Soothing teas for children


In nature, there are no absolutely calm children. Even if a crumb always eats and sleeps on a schedule, behaves quietly, does not scream unnecessarily and is not capricious, this does not mean that one day he will not need a sedative. After all, the baby can get sick, experience stress, which is bad for his abilities to fall asleep easily and firmly. Good help for parents will be children's herbal teas with a calming effect. This is an alternative method, practically harmless and very effective.

What are the?

Teas, the vocation of which to gently soothe, stabilize the child’s nervous system and have a slight sedative effect, are always made on the basis of vegetable raw materials. They are one-component and complex. Pharmacy (ready) herbal teas are sold in the form of dry herbal mixture for brewing, and in filter bags. There are only herbal and with the addition of prebiotics and pieces of dried fruit.

In addition, you can always brew a child calming tea itself from herbs collected personally or from ready-made collections. It is important that grass for tea be collected according to all the rules after all, daisy can be different - one grows in a field far from populated areas, the other - by the road, where it absorbs the remains of spent motor fuel, dust, dirt and even radiation doses.

It is important that raw materials for baby tea be environmentally friendly.

For baby soothing tea, the grass should be perfectly clean. If you are not a professional herbalist, it is better not to risk and buy a ready-made collection at a pharmacy, safe, tested for toxicity and impurities of heavy metals, collected and dried in accordance with all norms and requirements.

From these pharmacy fees then you can combine any teas. The main thing is not to forget that Herbal preparations also have an expiration date and storage conditions. When they are violated, herbs can lose all their beneficial properties.

Follow the rules for brewing and storing herbal

What herbs are useful to you?

The following ingredients may be helpful in making soothing children's tea:

  • Pharmacy chamomile. The flowers of this plant have the widest range of beneficial effects. They disinfect, destroying many varieties of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, lower the heat, are choleretic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, antiallergic. On the part of the question that interests us, chamomile flowers perfectly normalize the sleep of a child. This weed can be given even to newborns from the first days of life.
  • Motherwort. The grass and leaves of this plant have a pronounced sedative effect. Drugs based on them treat many diseases of the cardiovascular system. Motherwort is an excellent remedy for nervousness, sleep disturbances, hyper-arousal, and hysterics.
  • Melissa. The leaves and stems of melissa normalize digestion, stimulate the appetite, are diaphoretic. This plant is able to relieve spasms and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Melissa - strong natural antidepressantand therefore melissa teas will help to improve the normal functioning of the child’s nervous system.
  • Valerian. The roots and rhizomes of this plant effectively treat many disorders of the central nervous system, disorders of the coronary circulation, some diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Mint. The leaves and stems of medicinal mint - an excellent diuretic, antiemetic and painkiller. Mint has an excellent sedative effect, it normalizes sleep, and puts in order the nervous system.
  • Fennel. The inflorescences, seeds, and leaves of this plant are commonly used as a carminative that helps with children's colic in newborns and in the case of disruption of meteorism in older children. In addition, fennel gently soothes, facilitates falling asleep. But lactation, contrary to popular belief, is not conducive.
  • Linden. Flowers of this tree have expectorant and diaphoretic action, as well as soothe the nervous system, relieve internal tension, facilitate going to sleep.
  • Calendula. The flowers of this plant are used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing herbal remedy. Calendula gently affects the nervous system, relieves the effects of stress, anxiety, reduces anxiety, promotes easy sleep.
Most herbs also have fortifying properties.


"Chamomile drink" (one-component)

For this soothing tea you need 5 grams. pharmacy collection of chamomile. Fill the grass with boiling water and let it brew for 25 minutes. You can even give this tea to newborns, starting with half a teaspoon twice a day.

"Calendula drink" (combined)

For this soothing tea you need 3 grams. dried flowers of calendula, mint leaves, 2 gr. motherwort dried. Mix herbs and "mash" with a wooden spoon or mortar. Cooking tea brewing can be done in separate glassware by scalding with boiling water or in a water bath. Then dilute it with water to a volume of 200 grams. A child can drink this tea from a starting dose of 3 teaspoons four times a day.. Gradually increase the amount of tea.

