Hemorrhoids after delivery: from symptoms to treatment


The appearance of hemorrhoids after childbirth is a fairly common phenomenon. An unpleasant complication can overshadow the life of the newly-made mother and adversely affect the condition of the baby.

In this article we will explain why hemorrhoids develop after childbirth, whether it is possible to prevent it and how to treat it if a delicate problem does appear.

About the disease in women in labor

Hemorrhoids are one of the most prominent "representatives" of the list of proctologic ailments. Of all the rectal diseases, it is he who holds the leading positions among both men and women. With hemorrhoids, a pathological increase in hemorrhoids occurs.

They can become inflamed, bleed, fall outside the anus. Nodes are formed due to impaired blood circulation in the hemorrhoidal veins, which are located in the submucosal layer of the walls of the anal canal.

It should be noted that in almost all adults at one or another age a different increase and modification of such venous networks is found, but not all of them show hemorrhoids. And because the disease is considered to be only such an expansion of hemorrhoidal veins, in which clinical symptoms appear bright and painful.

The disease can be acute and chronic. In terms of severity and manifestations in women, internal hemorrhoids can develop, in which the nodes increase inside the rectum, external (external) hemorrhoids, in which the nodes go outside, as well as a combined ailment combining the symptoms of the two previous ones.

The severity of the disease is determined by its shape and stage. At the initial stage, women only notice occasional weak bleeding from the anus. The second stage is accompanied by the loss of nodes, but they are easily set back spontaneously. When the degree becomes third, it is impossible to do without manual adjustment of the nodes. The fourth stage is the hardest, and with it the dropped out nodes cannot even be manually reset.

According to statistics, hemorrhoids occur in approximately 70% of pregnant women. After childbirth, the expansion of hemorrhoids occurs in every second woman in labor, and clinical symptoms, which notify the newly-made mother about the need to begin treatment, appear in every third parturient.

To establish the stage, the type of disease and possible treatments should a doctor. Self-diagnosis in this case is absolutely impossible.

The reasons

Often, women think that the cause of hemorrhoids after childbirth are generic attempts. Of course, the attempts are not in vain, but they are not the key factor in the development of varicose hemorrhoidal veins.

The main reason is considered to be a violation of the blood circulation of the lower veins, which women experience in late pregnancy. The uterus, which for the entire period of carrying a baby grows almost 500 times and weighs more than five kilograms, squeezes not only the abdominal organs, but also the lower veins. Blood circulation in them slows down. An additional factor that increases the likelihood of hemorrhoids before and after childbirth are those extra pounds gained during pregnancy.

Weight gain, of course, is inevitable, but its pathological increase with a high degree of probability can result in the formation of nodes in the venous plexuses of the rectum.

Thus, hemorrhoids always appear before delivery.And for the first time it can manifest itself after them. Knowing this, it will be easy to understand why an unpleasant disease starts not only after natural childbirth, but also after a cesarean section, in which the woman did not have to push at all.

A newly born mother has to spend some time in bed - early rehabilitation after childbirth and cesarean section does not mean that the puerperal woman will immediately rise and go. After surgery and labor, the intestinal muscles somewhat weaken, and constipation begins, which also provoke the initial manifestation of hemorrhoids or its aggravation, if before birth the woman has already experienced this unpleasant disease.

To understand why nodes are formed, if a woman really wants to get to the truth, you need to understand that blood circulation in hemorrhoidal veins is always rather slow. And during the childbearing and at all there can be stagnation, they initially form knots.

The factors that strongly contribute to the formation of rectal pathology in pregnant women and puerperas include the following:

  • genetic predisposition (tendency to varicose hemorrhoidal veins can be inherited);
  • frequent constipation;
  • the lack of full motor activity (if a woman has to often stand, lie or sit);
  • weight lifting;
  • state of pregnancy in itself;
  • not active lifestyle;
  • unhealthy diet with an abundance of fried, spicy and spicy.

It should be noted that even pregnant women who monitor weight gain, eat properly and balancedly, cannot be completely sure that there will be no hemorrhoids after birth. No one gives guarantees. But if you eliminate the increased risk factors for the development of the disease, fewer prerequisites will be created.

The only thing that neither the woman herself nor her doctor can foresee is the nature of the flow of labor. Severe, protracted labor, especially their long and difficult periods, can become a kind of “catalyst” - small nodules, which during pregnancy did not manifest themselves in any way, may increase, inflame and fall out already in the early postpartum period.

