Rash on baby’s belly


The appearance of lesions on the body - a very unfavorable symptom that occurs with a huge variety of diseases. What should parents do if a child has a rash on his stomach, this article will tell.

The reasons

The appearance of rash on the abdomen can be under a variety of conditions. There is a rash in a sick child in different ways. It is important to note that loose elements can appear at any age.

The reasons that lead to the development of specific eruptions in newborn babies and older children differ significantly from each other. Quite often, rashes spread throughout the body.

One of the most common causes of a rash on the body is allergy. The appearance of rashes leads to exposure to a variety of allergens. In babies of the first year of life, the introduction of the first complementary foods often provokes a rash.

The use of improperly chosen hygiene products used for daily procedures can also cause a severe allergic reaction on the skin. Manifestations of allergic reactions are often found already in one year old babies.

Wearing clothes made of synthetic materials contributes to the development contact dermatitis. In this case, the rash appears in those places where there was direct contact with clothing.

The skin elements in this case look like a small red rash. These rashes tend to drain, forming rather large areas of irregular-shaped damage.

Contact dermatitis
Allergic to washing powder

A common cause of rash on the belly and chest in babies are various childhood infectious diseases. Measles, rubella, chickenpox occur in children rather hard and is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

Within a few days, skin eruptions rapidly spread throughout the body of a sick child. Each of these pathologies has its own incubation period, the duration of which can be from several days to a couple of weeks.

One of the most interesting forms of the disease is the appearance of a rash on the trunk. after high temperature. After previous viral or bacterial infections in a child, red roseolary eruptions appear on the skin. Usually they are located on the abdomen and back. The diameter of such skin rashes usually do not exceed 4-5 mm.

These skin elements usually pass independently after a couple of days from the moment of normalization of body temperature.


Quite frequent pathology that leads to rashes on the skin of the abdomen is scabies. The disease is provoked by a scabies mite. In this case, specific skin elements are formed in the places of entry and exit of parasites, which are manifested by the appearance of a rash.

Toddlers attending educational institutions can get scabies easily enough. Spreading disease household contact method.


The appearance of skin rash on the abdomen can be a manifestation of severe diseases of internal organs. Systemic neoplasms of blood are often manifested by the appearance of multiple lesions. These symptoms are usually extremely unfavorable.Such skin rashes appear as a result of damage to the capillaries - the smallest blood vessels.

Babies of the first year of life often have skin rashes in the abdomen and neck. The development of these adverse symptoms leads violation of thermoregulation. This condition is called prickly heat and develops in children quite often.

Excessive wrapping of the child in the first months of life provokes overheating of the skin and contributes to increased sweating, which leads to the development of a variety of rashes on the baby’s skin.

Prickly heat

Affect the development of the disease in the baby and various fungal diseases. One of these pathologies is deprive. This pathological condition is accompanied by the appearance of bright red elements that cause a strong itch in the child. Quite often, such rashes appear in children in the groin and abdomen.

One of the most frequent childhood pathologies is lichen, which is caused by microsporums and trichophytons. These microorganisms provoke a rather unfavorable rash on the skin of a sick child. This pathology is also called multi-colored or color versicolor. Infection can occur from a sick baby to a healthy one.

After cleansing from fungal lesions on the skin, numerous pale areas remain. Usually they are covered with multiple skin scales, which are strongly exfoliated.

The skin of the damaged areas sunburns quite badly and itches. Only after several months and after complete purification from fungi, the structure of the skin is completely restored.

What does it look like?

Skin rashes may appear differently. This largely depends on the cause, which led to the development of these lesions.

With allergies

Allergic skin elements look like bright red individual spots. They can be located on various parts of the body. Usually, these elements are very itchy and bring pronounced discomfort to the sick baby.

The duration of preservation on the skin of allergic rashes can be different. Usually adverse symptoms persist. during the preservation of the allergen in the child's body.

If a specific treatment is given to the child, but the substance provoking an allergic reaction continues to fall, then a rash may remain on the skin for a long time. New sypnyh elements that have appeared recently, will mainly have a more intense color.

