Does the male lubricant contain sperm and is it possible to get pregnant from it?


If a couple prefers to be protected by interrupted sexual intercourse, sooner or later a woman, and most men, may have a reasonable question, and can you get pregnant from a lubricant that is released from the penis during stimulation or during sexual intercourse. This question, it should be noted, is not the easiest, and it is necessary to understand it in detail.

About lubrication

What is popularly called a lubricant, in the understanding of physicians and scientists, can be either a Cooper fluid or smegma. Both are lubricants, but the meaning and purpose of these types of discharge from the male penis are different.

Smegma is a whitish fatty discharge, the result of the sebaceous glands in a mixture with epithelial cells, which peeled off and become unnecessary. Smegma is produced constantly, its task is to protect the member from friction, preventing irritation of the space between the head and the foreskin. In this sperm lubrication, which is natural for all boys and men, there is not and cannot be. Smegma can not cause unplanned pregnancy, but its large accumulation can cause a lot of trouble for a man. If hygiene is not adhered to, uncircumcised people of the stronger sex may face excessive accumulation of smegma and a strong inflammatory process.

The second type of fluid lubricant is the so-called Cooper fluid. Its official name is predicate. It is a thick, oily, transparent lubricant that is released from the penis during sexual arousal before or after the onset of sexual intercourse, and sometimes just before ejaculation.

The amount of this fluid is individual. It is produced in order to neutralize the chemical composition of the aggressive acidic environment of the female vagina, the acidity of the urethra of the man, as well as to facilitate sexual intercourse - so nature takes care of a lighter slip of the penis during friction movements.

An ejaculate can cause an unplanned pregnancy, and this often happens.

Probability of getting pregnant

The glands of Cooper, which are responsible for producing pre-ejaculate, are considered presemen. They are located all over the penis from the inside of its external opening to the bladder neck. Some men have more of this mucus, others less. There are such representatives of the stronger sex, in which there are practically no smears, but this does not mean that there is none in principle. She just stands out not at the time of sexual arousal, but a few seconds before ejaculation.

Opponents of this method of contraception, as interrupted sexual intercourse, argue that there are spermatozoa in the Cooper lubricant, which leads to annoying “mistakes” of partners who hope for interrupted sexual intercourse as a way to protect themselves from unplanned conception.

Large and serious studies of lubrication was not conducted. However, small microscopic studies did not reveal the presence of spermatozoa in the pre-ejaculate. But everything changes if a man commits not the first sexual act in a day. When you re-act in the sperm and urethra remains a small amount of seminal fluid and individual sperm. Together with the Cooper Lubricant, the sperm comes out when excited before intercourse or before ejaculation.

For conception, only one strong, strong and durable spermatozoon is enough, and in the Cooper lubricant their content sometimes reaches several thousand (for comparison, the average amount of ejaculate in the portion contains more than 35 million germ cells). With repeated sexual intercourse during the day, the content of sperm in the lubricant is laboratory confirmed and does not cause any doubts. Therefore, the question of whether you can get pregnant from lubrication implies a positive answer.

Another question is that the probability of such an outcome of events is low. In order to conceive on the day favorable for conception during unprotected intercourse (when ejaculation occurs in the vagina), sometimes a couple needs more than one month of attempts, since the probability of conception is estimated at only 11% from the first time. The probability of conceiving from the cells that are contained in the Cooper lubricant is ten times lower.

How to exclude an unplanned pregnancy?

The best way to prevent unplanned conception is to use modern contraceptive measures. Reliability of the condom, for example, is estimated at 95%, hormonal contraceptives for women - 99%, whereas interrupted sexual intercourse, according to medical statistics, is only 70% reliable. The lubricant sperm content is higher in men who are young, healthy, active, and have no bad habits.

In practice, some couples refuse to use a condom due to a decrease in the severity of sexual sensations, sometimes there are cases of allergy to latex and spermicidal lubricants, which are used by manufacturers of contraceptives.

In this case, if other contraceptive measures are also rejected by the couple, the man and the woman should remember that there is always a risk of inadvertently conceiving a child.

After interrupted sexual intercourse, it is advisable for a woman to douche no later than 10 minutes after the end of intercourse. It is desirable for a man to urinate and wash his penis well, moving his foreskin back. Repeated sexual intercourse, if it is scheduled for 24 hours, should be carried out either in a condom, or with the use of contraceptives in the form of a cream or vaginal tablets, which are inserted into the vagina no later than 15 minutes before coitus.

Couples practicing interrupted sexual intercourse often base their actions on identifying dangerous and safe days of the female cycle.

A woman's body is not a mechanism, it can falter, ovulation can shift. You can even become pregnant immediately before the menstrual period, because sometimes in one cycle two eggs are formed. One comes out of the follicle in time, dies in a day, and the second can come out only in a week, as a result, the couple becomes pregnant in a completely “safe,” in their opinion, period.

Better contraceptives in this situation will not protect anything.

On whether you can get pregnant from male lubrication, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


