Instructive tales for children, recommended by psychologists
All the fairy tales invented by parents are needed in order to show the child as an example of the character how to behave correctly in different life situations. Even the name itself says that a fairy tale should teach a child something.
Many psychologists believe that all stories carry a certain scenario of life, so you should carefully choose a piece for your child. All of them share their life experience with a child, allow to understand popular wisdom in a simple and understandable form. Small, instructive and creatively written fairy tales not only make it possible to form moral qualities in a child, but also make one think, develop imagination and creativity.
Why do you need to tell fairy tales to children?
They help to form an idea about the environment, about good and evil. Watching the fairy-tale characters, the child is better aware of good and bad deeds. Works not only develop, teach, but also bring up.
Projecting on fairy-tale characters most often himself, the child, along with the hero, finds a way out of any difficult situations. Fairy tales are able to console even the tiniest listener.

How to choose instructive tales?
Preschoolers like to talk about moral norms of behavior, because it brings positive qualities: kindness, responsiveness, responsibility. Fairy tales should be chosen by age, taking into account individual characteristics. In the event of difficult situations, parents can apply excerpts from instructive tales, thereby showing how to act differently. At the same time, you should try to choose good, smart and positive tales.
Sample list:
- For babies you can choose jokes, poems by A. Barto, S. Marshak. Fairy tales should be short, with a simple plot, for example, the folk tale "Kolobok"; "Teremok", "Turnip".
- Preschoolers can offer books: VA Oseev, "Who is stupid here?", "Magic word"; S.A.Baruzdin "Tales of the Tram", "The Brave Piglet", L. Panteleyev "Fenka", "Two Frog", E. Uspensky "Instructive stories about the boy Yasha".
- At the age of 4, children will enjoy the adventure fairy tales of Ch. Piero “Puss in Boots”, while girls will love fairy tales about princesses.
- In 7 children can be involved in reading poems. The best choice would be Pushkin's children's tales "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"; “The green oak is near the sea shore” - they are both instructive and interesting.
At the end of any fairy tale, parents can ask the child: “What is a fairy tale about?”, “What can she teach?”, “Why do heroes do such things?”, “What will happen if only bad heroes remain in the fairy tale?”, “What kind of would there be a fairy tale without a main character? ”
In the modern world on the shelves of bookstores and online resources you can see a large number of children's books for each age on various topics, so you can always choose the one that will appeal to your baby. Let's consider them.

Fairy tales for capricious and naughty children
Fairy tales very often come to the aid of parents when they can no longer cope with their whims. To correct this behavior, you can use selected stories and stories, where the situation is very similar to the behavior of the baby.
Fabulous heroes, favorite characters, animals and toys can be present in it. Through the fairy tale, the child gets experience and positive ways of changing:
- A series of fairy tales about a boy Fedya Egorov: "How Fedya turns into a mouse"; "The noble Fedya saved the forest"; "Promise"; "The Tale of Healthy Food"; "The Tale of Toys."
- "50 healing tales of 33 whims" by I. Manichenko (2-7 years). This book contains not simple fairy tales and stories, where a character similar to your child fights with his whim. This allows children to mirror their behavior. One tale treats only one whim. The healing effect of fairy tales is not comparable with anything, because they help to get rid of any vagaries. The following problems are solved in this book: “Does not fall asleep”; "Bad eating"; "Birth of a second child"; "Does not like to dress"; "Doesn't want to go to kindergarten"; "Selects other people's toys"; "Behaves aggressively"; "Does not want to go to the pot."
- A practical guide for parents of naughty children - The author R. K. Khaziyev "Tale about Pavlik and the Good Magic Hare", "Arinin tales", "Amazing words", "Tale about how Vasya tried to go to school."
- Tales about Masha and Oika - author S.L. Prokofiev. The tale "Rude"; "About the nipple"; "Lazy legs", etc. It was on the basis of these stories that the cartoons Masha and Naughty Legs were created.
- Irina Gurina "Methodology for parents." Here are collected interesting and instructive poems, tales, rhymes for the smallest and for all occasions. Solves problems with the whims, weaning from the nipples, potting, brushing your teeth, safety rules and behavior for children.
- Instructive tales (series “Good tales”) by N. Klimova. In the book, the main character Sofia will have to face various trials and get to know his laziness and envy. “Journey to Wrunland”, “How Sophia went to visit Leni,” “Madame Modnyuchka”, “Little Princess”.
Fairy tales for children about cars, toys and animals
Beautiful and bright books made of cardboard or other material, and especially in the form of favorite characters, are interesting to young children. They like to listen to little poems and songs. It is desirable that the book was in a dense design, such as cardboard, so that your child does not tear it. After all, most of all during this period they like to look at the pictures and turn over the sheets.
- In the year, the kids begin to active and explore the world, so interest in books fades away a bit. But this is temporary, so sometimes you still read them or consider them.
- At 2-3 years old children love fairy tales about their favorite toys, for example, about a dog, a doll or a typewriter who did not obey his mother, did not want to eat or help. They also always listen to funny stories about animals. This is because the child associates himself with the fairytale hero and sometimes corrects his mother, prompting her similar situations from his life. For example, a child may say in the middle of a fairy tale "The Bunny Does Not Want to Remove Toys." Just then parents can tell how to help the hare.
- At the age of 3, children love to listen to great works. You can break the tale into several evenings. Children are already well remembered and able to tell you where you stopped last night, so they are even more interesting. Before continuing the story, be sure to remember all the important points and discuss them. Include in your lists educational stories and tales about letters, numbers, cognitive moments from the outside world.
Funny stories for children
Sometimes an instructive line can be traced in humorous works.
Funny moments in books only reinforce the effect of educational influence. Children like to joke, do the opposite: it sets them in a positive way, develops a sense of humor.
Note here the stories of famous children's authors:
- “Confusion” - K.I. Chukovsky;
- "On the hill" - V.Nosov;
- “Funny Tales and Stories” - V. Suteev
- "50 little fairy tales", "Faith and Anfisa in kindergarten" - E. Uspensky,
- “The Big Book of Poems, Fairy Tales and Fun Stories” D. Harms;
- “We must have a sense of humor” - V. Dragunsky.
- "Bad advice" G. Oster;
- Andrey Usachev, Viktor Chizhikov "City of Laughter".
Mama is a storyteller
From my early childhood, all mother's tales are listened to with special interest, because mothers often spend the whole day at the workplace, and reading a favorite fairy tale not only gives mutual pleasure, but also gives such moments where they can enjoy long-awaited communication.
Fairy tales offer mom to see and feel the world of the child. This, of course, is one of the important moments for parents who want to find a compromise and mutual understanding with their child. In the process of composing a fairy tale, you can decide with your child whether it is a short or long fairy tale. Be sure to in the fairy tale attract the imagination of the child.
Mother's tale can cure any child's behavior, the main thing is to choose the right and suitable story for the baby. In this case, the educational effect will be achieved in a mild form without notations and requirements. Listening to mother's fairy tales, the baby not only learns the unknown and new to itself, but also learns important life lessons.
And finally, I want to say: read as often as possible, especially before bedtime, because this is the most mysterious time, give children fairy tales, tell and write - this is a very valuable time of communication!

Watch the following cartoons with your child to help motivate them to learn.
For children who are lazy, help cartoon "Masha is no longer lazy."
If the child does not want to fall asleep on time - "How Masha fell out with a pillow."