Snoop for children: instructions for use


In the treatment of rhinitis in adult patients, xylometazoline preparations are particularly in demand, including Snoop. Such a drug acts quickly and permanently eliminates the uncomfortable symptoms of a cold. But is it allowed in childhood, how often can it be used in babies, and which similar drugs can be replaced?

Release form

Snoop is produced by Stada in only one form - a nasal spray. The medicine is white polyethylene bottles, equipped with a special spray system. Inside one bottle is 15 ml of clear liquid without any color, which corresponds to 150 doses of the drug.


The main component of Snoop, due to which the spray has a therapeutic effect, is called xylometazoline. It is contained in the drug in the form of hydrochloride in two dosages, so the solution has a different concentration:

  • in a 0.05% spray, 500 µg of xylometazoline fall to 1 milliliter of agent;
  • 0.1% drug in every milliliter contains 1 mg xylometazoline.

As an auxiliary component in 1 ml of any spray there is 250 mg of sea water. In addition, the composition of the drug includes purified water and potassium dihydrophosphate.

A medicine with a lower concentration is often called a baby snoop, because it is used in childhood. Distinguishing medications can be primarily in their packaging - a box with a 0.05% solution has a blue color, and the numbers "0.05%" on the box and on the bottle are highlighted in blue. More concentrated medicines are sold in boxes marked with red. The figures “0.01%” both on the bottle and on the outer packaging are also highlighted in red.

Mechanism of action

Snoop refers to a group of drugs that are called anti-congestants or decongestants. Such medications have a vasoconstrictor and anti-edema effect due to the effect on alpha-adrenoreceptors that are found in the nasal mucosa. By stimulating these receptors, anti-congestants cause a reduction in the lumen of the blood vessels.

Xylometazoline in the composition of the spray has just such an effect, as a result of which the vessels present in the nasopharynx narrow. This helps to eliminate the swelling of the mucous membrane or stop the bleeding (if it started from the small vessels of the nose), and also facilitates rhinoscopy and reduces the amount of nasal discharge. Snoop's application also has an anti-inflammatory effect and facilitates the process of nose breathing., because it helps to get rid of congestion and returns to the nasal passages normal patency.

It is important to note that the spray acts primarily locally. Its active ingredient can be absorbed only in an extremely small amount - such that modern methods can not identify it in the bloodstream.

The effect of the use of Snoop can be noted just a few minutes after the solution enters the nasal passages. Its duration is up to 8-10 hours which in most cases allows us to limit one or two times the use of the spray.

The presence in the solution of sea water helps to normalize the function of the epithelium of the nasopharynx and has a positive effect on the secretion of goblet cells. This provides support for the physiological state of the internal surface of the nasal passages in normal conditions.


In pediatrics, Snoop is most often used for acute respiratory diseases, which manifest as a head cold. In addition, the spray can write out:

  • children with acute rhinitis of an allergic nature;
  • small patients with sinusitis;
  • children diagnosed with pollinosis;
  • a child with inflammation of the Eustachian tube;
  • to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane in children with otitis media (as an addition to the main treatment of this disease);
  • to perform any diagnostic procedures in the nose, for example, for rhinoscopy.

At what age do children use?

The drug is contraindicated in children of the first two years of life. Children 2 years old can only be prescribed Snoop with a concentration of 0.05%. A more concentrated solution is used no earlier than six years. It is also important to note that the use of Snoop in childhood is recommended only as prescribed by a doctor and only for a period prescribed by a doctor.

Failure to comply with such conditions may worsen the condition of the small patient or provoke negative side effects of the spray.


The treatment of Snoop is forbidden:

  • in chronic rhinitis, in which the mucous membrane is atrophied;
  • with increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • with glaucoma;
  • with increased blood pressure;
  • with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • with intolerance to xylometazoline or other spray ingredients;
  • if the child once had surgery on the lining of the brain.

If a small patient has diabetes, the use of the drug requires special care.

Adults do not prescribe Snoop when carrying a child, and during breastfeeding, the use of medication, although allowed, should be only under medical supervision.

Side effects

The drug can cause severe dryness or irritation of the mucous membrane, as well as provoke sneezing, increased mucus production or the appearance of a burning sensation. Such negative symptoms are often manifested when excessively frequent use of Snoop or the use of a spray longer than the period prescribed by the doctor. In rare cases, after the injection of the medication, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx swells, then an immediate consultation of the doctor is required to examine the child.

Snoop can also affect the nervous system of young patients if the dosage of the medicine is high and the frequency of injections is more than what the doctor prescribed or recommended in the annotation. In these cases, the child may have complaints of headaches and visual disturbances. In addition, the drug may cause insomnia or cause depression.

In rare cases, the treatment of Snoop recorded a negative reaction to such a spray from the digestive tract (some patients had vomiting) or the cardiovascular system (there were complaints of palpitations, and the examination showed tachycardia, increased blood pressure or arrhythmia).

Instructions for use

Before each injection of the medication, the nasal passages must be cleaned of excess secretions. To do this, it is recommended to use cotton wool turunds or a special aspirator. If the spray has not been previously used (the bottle is sealed), then after opening its packaging, you should make several presses on the rim of the sprayer to create a “fog” of spray particles. After that, the medication will be ready for use.

When using Snoop, the bottle is held vertically with the spraying device up (do not point it down or horizontally). After removing the protective cap and inserting the tip of the vial into one nostril, you should press the dispenser and pour one dose of the preparation into the nasal passage.Then the process is repeated for the second nostril, and the child is offered to inhale with the nose.

