What to do if a child has a rash in the mouth?


Quite often, kids of different ages complain to their parents that some discomfort has appeared in their mouths. Often when viewed throat baby attentive fathers and mothers notice the appearance of a rash. What should parents do when a child has such a rash, we will tell in this article.

Causes of

The appearance of a rash on the tongue is caused by a variety of factors. At each age, the causes of rashes in the mouth are different. According to statistics, pre-school children most often develop children's quarantine infections. Schoolchildren get sick mainly with infectious diseases.

Scarlet fever

One of the most common diseases that cause babies to have a rash in the throat is scarlet fever. It is an infectious disease that is transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one. Children attending educational institutions and various clubs have a higher risk of infection, as they are constantly in contact with other babies.

The appearance of a rash on the tongue, on the upper palate, as well as on the inner surfaces of the cheeks is a characteristic manifestation of scarlet fever. She appears in the baby on the background of other, rather severe symptoms. The body temperature of a sick child rises to 39-40 degrees. The kid becomes very moody, exciting. The child is significantly impaired appetite and sleep.

Scarlet fever


The appearance of rash on the tongue can also be a manifestation of chickenpox. This pediatric infection occurs in babies who are not immunized against this infection. Red rash when chicken pox occurs not only in the language, but also in other parts of the body. The spread of loose elements occurs swiftly. Usually red specks spread throughout the body. within 1-2 days from the onset of the first symptoms.

Even the use of too solid food can lead to the appearance of rashes in the mouth. Its particles can injure loose elements. If at the same time a secondary bacterial infection gets into the formed wounds, the course of the disease worsens significantly.

In this case, the child is very much disturbed general well-being. To eliminate the adverse symptoms may require the appointment of antibacterial drugs.


Herpes infections can also cause rashes in the mouth in babies. Such diseases are manifested by the development of multiple small vesicles on the mucous membranes of the palate and cheeks. Inside of them is a serum bloody fluid. The outer wall of such lesions is usually very thin and easily injured. Violation of the integrity of the bubbles contribute to the fact that they burst, and the liquid expires out.

After opening the herpetic eruption in its place remains an ulcer, which can bleed when touched to it. For the healing of the wound surface will take some time. Usually, 1-2 weeks are needed for the final restoration of the damaged oral cavity.


If during the inspection of the oral cavity a multiple plaque is visible on the tongue, then this may be a manifestation of fungal infection. Candida infection leads to this pathology in children. The sources of infection in this case are Candida fungi. Most often, this pathology occurs in weakened and frequently ill children.Children with diabetes and having elevated blood sugar levels may have characteristic manifestations of a fungal infection in the mouth.

The duration of the preservation of adverse symptoms that have arisen during oral candidiasis varies. Usually such infections are accompanied by the gradual development of the disease. Loose elements can be preserved without treatment for several weeks.

If the child has an immunodeficiency state, then the course of the disease becomes more protracted.


Various allergic diseases can lead to the appearance on the tongue and the internal surfaces of the cheeks of bright red rash. Usually such manifestations occur in places of direct contact of mucous membranes with the allergen. However, rashes can occur during systemic spread of an allergic condition.

According to statistics, quite a frequent form, leading to the development in the mouth of various eruptions becomes food allergies. The first signs of this pathology can appear already in babies of infancy. The introduction of complementary foods to the diet often leads to the appearance of various bright red rashes in the baby's mouth.

Where to go?

When a baby has a variety of rashes, you should definitely show it to the doctor. To establish the diagnosis, the doctor will definitely conduct a clinical examination. To do this, he checks the neck with a special spatula. In some cases, to exclude quarantine infections, the pediatrician will take a smear that excludes signs of scarlet fever or diphtheria in a child's neck.

For differential diagnosis additional laboratory tests and research are required. All babies who have inflammation in the oral cavity and various rashes must be given a general blood test. Elevated ESR and leukocytosis are characteristic manifestations of a strong inflammatory process.

Changes in the leukocyte formula are a manifestation of a bacterial, viral or fungal infection.

How to treat?

After the diagnosis has been established, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment regimen to the sick child. It will be largely based on the main reason that caused the baby adverse symptoms.

If allergy became the “provocateur” of the disease, then the sick child is discharged antihistamine drugs. These funds are assigned to the exchange rate. To achieve a positive effect usually takes 5-14 days. Commonly used antihistamines include "Suprastin", "Claritin», «Loratadine» other. To use these funds should be 1-2 times a day, taking into account the instructions for their use.

To reduce inflammation in the mouth can using rinsing. For this it is better to use medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. These medicinal plants include chamomile, calendula, sage and others. These tools can be used for a variety of diseases, accompanied by the development in the oral cavity of various rashes.

Medicinal herbs can be bought at any pharmacy. They are affordable, but have a fairly pronounced therapeutic effect. For rinsing it is necessary to prepare decoctions of these plants. Rinse the throat should be 3-4 times a day. It is better to do it in 30-40 minutes after eating.

To prepare such a healing infusion, take 1.5 tbsp. spoons of crushed vegetable raw materials. Then fill it with 1 cup of boiling water. For brewing any glassware is perfect. Top cover with a lid and an additional towel. Insist therapeutic infusion should be within 25-35 minutes.

Rinse should only be warm broth. His temperature should be very comfortable for the child. An infusion made from medicinal herbs should not burn the mucous membranes.

Too cold or hot decoction can also lead to additional trauma to the oral cavity.

To eliminate the rash caused by bacterial infections, the appointment of antifungal agents. In most cases, these drugs are prescribed together with drugs that have a stimulating effect on the immune system. ReceptionFluconazole»Helps to cleanse the mouth from rashes. This drug is prescribed in the form of capsules or tablets, which should definitely be washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Restoring local immunity is an integral part of the treatment process. For this, various interferon-based products. These drugs stimulate the work of immune cells that protect the children's body from various infections. These drugs are assigned to the course reception. During the year, impaired children can hold several such courses.

Appointment is required to clear the oral cavity from herpes sores. antiherpetic drugs. They can be assigned in various forms of release. The use of these funds is quite long. Prescribing antiherpetic drugs only the attending physician, as they have many undesirable side effects.

For herpetic infections, doctors may prescribe Famciclovir or Valaciclovir. Dosage and duration of their use are selected individually. These drugs have quite a strong effect. They can be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Independent use of these drugs can trigger the development of unwanted side effects in the child.

An appointment is required to eliminate signs of bacterial infection. antibacterial agents. Currently, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, which have a rather broad spectrum of action. The use of such drugs helps to clear the oral cavity from lesions, also caused by streptococci.

Many viral infections do not require specific treatment. In this case, all adverse symptoms disappear independently after normalization of the general well-being of the sick child. In this case, you only need to carry out the prevention of secondary infections. For this, rinses with medicinal herbs or ready-made disinfectant solutions are perfect.

About the causes of rash in children, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


