Trabecula in the left ventricle (DTLZh heart) in a child


Additional trabecula, which is also abbreviated to DTLJ, as it is located in the left ventricle, is often found in children. This pathology is one of the minor anomalies, so it is not considered a vice and does not belong to fatal diseases.

DTZH is observed in every seventh child born

What is it

Trabecula is called a small cord, growth or septum, sagging inside the left ventricle. According to statistics, every seventh baby has such a change inside the heart.

Why does

In 90% of cases of detection of trabeculae, heredity is its cause. Such a formation appears inside the heart during embryonic development. It is often transmitted from the mother, but it happens on the paternal side.

Is it dangerous

DTLZH does not represent any danger to the life of the baby. Sometimes it does not show any symptoms at all during the whole life of a person. In rare cases, complications may occur, especially if the trabecula is a symptom of connective tissue dysplasia.

In such a situation, the child during active growth (mainly among schoolchildren and adolescents) after exertion appears pain in the region of the heart, an increased heart rate, and rapid fatigue.

During active growth, a child with DTZH may experience pain in the heart and fatigue.

Also with dysplasia observed digestive disorders and limb deformities. Possible atrial fibrillation, extrasystoles or fainting.


Since the trabecula in the left ventricular cavity is formed in utero and is a congenital feature, it is often detected at an early age during routine examinations, in particular, during echocardiography at 1 month or 12 months.

If complications and suspicions of dysplasia occur, the child will also have an ECG and other tests.

Is treatment necessary?

In most cases, children with DTLZH do not require any treatment, and only need to conduct regular check-ups with a cardiologist. Also, children with trabecula in the left ventricle are not recommended intense physical or psychological stress. For such children, it is important to properly organize the day regimen, to provide them with a balanced diet, lack of stress, and physical therapy.

Children with DTZH patients should regularly visit a cardiologist for examination

Drug treatment is prescribed for the occurrence of complications. It will include vitamin preparations, drugs to improve metabolic processes in the heart and magnesium preparations, as well as antiarrhythmic drugs for heart rhythm disorders. Surgical trabeculae are removed extremely rarely.

About anomalies of the heart, incl. DTLZH, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


