Rash on the child's neck


Rashes on the skin of a child can appear as a result of a variety of reasons. The appearance of a rash on the neck can be the first signal that there are signs of trouble in the children's body. What can such a skin sign "talk" about, this article will tell.


The appearance of various skin lesions on the body of a baby can be caused by a variety of reasons. Often, the children observed and the combined effects of several causal factors. They, as a rule, only aggravate the development of the disease and contribute to a longer persistence of adverse symptoms.

A common cause that causes specks on a baby’s neck is prickly heat. This pathological condition occurs in children mainly at a very early age.

The occurrence of prickly heat leads excessive wrapping of the baby in clothes and warm diapers. Not perfect thermoregulation contributes to the fact that the child quickly overheats, and on the skin he develop characteristic symptoms.

Wearing a too warm scarf or jacket with a hood in a warm or hot season contributes to the appearance of a red rash on the neck. Typically, this clinical symptom occurs on the skin in places of direct contact with clothing.

On the skin of the child often appears perspiration. The skin usually becomes very moist to the touch. In certain situations, sweating appears along with a rash and on the shoulders of a baby.

No less common cause of specific skin rashes is allergy. In this case, the appearance of red spots on the skin results in the ingress of various allergens into the children's organism. They can be completely different substances to which the child is present. individual hypersensitivity.

If a child has an allergic reaction to a food product, the rash may appear almost on all parts of the body. A rash occurs on the neck, chest, back, head, arms and legs of a child. Usually, skin rashes strongly itch, which brings severe discomfort to the baby. Itching somewhat decreases at night and after the use of antihistamines.

Severe allergic pathology is also accompanied by the development of a number of adverse symptoms, such as increased drowsiness and loss of appetite.

Some mechanical stress also contribute to the appearance on the skin of a child characteristic rashes. Thus a hemorrhagic rash develops after punctures. In its place can appear various skin formations, which usually have a bright red color and are very different from healthy skin.

Various bacterial and viral infections also often cause a rash on the neck in children. Such a variety of pathogens can cause such manifestations. Staphylococcus and Streptococcus settle on the skin quite often and can cause the appearance of various rashes on the skin in babies. As a rule, a reduction in the level of local immunity or a violation of metabolic processes in the body leads to the activation of their growth.

Even minor contact with the allergen is sufficient for the development of allergies.

Allergy after vaccination

"Quarantine" children's infections Also are frequent culprits for the development of skin rash in babies. Chickenpox, rubella or scarlet fever manifests itself in diseased children by the development of red rashes that appear on various parts of the body, including the neck area.

These infections are accompanied by a pronounced impairment of general well-being and high fever. Usually the incidence of these infectious diseases is highest in organized groups.


Enterovirus infection also accompanied by the appearance of specific skin rashes in the child. Usually they are localized in the baby in the face, on the forehead and behind the neck. Much less often a rash appears behind the ears.

The course of the disease is usually severe. In addition to the rash, the sick baby has a violation of the chair and severe pain in the abdomen.

In most cases, the rash remains on the body of the child for a week, and then gradually disappears and leaves no traces.

How does it manifest itself?

With bacterial disease

The appearance of the rash can be very different. Most bacterial infections are accompanied by the appearance of bright red papules. In size, they reach 5-8 mm.

In some diseases, the rash merges with each other, forming areas with uneven contours and outlines. In the neck area, the rashes are more intense in color. This is due to the excellent blood supply to this anatomical zone.

With staph infection

A staph infection can be manifested in a child by the development of pustules, which are usually located on the back of the neck. Inside these formations is a yellow liquid, which is a pus. These skin lesions are quite easily damaged when wearing clothes or chains.

After opening the pustules, ulcers may remain in their place, which eventually epithelize completely. Ultimately, the skin remains specks, similar to pigmentation.

With allergies

Allergic diseases are manifested by the appearance of red spots on the neck, which are usually very itchy. The diameter of such formations and their number may be different. It largely depends on the initial state of the child. In newborn babies, allergic rashes are usually the largest in size. When pressed, they tend to disappear.

Treat allergic pathologies children's allergists. These specialists also conduct specific laboratory tests, which make it possible to identify whether an allergic child has an individual sensitivity to the most diverse types of allergens.

Therapy of allergic reactions is usually lifelong and includes the prophylactic administration of antihistamines and immunomodulatory agents.

With chickenpox

Chickenpox is characterized by the appearance of watery or yellow pimples on the skin. Usually they are localized on the back of the neck, and also apply to almost all parts of the child’s body.

The appearance of rashes is accompanied by the development of pronounced intoxication syndrome in the baby. A child's body temperature rises, thirst increases, and appetite decreases. The disease ends, as a rule, favorably.

With acne

Acne occurs on the skin mainly in adolescents. This condition is largely due to the disruption of the hormonal system. During puberty, when a child has strong bursts of hormones, quite a large number of acne lesions appear on the skin.

They look like large oblong or round bubbles filled inside with pus.

Usually, adolescents begin to independently treat such formations, trying to "squeeze out" the available fluid in them. This only aggravates the prognosis of the development of the disease, since during such a “treatment” the child enters the secondary bacterial infection in the affected area. The consequences of this procedure can be very sad.


An appointment is required to eliminate acne. complex treatment, which often includes the use of drugs in the form of tablets and special medical cosmetics.


Furunculosis is also manifested by the appearance of large purulent formations on the skin. Usually they are localized in the area of ​​hair follicles. Persistent furunculosis is often the first symptom of latent flowing diabetes mellitus.

To identify this condition, the baby must be shown to the doctor in charge and to check his blood glucose (sugar) level. According to statistics, teenage boys most often suffer from furunculosis.

What to do when a rash appears?

The appearance of a rash on the neck is an extremely unfavorable symptom. In this case, should be sure to show the kid to the doctor for complex diagnostics and the subsequent appointment of a course of treatment. Without determining the correct diagnosis, it will not be possible to prescribe a therapy for a sick child.

As diagnostic tests, a general analysis of blood and urine is carried out, as well as a number of auxiliary instrumental examinations, which include radiography and ultrasound of the internal organs.

All skin pathologies are treated children's dermatologists. They deal with most diseases that are accompanied by the appearance on the skin of a child of various rashes. If necessary, these specialists can refer the baby to a consultation with a pediatric gastroenterologist or an immunologist, if this is required in each specific clinical situation.

See what the skin reactions in children and their causes are in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


