede its normal development, then parents will also need to adhere to waiting tactics. If pathologies are detected, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

For the sake of tranquility, it should be noted that there are quite a few diseases that prevent the baby from turning over and developing fully. All these diseases are considered serious, most of them are congenital. Parents talk about them in the maternity hospital or during the first examination, which takes place at 3 months.

Your little one is already more than five months old, signs of total damage to the central nervous system, paralysis have not yet been found in it - this means that it’s definitely not worth looking for painful causes in the absence of independent coups.

Parents should move to action only if they no longer have the patience to watch the baby, who is lying and is not going to turn over. Doctors warn moms and dads against excessive activity that can harm him. But firming massage and light gymnastics will benefit, strengthen the muscles of the back, neck, chest, arms and legs. The child will have tangible benefits if, of course, the massage is carried out correctly, and the parents will be much calmer, because they will not be passive observers, but active participants in the auxiliary process.

Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The parents cannot teach the child to turn over, since the panther still begins to make new movements for himself only after he reaches a certain maturity, that is, in due time. But mum and dad can contribute to this process, if they do not rush to extremes.

A dangerous extreme of Evgeny Komarovsky is verticalization devices - jumpers and walkers. These devices, which for some reason are considered to be developing, often play a crucial negative role in the formation of pathologies of the back, spine and posture.

A five-month-old baby suspended in jumpers will not start to roll over from a position lying on its back faster, but the probability of curvature of the feet, legs and spine will increase significantly.

Komarovsky warns parents not only from using such devices, but also from too active actions of a different kind - too aggressive massage, attempts to teach the child to sit, forceful attempts that should, according to the parents, force the child to turn over, cannot be useful until , while the ligamentous and muscular apparatus of the baby will not be ready to perform all these actions on their own, without adult help. And when they are ready, the kid himself will start to do everything, and in fact there will be no need for auxiliary classes.

The main task of mothers and fathers is to create conditions for the child that would be favorable for strengthening his body. Everything else will flow by itself, according to the laws of nature, which does not tolerate the slightest interference in the individual development scheme of your baby that she has planned.


If the mother concerned about the problem goes to the pediatrician, there are very good chances that the doctor will diagnose the hypertonus that is frightening the parents and will send the patients for a massage. For every newborn, increased muscle tone is peculiar for quite physiological reasons and by half a year, when they usually start to sound the alarm about the lack of independent coups, the tone usually does not go away.

Massage is an expensive procedure. But in the case of increased muscle tone in a professional massage there is no need, it will be quite enough for him to be performed by parents at home.

It is not difficult to master the tonic massage techniques. It does not take much time, but will save a lot of money. And one more very important point - a close tactile contact with the mother is important for a child under one year, so he feels more relaxed. That is why many children scream so harshly when they are massaged by professional masseuses. With a home massage of such nervous reactions of the child can be avoided.

Massage technique to strengthen all the muscles involved in the process of coups, is quite simple. It contains elements of a classic massage. These are three common types of movements: rubbing, kneading, tingling (vibration).

Here are some effective and effective exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles:

  • "Wheel". The child needs to be put on the back, with warm hands with her thumb, the mother begins to draw circles around the navel - first small and then wider in diameter. When the thumb begins to touch the costal arches, the diameter of the circles should be reduced again, until a small circle around the navel is described.
  • "Sun". This technique involves two thumbs of mother’s hands.Reception is better to apply after the previous one. With her fingers, the mother makes arc-like movements in the direction from the navel to the ribs, sides, to the groin. It looks like the rays of the sun, if you imagine that the center of the sun is the navel.
  • "Cat's tummy." This exercise is called so, because mother will have to perform movements similar to those that she performs, stroking the cat's tummy. With your whole palm without pressure and force, you must first make circular movements along the anterior abdominal wall, and then - in a semicircle, like brushes in a car (right-left).

To strengthen the back and lateral muscles of the mother can apply a full range of classical techniques. Put the baby on his stomach on a dense surface that will not fall beneath him and proceed. Here are some effective techniques that will help the back of the toddler to get stronger faster.