It is possible to distinguish allergic rashes from other skin manifestations at home. In this case when pressed on a separate element of the rash - it turns pale and usually disappears.

The presence of close relatives of various types of allergies also greatly facilitates the differential diagnosis. In this case, a baby’s skin rash may be caused genetic allergic sensitivity to a specific allergen.

Dermatitis, which has an allergic nature, usually appears in places with thin skin areas. The appearance of such a rash on the abdomen is a fairly frequent localization. The spread of bright red elements in all skin also confirms that the child has a possible allergy.

To eliminate the adverse symptoms in this case, doctors prescribe antihistamines that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-sensitizing effect.

With prickly heat

The cuticle on the skin of a child is manifested by the appearance of multiple red and white specks. In some cases, they can also be located on the stomach. Especially often it occurs when using excessively warm things in the hot summer time.

Wrapping a child in a warm jacket in the summer leads to increased perspiration, which contributes to the appearance of specific prickly heat on the skin of the abdomen, back or neck.

With chickenpox

Chickenpox appears on the skin initially bright red spots, which quickly turn into bubbles. Inside, these skin rashes are filled with serous discharge with a mixture of ichor. If such a bubble breaks, then all the liquid will expire, and an abscess remains in place of the former skin element.

Skin bubbles remain on the skin, usually for several days, and then completely disappear. Chickenpox is typical the rapid spread of rashes throughout the body.

Chickenpox appears on the skin initially bright red spots, which quickly turn into bubbles. Inside, these skin rashes are filled with serous discharge with a mixture of ichor. If such a bubble breaks, then all the liquid will expire, and an abscess remains in place of the former skin element.

Skin bubbles remain on the skin, usually for several days, and then completely disappear. For chickenpox is characterized by the rapid spread of rash throughout the body.


Rubella is another pediatric pathology that can cause a rash to appear on the tummy of the baby. This disease is transmitted, usually by airborne droplets.

Children attending kindergarten may become infected with rubella for a fairly short period of time. First, a sick child develops intoxicated symptoms, and only then specific changes appear on the skin.

For measles

Infection with measles also contributes to the appearance on the baby’s tummy of various rashes. This pediatric infection is most common in toddlers of very young age.

This pathology is manifested by the appearance of characteristic rashes on the child’s skin, which look like numerous bright red spots. In most cases, their shape is irregular.

For insect bites

Bites of various insects can also provoke a rash on the stomach. Household mites that live in pillows and blankets can cause various skin rashes. Such sypnye elements can appear on various parts of the body, but are quite often found on the stomach and back.

They look like a small rash. The most severe this pathology is manifested in children with allergic susceptibility.

With parasitic diseases

They are caused by various worms and quite often lead to the appearance of numerous skin rashes in babies. In the course of their vital activity, helminths emit a huge variety of toxic substances that have a damaging effect on the skin.

Such rashes usually look like bright red areas, reaching several centimeters in size. The appearance of a rash on the skin causes unbearable itching in the child and significantly disrupts his general well-being.

Who to contact?

When a baby has skin rashes, it is very important to show the child to the doctor. For an initial consultation, you can contact your pediatrician. The doctor will conduct a primary clinical examination and clarify the preliminary diagnosis.

For differential diagnosis will require a range of laboratory tests and research. Prescription treatment is carried out only after establishing the correct diagnosis. Therapy of specific pediatric pathologies is carried out by pediatricians.

At the time of the acute period of illness, the sick baby must be at home. Compliance with forced quarantine helps prevent massive cases of infection. It usually takes several days to fix the rash.

All skin pathologies are treated. at the children's dermatologist. Appointment of specific treatment is carried out taking into account the cause, which provoked the appearance of rash on the abdomen. As a rule, doctors limit the duration of water hygiene procedures. Prolonged hot during an acute period of rashes are usually excluded.

For the treatment of rashes at home, quite often various medicinal herbs are prescribed. They should be added during bathing or for local treatment of damaged skin. As such a home treatment is perfect chamomile, string, sage or calendula. To maintain the effect, you can use this method and as a preventive measure.

Yevgeny Komarovsky tells about the rash on the child’s stomach in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