Signs of

Manifested hemorrhoids after childbirth at various stages. It can make itself felt both in the first days after the birth of the child, and after discharge, when the woman is already at home and engaged in the child.

What are the symptoms, it is difficult to say in advance, it all depends on the degree and form of the disease. With the acute form of the disease, most often the woman notices the formation of cones-seals around the anus - this is the manifestation of external node thrombosis. When you try to go to the toilet, empty your intestines, blood may appear. Nodes are damaged during bowel movements, burst, stagnant blood comes out. But then the bumps are formed again.

But dropped nodes will be far from the first symptom. A woman needs to pay attention to their own well-being. Usually, the first signs are an obsessive itching in the rectum, in the anus, pain that is noticeably aggravated during intense movements and bowel movements.

So usually manifested hemorrhoids, which made itself felt for the first time. If a woman struggled with this problem during pregnancy, then exacerbation would mean that the disease is already chronic.

Chronic hemorrhoids manifest as episodic bleeding, defecation with blood, itchy discomfort and pain in the anus, but the symptoms are intermittent - they can subside for a while and resume with new force. Nodes can fall out or not fall out, but in any case the external sphincter is not tightly compressed, and therefore transparent mucus can be released from the anus.

Hemorrhoids are bleeding in the vast majority of women. If the form of the disease is external, the blood may show up on paper, in the toilet.With the internal form of the disease, a node breakthrough can occur inside, and then in the form of dark clots it will come out at the next bowel movement.

With a strong hemorrhoids, a woman can feel the loss of nodes and possible small breakthrough bleeding, even with a strong laugh, coughing and sneezing. Such nodes usually do not refuel themselves back. Need help from a doctor.

Against the background of frequent bleeding from the anus, a woman may look tired, she may develop anemia, weakness, dizziness.

The sooner a woman decides to go to a doctor, the better it will be for her, because hemorrhoids in the early stages are always treated faster and more efficiently than an advanced disease.

What is the danger?

The treachery of hemorrhoids lies in the fact that it is very difficult to get rid of him and there is a risk that the stages will increase. If a woman will be slow to appeal to the doctor, if she decides that the discomfort will gradually pass away as she recovers from the birth or starts using plantain according to grandmother's recipes, the consequences can be very unattractive:

  • hemorrhoids will increase, new ones will be added to the existing ones;
  • uncontrolled fallout of nodes will begin, it will be impossible to set them right;
  • bleeding will be more and more, it will be necessary to walk with sanitary pads not only during the recovery period from childbirth and on the days of menstruation, but constantly;
  • anal fissures will appear, fistulas may form;
  • cracks are often infected with pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria, which causes severe inflammation;
  • against the background of regular inflammation, necrotic areas may appear, which will require partial resection;
  • The anal canal is gradually deformed, the muscles and the sphincter weaken, and it can reach the point that they will not be able to hold feces and gases.
Anal fistula
Fecal incontinence

The development of the disease often leads to anemia. The more profuse and more frequent bleeding from the anus, the more likely that a woman will suffer from a shortage of hemoglobin. Cracks of the anus occur in most people suffering from hemorrhoids. Infection of cracks can lead to an abscess.

Constant pain and itching, fear of another bowel movement, because it becomes quite painful, make a woman nervous, emotionally unbalanced. Complicated intimate life, some moms because of hemorrhoids generally refuse to have sex, which sooner or later leads to the collapse of the family.

Nervous tension, in which a woman resides due to constant pain, adversely affects the quality of sleep and lactation. The amount of breast milk may decrease, in severe cases it may even disappear.


The clinical picture of hemorrhoids is quite bright, which makes it much easier to diagnose the pathology of the puerperal. In the aggregate of complaints, the doctor may well suspect her of this particular disease. Still, a woman and a doctor should approach the question of examination very responsibly, since superficial conclusions may turn out to be insufficient, a woman will not notice any complication or concomitant illness.

Some are embarrassed to consult a doctor, because they really do not know how they will be tested. Believe me, a woman in the proctologist’s office will not find anything special for herself.

There will be her usual gynecological chair. It can be placed on it almost the same as on a gynecologist examination, the only difference is in the location of the legs. They should not lie on special holders, but should be maximally brought to the stomach. Sometimes the doctor asks you to take a knee-elbow position, it is also considered quite convenient for examining the anus.

A visual examination reveals the shape, deformities, possible scars, the presence of fistulas, a weak sphincter condition.The doctor necessarily assesses the color and size of hemorrhoids, evaluates the degree of malaise, the severity of the prolapse of the nodes and the free possibility of reducing them for a number of signs. Then the doctor proceeds to the less pleasant part of the examination - manual examination of the rectum.