  • "Angel Wing". With warm hands without strong pressure, the mother gently strokes the back of the baby in the direction from the spinal column to the sides, by analogy with the growth of the wings. After 15-20 strokes, we can assume that the transverse muscles of the back are well warmed, and you can proceed to the next admission.
  • "Rails sleepers". This technique is known to everyone from the eponymous children's game. With the edge of the palm, the mother first conducts along the spinal column several times, and then begins to massage with the edge of the palm on both sides of the spine with light vibration movements towards the ribs.
  • “Goose feet”. This technique is usually very popular with children. It is a light tingling throughout the area of ​​the back. This exercise helps to improve the blood supply to the muscles.
  • "Worm". This exercise is aimed at stimulating the lateral muscles, which should ultimately provide the child with the ability to roll on its side and abdomen. Take the handles of the baby lying on the belly and pull them forward, while the baby will lay the head on its side on the massage surface. Stroke from top to bottom from the hands to the priests on the sides.

The general rules of massage for babies at home imply the observance of certain recommendations:

  • begin to massage to strengthen the back and abdomen only when the baby is able to hold his head;
  • do not massage if the child feels unwell, if he has a bad mood;
  • Try to make a massage with a fun game, if at some stage the crumb begins to cry and resent, stop the activity;
  • massage with warm hands;
  • apply massage products (oil, baby cream);
  • the duration of one session at the initial stage should not exceed 5 minutes, it gradually increases to 10-15 minutes;
  • massage course - 10 days, after which you should take a week break.


Gymnastics is useful to all babies, without exception, especially the inactive and lazy ones, who, by the way, usually don’t want to roll over from the back to the stomach. Make gymnastics a daily obligatory ritual, the baby will love her very quickly and will do it with pleasure.

Exercises for the smallest are quite traditional - this is the bending and extension of the arms, legs, circular movements of the limbs. In order for the baby to learn to roll over, add legroom exercises to regular gymnastics.

They are made quite simply - put the baby on his stomach. Bring the right leg and, supporting the crumb for the back, take a turn to the left. When summing up the left leg, a turn will thus occur to the right. Make sure that the left and right legs are summed with the same intensity and frequency so that the lateral muscles on both sides develop equally well. Otherwise, the baby learns to roll over, but only on one side. If this has already happened, you can help the child by leading the legs to the opposite side.

A great incentive for a child in training lateral muscles is a toy. It is better if it is something new, previously unknown.The toy is placed in front of a child lying on its belly a little to the side, when trying to reach it, the baby will let the legs down and turns over on its side, and then on its back. If this exercise has already been mastered, you can put the toy in front of the baby lying on your back on the side, this will encourage him to make revolutions on his side and then turn on his stomach.

The child must roll over and after the course of classes on fitball. Before training on the gym ball, be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

Swimming will also be useful, it perfectly develops all the muscles, including the abdominal, dorsal and oblique lateral. You can teach a child to swim independently in a large bath, using, for example, a special orthopedic circle for swimming, or you can sign up with the baby in the pool, where special groups for young mothers with infants work. Such classes will also benefit my mother: she will quickly get in good physical shape after giving birth.


The problem of the absence of coups in 5 months is being discussed very actively. Many women have sons and daughters in no hurry to please moms. Many have gone through several paid massage courses, some doctors have recommended vitamins, but ultimately all managed to cope with the problem without exception. Much more problems for a young mommy appear not when the child does not want to roll over, but when he learns to make such coups, because from this moment the child can no longer be left unattended for a minute: self-coups from the back to the stomach are fraught with falls and injuries.

Very sensitive and sensitive kids, learning to roll over, begin to sleep worse. This is due to the fact that they make a turn in their sleep and cannot calm down after changing their body position. If the child belongs to this, you can easily fix his body position before bedtime with a small pillow and a roller from a blanket. Put on both sides, they will not allow the child to toss and turn too much and be afraid of their own activity.

Many women who address the problem of the absence of child coups to neurologists are faced with the choice of whether to give the child the medicines prescribed by the doctor. It is no secret that in such cases nootropic drugs are often prescribed.

Their use by WHO and reasonable pediatricians do not consider it necessary, but the decision is up to the parents. Medications may have side effects, this should not be forgotten.

        Dr. Komarovsky does not support drug treatment in the case of the lack of independent coups. He recommends hardening the child, not overfeeding him, doing gymnastics and massage, bathing the baby - then he will not have excess kilos, there will be activity and a certain amount of curiosity. And all together it will necessarily lead to the fact that the child will turn over, because from a new angle the world is seen in a completely different way.

        See below for how to help your child learn to roll on his stomach.

        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