"Mint soothing drink" (combined)

To make this tea, you will need mint (fresh or pharmacy collection) 3 oz., Dry motherwort 2g., Roots and rhizomes of valerian 3 oz. All ingredients are mixed and finely grind a wooden mortar. Pour boiling water and insist about 40 minutes. Take tea a child up to 4 years old, 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day, children older than 50-150 ml. (depending on age) three to four times a day.

What teas are safe for children?

From 0 to 4 months you can only give fennel one-component tea, it will ease colic and improve baby's sleep. From 4 months to 1 year - fennel, chamomile one-component, chamomile combined.

From 1 to 2 years - in the above herbs you can add motherwort, lemon balm and sage.

From 3 years to 5 years - You can enter into the composition of children's tea valerian and thyme.

About 7 years - feel free to add linden color and honey to tea if there are no allergic reactions to it.

Be sure to follow the dosage when brewing tea

How to take a children's herbal soothing tea

Discuss the opportunity to give the child a soothing tea with a pediatrician. Usually, doctors allow the use of medicinal herbs from 4-6 months together with the first baby food. Exception - fennel tea or dill water. They can drink before.

Herbal tea should be taken systematically, as its action is slow and cumulative. Try to give it to your child before bedtime.

Nursing mothers can also take herbal teas, but you need to carefully read the composition, so that the child along with breast milk does not receive those herbs that are not yet in age.

To avoid side effects, consult a pediatrician before taking tea.

Overview of pharmacy (ready-to-drink) soothing teas

The most popular, according to parents, children's soothing herbal teas:

  • "Grandmother's basket mint." It can be drunk to children from 3 months.The composition of the tea is nothing superfluous, only mint leaves. For convenience, it is packaged in filter packs.
  • "Grandmother's basket - dogrose". Shown for babies from 4 months. Rose hips not only effectively soothe the nervous system of the child, but also compensate for the lack of vitamins C, E in the body, as well as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium.
  • Hipp (HIPP). Herbal tea for children, which is the foreign equivalent of the same "Grandma's basket". Some seeing tea "Hipp" can brew baby from 4 months. The soothing "Hipp" consists of several useful herbs - linden color, chamomile. There is absolutely no sugar in it. For older children, there is “Hipp –Good Night”, which is made on the basis of strong natural soothing herbs - lemon balm, hibiscus and thyme.
  • "Elephant FIT". This is granulated instant tea for children. There is a single component, for example, only with fenneland combined. Tea "Elephant FIT" are often with pieces of fruit, dried berries. But such options phytotea newborns and babies are not suitable. They are designed to soothe the infuriated children from the age of 3 years.
  • "Tea Dr. Dr. Theis." Multicomponent tea, which can be found in any pharmacy. In its composition rosehips, primrose flowers, mint leaves, cumin, chamomile. It is also instant tea without added sugar.
  • "Evening tale." Children's herbal tea Russian production. It consists of fruits of anise, fennel, peppermint, lavender. According to parents, quite effective tea. Accept it, according to the manufacturer's request, should be 1 time per day, before bedtime.

Healing herbal soothing teas for children, introduced into the diet of the baby on an ongoing basis, help to solve many possible problems with his health. In addition to the mild effects on the nervous system of the child, they increase immunity, normalize digestion and metabolic processes. You can take teas and perfectly healthy children who do not complain about anything. As a preventive measure. But in this case, be sure to ask what your pediatrician thinks about this.

To make the effect of taking soothing baby tea more noticeable, try combining tea use with other alternative methods - relaxing massage, phytotherapy baths with a sedative effect, aromatherapy (for children over 4 years old), as well as fairy-tale therapy, game therapy, art therapy. All these methods are quite accessible to parents, it is not necessary to spend money on reception at a specialist, each mother can master any method of reducing stress in a child or even all at once.

Combining teas with additional relaxing techniques will give noticeable results.

See the following video, which provides recommendations on the use of children's herbal teas.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