The difficulty of evaluating “by eye” and by touch lies in the fact that hemorrhoids have one extremely unpleasant property - when you click on them, they temporarily decrease, and therefore the doctor must prescribe additional diagnostic measures.

Such methods include anoscopy, rectoromanoscopy, colonoscopy and irrigoscopy. Additionally, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal tract.

You should not be surprised if the doctor gives you a referral for gastroscopy and recommends visiting a gastroenterologist. Often, hemorrhoids and diseases of the digestive organs go side by side, for successful treatment it is important to identify all possible comorbidities.



Absolutely any form and stage of hemorrhoids after birth is quite difficult to cure. And with this thought a woman needs to come to terms. Only strict compliance with the requirements of the doctor will help to achieve positive results. The task of getting rid of an unpleasant illness is significantly complicated by lactation - when breastfeeding, not all medicines can be taken, since many of them can penetrate into the composition of breast milk and enter the baby.

Surgical treatment is not always justified and can not always be implemented after childbirth - a woman needs to recover after the birth of the baby. Therefore, the first step will be assigned to conservative treatment. The exceptions are particularly difficult cases with a knot falling out, severe bleeding and the lack of practical ability to right the knots back.

Magic pills that will help get rid of the disease, does not exist. It will require a long and comprehensive approach to the treatment of rectal disease, which will include proper nutrition, taking certain medications, as well as a revision of the young mom’s entire lifestyle.

After the result is achieved, the hemorrhoids will pass, no one will guarantee that it will not appear again, and therefore the woman will need to adhere to the rules of nutrition and after treatment.

At home, the first and second stages of the disease are treated. The third and fourth require medical care and often surgical treatment. Also, conservative treatment measures are considered the only possible for women with acute hemorrhoids.


The success of conservative treatment depends on how resolutely the newly-made mother will be ready for certain changes in her own life.

First of all, a special diet is prescribed. Her task is to prevent the formation of constipation, since it is they who provoke a further increase in nodes. Proper nutrition should be fractional. There will be five or six times a day, but not abundantly, not overeating. In each meal, vegetables and fruits rich in fiber are introduced so that the stools are soft enough and the bowel movement does not cause difficulties and pain.

Eating some vegetables is also not worth it. This can cause diarrhea, and loose stools are known to irritate the anus.

Diarrhea for nursing mothers is fraught with not only increased edema, itching and pain, but also loss of the value of breast milk - most of the nutrients and vitamins will go with liquid feces and liquid to the toilet.

The rules of nutrition for nursing and non-nursing women in this case will be almost the same. Salty and spicy, fried, generously seasoned with spices - it is impossible. A large amount of protein foods (meat, fish) will be only to the detriment - constipation may increase.A woman should not eat chocolate, muffin, yeast, white cabbage, prepared foods and smoked meats; one should not drink carbonated drinks and take alcohol even if the child is artificially fed.

At first, after delivery, heat-treated vegetables are recommended for nursing mothers, but gradually it is necessary to add raw vegetables that do not cause allergies to the infant to stews and compotes.

A woman who recently became a mother, it will be easy to get used to the new rules of natural needs. With hemorrhoids, it is forbidden to sit in the toilet for a long time and push hard. This can lead to the burden of disease. If in five minutes spent on the toilet, the defecation did not occur, you need to leave the toilet and go back there after a while again.

Toilet paper annoying already suffering anus. It is better to abandon it completely and to wash away after each visit to the toilet - after giving birth it will also be an excellent prevention of urinary infections.

Enema perfectly helps with constipation, but it can not be abused, otherwise the intestine will become "lazy", its microflora will be broken.

A new mother should not spend time lying on the couch. Be sure to walk, walk, move, do gymnastics. The more movement, the better blood circulation, including in the lower veins.

Often, mothers of newborns with a delicate problem are recommended to visit a physiotherapy room. Such procedures as EHF, laser therapy, and magnetic therapy help in eliminating rectal disease.

All these measures are carried out against the background of the reception of drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Permitted Medicines

If during pregnancy, mainly local remedies were recommended for women with exacerbation of delicate rectal problems, then after delivery, treatment will include both local and systemic drugs. The first are ointments, suppositories, and the second is venotonic drugs, which have an effect on the tone of blood vessels. Venotonics and angioprotectors are usually presented in the form of tablets, capsules. Double exposure will provide greater efficiency.

