Glycerin for children


When a child has constipation, it seems to many mothers that the only way to help the crumbs is enema. However, there are more gentle ways to facilitate the emptying, for example, glycerin suppositories. Why buy candles with this ingredient for kids and how they affect the body of a small child?

Release form

Medical glycerin is available in several forms:

  1. Rectal candles. For most manufacturers, they are called simply glycerin suppositories or glycerin suppositories, but there is also a drug. Glitselakswhich is produced in two dosages. Typically, these candles are placed in 5-6 cell packs, and one pack includes 5, 10, or 12 suppositories.
  2. A solution that is used externally. It is sold in dark glass bottles, inside of which there are 25, 40, 50 or more grams of medicine in the form of a syrup-like colorless transparent liquid without any odor.


The main component of any form of the drug is glycerol, which is also called glycerol. In candles it can be supplemented with solid fats, monoglycerides, polysorbate and other ingredients.

Operating principle

The action of glycerol depends on the method of its use and the dosage form:

  • With the introduction of candles into the rectum, glycerin in their composition begins to irritate the mucous membrane, as a result of which the contraction of intestinal smooth muscles is stimulated. In addition, it helps to soften the fecal masses, so that they pass through the large intestine easier and faster. The appearance of a laxative effect from such suppositories is observed 15-30 minutes after use.
  • The application of glycerin to the skin softens it and protects against adverse effects, and also activates metabolic processes in the skin. These effects are used by pharmacists in the manufacture of ointments and other local drugs.

In neurology, the property of glycerin is used to increase osmotic pressure. When cerebral edema is ingested or injected glycerol triggers the transfer of water from the brain tissue into the plasma, resulting in reduced intracranial pressure. The same effect of glycerin causes a reduction in intraocular pressure, which is required in ophthalmology.

Traditional medicine recommends the use of glycerin, honey and cough lemon. This combination of ingredients softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which helps to eliminate dry cough.

For the preparation of a remedy, the juice is squeezed out of a lemon, mixed with glycerin and honey, and then given such a mixture to children with an exhausting cough up to 6-8 times during the day.


The main reason for using glycerin in children is such a problem with defecation, as constipation. Candle medication is prescribed for hypotonic, psychogenic, functional or other type of constipation.

Local application of liquid glycerin is recommended for dry skin. Neurologists prescribe glycerol parenterally or orally with increased intracranial pressure and swelling of the brain, and ophthalmologists - with an acute attack of glaucoma and during operations on the eyes.

At what age is it allowed to take?

Glycerin suppositories are prescribed for babies from the age of three months, although in some cases the doctor may recommend such a way to get rid of constipation, even for newborns.


You cannot use glycerin:

  • In case of hypersensitivity to this substance.
  • With diarrhea.
  • With exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
  • With inflammation of the rectum.
  • With anal fissures.
  • With appendicitis.
  • In renal failure.
  • With tumors in the rectum.
  • With bleeding.

Before giving the patient to drink such a drug or inject it intravenously, it is imperative to evaluate the possible risks, because such treatment can harm in case of heart diseases, diabetes, problems with the work of the liver and other pathologies.

Side effects

In rare cases, candles with glycerin cause discomfort in the intestines or irritation. Such negative effects of drugs are usually detected with excessively long use.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • A rectal candle with glycerin is administered 1 time per day. Before the introduction of the drug does not need to lubricate the candle. Approximately 20 minutes before use, the suppository should be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature. You can also warm the candle or part of it in the palms.
  • Before use, the drug is released from the packaging, and the child is laid on its side. Carefully inserting the candle into the anus to a sufficient depth, it is required to squeeze the baby’s buttocks and hold them for about 5 minutes so that the drug lingers in the intestine.
  • If the glycerin solution is used externally, it is applied to the mucous membrane or skin as needed.
  • Glycerin suppositories are not recommended on a regular basis or for a long time. As soon as stool normalization has occurred, the medication is no longer used. The recommended frequency of use - 1 time in 3 days. Over 7 days the drug is not used.
  • Preventive use of candles is not recommended.


Systemic treatment with glycerol in high doses leads to dizziness, dry mouth, headache, vomiting, increased thirst, diarrhea, nausea, and other negative symptoms.

Interaction with other drugs

If glycerin is used systemically, then it is able to enhance the therapeutic effect of diuretic drugs, as well as carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. When applied topically, no interaction with other drugs is noted.

Terms of sale

Glycerin is sold over the counter without a prescription. and is available anywhere in our country. The cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer and packaging. The average price of 10-12 candles with glycerin is 160 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is recommended to store glycerin in candles or solution at a temperature of from +8 to +15 degrees Celsius in a dry place where young children will not get the medicine. The shelf life of suppositories is usually 2 years.


Glycerin candles receive mostly good reviews from their parents. Such a drug is praised for safety in childhood, availability in pharmacies and low cost, as well as for ease of use. Moms say that suppositories act very quickly and bowel emptying in most cases occurs 5-15 minutes after the administration of the suppository.


It is best to select the replacement of glycerin candles for constipation in babies with a doctor.

A pediatrician may prescribe:

  • Duphalac. Such a syrup based on lactulose is allowed from birth and is often used in children with difficulty emptying.
  • Microlax. This medicine is represented by microclysters with a solution based on sorbitol, lauryl sulfoacetate and sodium citrate. It can be used at any age.
  • Forlax. This mild laxative containing macrogol is produced in a powder that is diluted and given to children over 6 months of age to drink.

You can learn about laxatives from Dr. Komarovsky’s program in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