A single dose of Snoop for a patient of any age is one injection.

In treating a child, it is important to use a suitable age concentration of the solution:

  • if the baby is 2 years old, but not yet six years old, he is assigned a 0.05% spray;
  • for the treatment of children older than 6 years using 0.1% drug.

The frequency of injections of the drug is determined by the state of the child. Often the medication is enough pshikat 1 or 2 times a day. The maximum allowable frequency of Snoop is considered 3 times a day. More frequent use of the spray is prohibited.

The duration of treatment with Snoop should be short, which is associated with the gradual addiction to its active ingredient. Doctors try to prescribe his children the minimum possible course. Longer than 5-7 days, this medicine is not used.

One bottle should be used for one child. If there are two or more children in the family and the spray is assigned to several patients, it is worth purchasing a separate medicine for each patient.


If the dose is accidentally exceeded (for example, if a child is 4 or 5 years old, inject 0.1% snoop) may cause a burning sensation in the nose, frequent sneezing, complaints of vision problems, an increase in nasal discharge, headaches, bouts of vomiting and other negative reactions. In this situation, the patient must be examined by a doctor., and to eliminate negative symptoms, the symptomatic remedies prescribed by the doctor are used.

Compatibility with other medications

Like other vasoconstrictor drugs that affect alpha-adrenergic receptors, Snoop cannot be combined with certain groups of antidepressants - agents that inhibit monoamine oxidase and tricyclic drugs. With other medications that are prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis or otitis (antibacterial drugs, antipyretics, and so on) Snoop is compatible.

Terms of sale

Snoop, like many of its counterparts, is sold without a prescription, so buying a spray does not cause any difficulties.

However, before you buy this medicine for a child, consultation with a specialist is desirable.

The average price of one bottle of child Snoop (0.05% solution) is 130-140 rubles, and for a 0.1% medication you need to pay about 120 rubles.

Storage features

Unopened Snoop bottle is valid for 5 years from the date of manufacture. You need to keep the medicine in a place where the temperature will not be above +25 degrees and a small child will not find the drug. Since the solution placed inside the vial is sterile and its composition does not include preservatives, the shelf life after the first use is reduced to 3 months. If more time has passed since the opening, but the solution still remains inside, it should be discarded.


Parents generally respond well to the use of Snoop in children. According to them, this medicine is easy to use, it quickly copes with swelling and improves nasal breathing. Due to the shape of the spray, the medicine is evenly sprayed in the nose, which makes it more preferable than analogs in drops. The advantages of Snoop also include its economical consumption, the presence in the composition of sea water and convenient packaging.

As for the shortcomings, many mothers do not like the gradual addiction to the drug, because of what it is used for only a few days. Also, there are reviews that mention the weak effect of the drug when running cold or the occurrence of side effects.

The cost of the spray is usually called acceptable, but some parents find it too high, because there are many analogues that are cheaper.

Doctors speak about Snoop mostly positively and are often prescribed for children with acute respiratory infections. At the same time, doctors, among whom is the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, focus the attention of moms on the fact that such a spray, like other vasoconstrictor drops, should be used in children only according to strict indications. These primarily include the absence of breathing through the nose and severe pain in the ear, as well as sinusitis.


If it is impossible to use Snoop for one reason or another, the doctor may prescribe another remedy, the effect of which is also provided by xylometazoline. The range of such drugs is quite extensive and includes such drugs:

  • Dr. Theiss Rinotaiss;
  • Xylen;
  • Tizin Xylo;
  • For carrying;
  • Olynt;
  • Renorus;
  • Asterisk noz;
  • Sanorin-Xylo;
  • Suprima-Nos.

Most of these drugs come in nasal drops or metered sprays. Such means as Galazolin and Renorus, also represented by nasal gel. All these drugs have a dosage of 0.05% or 0.1% and are used in the same situations as Snoop. Contraindications, age restrictions and possible side effects of such medicines are also the same.

In addition to drugs based on xylometazoline, a child with rhinitis can be given vasoconstrictor medications with a different composition.

  • Nazol Baby. The effectiveness of such nasal drops is provided by a substance called phenylephrine. It is contained in a concentration of 0.125%, which allows the use of the drug in the treatment of children of any age. There is also a more concentrated drug called Nazol Kids. These drops contain 0.25% phenylephrine, so they are appointed not earlier than 4 years of age.
  • Nazivin. This medicine contains oxymetazoline and is available in drops (there are several options for the concentration of the solution) and in the form of a spray. Nazivin, containing 0.01% of the active ingredient, is allowed to use even in infants. A more concentrated solution (0.025%) is used in children older than a year, and spray or drops with a concentration of 0.05% is discharged from 6 years of age. Analogues of this drug are Nazol, Nesopin, Nasospray, Noksprey, Oxyphrine and other means.
  • Sanorin. The basis of this medication in the form of drops and spray is naphazoline nitrate. Like Snoop, 0.05% Sanorin is allowed from 2 years of age, but a more concentrated solution cannot be used in children under 15 years of age. An analogue of such a medicine is Naphthyzinum.
  • Nasik for kids. The composition of this spray, although it contains xylometazoline, but it is supplemented by another active ingredient - dexpanthenol. Thanks to this combination of active ingredients, the drug not only constricts the vessels of the nose, but also accelerates the regenerative processes. The drug is prescribed from 2 years and can be replaced with a spray for children Sept.Nazal.

In the next video you will find a comparative review of sprays from a cold.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