A woman whose baby is breastfed may be confronted with the fact that the instructions for all pharmacies without exception will indicate a contraindication - breastfeeding.

In practice, even with such a contraindication, a medicine can be prescribed to a woman if necessary. If at the same time the doctor does not prohibit breastfeeding, the tool does not pose a danger to the newborn. When prescribing drugs that are toxic to the baby, breastfeeding is usually stopped for a while.

If you touch the contraindication itself, then the woman should know that manufacturers are obliged to specify it in the instructions for the law, since data on the harm or benefits for nursing is simply not enough. Such studies are contrary to bioethics and are usually not conducted. If the doctor recommends the drug, and the instructions indicate a contraindication for nursing, you need to listen to the doctor. He knows better what is possible and what cannot be given to the newly-made mother.

After birth, systemic drugs such as Detralex, Eskuzan, Troxerutin (Zentiva), Ginkor-forte, Curantil are often prescribed. To prevent constipation, non-toxic remedies are often recommended that act gently and do not harm the baby, for example, “Duphalac, Glycerin candles.

Among the topical preparations, the use of candles and ointment Relief, candles Natalsid, Alginatol, Ultraprokt, Gepatrombin G, ointment and candles Proktozan, as well as the agent Anuzol, which is also available in the form of candles and ointment.

Well-proven in the use of nursing mothers sea buckthorn candles, heparin ointment. Locally with anus fissures can be applied "Bepanten"And Vishnevsky ointment.

Surgical care

Hemorrhoids are not considered life threatening, and therefore the final word in matters of probable surgery remains with the patient. A woman can agree to her conduct or not give it and be treated conservatively. True, doctors always warn that Conservative treatment does not help everyone and not always.

There are several methods for the surgical treatment of a delicate rectal problem. It should be noted that such treatment is considered more effective, and therefore up to 70% of all cases are assigned to radical radical treatment in the total share of therapeutic measures for hemorrhoids.

The operation can be performed in different ways. The most common technique is the Milligan-Morgan operation. It involves the removal of hemorrhoids with further restoration of the integrity of the vessels. Hemorrhoidectomy is also carried out using the Widehead method. Both methods may well be used for women after childbirth, when the recovery period after the birth of a child is left behind.

You can solve the problem and small manipulations. These include sclerotherapy, infrared coagulation, latex ligation. Small Longo's operations, which in medicine are called transanal hemorrhoidal dearterilization of venous nodes, are quite widespread.

Small methods are more benign, so for nursing mothers and women who have not yet recovered from childbirth until the end, they are recommended. They pass quickly, painlessly. Sclerotherapy involves the introduction into the site of a special tool that causes the adhesion of the walls of the site. As a result, the integrity of the anal rectum is restored.

During laser coagulation, the nodes are exposed to beams of infrared rays, and during ligation, the node is fixed with a special latex ring, which does not allow the situation with its falling out.

Most small surgical procedures take place within 5-15 minutes. Within a few hours, a woman can return to her usual life.

Laser coagulation


Prevention of hemorrhoids should be dealt with even while carrying a baby. A woman should normalize her diet in order to avoid constipation, should move, walk, do swimming, yoga and any other physical activity, if her doctor does not prohibit it. If bowel emptying is daily and regular, soft and uncomplicated, then there will be no prerequisites for pinching hemorrhoidal veins.

It is important to monitor your weight. If the norm of the allowable increase is exceeded, it is necessary to consult with the obstetrician-gynecologist about the correction of nutrition and the introduction of the unloading day.

A woman should only wear underwear made from natural fabrics, and rigid paper should not be used by her to wipe. Both during pregnancy and after childbirth, it will be better if a washout is used instead of toilet paper.

In childbirth, it is important to listen carefully to the obstetrician or doctor who is giving birth, to push only when the corresponding command will sound, to breathe correctly. This will avoid perineal tears, which can also affect the anus area and in the future be complicated by the development of hemorrhoids. After childbirth, it is important to get up and sit down correctly, taking into account the recommendations, and also to avoid constipation.


The topic of hemorrhoids after childbirth is one of the most discussed among young mothers. Most women note that the first signs of an unpleasant disease did appear before birth, but they were either not given importance or treated, but to no avail. After delivery, according to reviews, the treatment was quite long.

I had to try several drugs. In most women, the symptoms completely subside during the first half of the year. But there are those who have the disease turned into a chronic stage and from time to time makes itself felt.Usually painful sensations occur before menstruation or after them, as well as during periods of stress.

About the problem of postpartum hemorrhoids tells a specialist in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


