Sedative fees for children


A calm child who is not naughty and does not scream heart-rendingly at least once a day is a rarity. More often parents of karapuzs face a different picture: crying for the reason and without it, bad and restless sleep, increased anxiety and nervous irritability. Such a state always has a reasonable explanation, it’s just not always that mothers can find it quickly.

Small children cry from hunger, cold and heat, from pain, when they have a tummy or teeth, and sometimes simply from boredom. Yes, babies know perfectly well what is boredom, anxiety and insecurity!

Children older than one year are so actively exploring the world, they process so much new information in a day that their weak nervous system can predictably fail. When it comes time to go to kindergarten, it is a great stress for the child's psyche. And then there are school anxieties and feelings, puberty with all the ensuing psychological problems. There are many situations, but the solution, as a rule, is one - soothing charges for children of different ages. In this article we will consider the most effective and effective means for gently soothing a child.

What are

Herbal tea (monocomponent or multicomponent) can be prepared independently, or you can use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations. There is a mass of herbal teas, loose and packaged, which are sold not only in pharmacies, but also in specialized children's stores.

Pharmacies pharmacies will offer you a sedative drop for children on a plant-based and fees with certain sequence numbers. We will talk about them below. There are many names of homeopathic medicines with a stated sedative effect, but their effectiveness has not been proven, and therefore it is better to give preference to herbal preparations.

Before you choose a sedative for your restless child, be sure to consult your doctor, because the reasons for the vagaries are not always rooted in nervous factors. Sometimes a child is tormented by completely physical pain, hidden diseases of internal organs, which cannot be cured with “sleepy” herbs.

Age recommendations

For kids up to a year use herbs that are less likely to cause allergies. These include lemon balm, chamomile, fennel, valerian. The main condition for brewing such decoctions is that they should be one-component, that is, there should be only one grass in the composition of the finished drink. Two-three-component and multi-component drinks from plants can be prepared for children from 1 year and older.

Soothing broths can be given to newborns and children of the first year of life not only for oral administration, but also by adding them to bath water.

Such therapeutic water procedures, carried out 20 minutes before bedtime once a day, help the baby to relax, calm down and sleep well all night. The duration of the treatment bath should not exceed 10 minutes. The first bathing should be limited to 3 minutes.

You can prepare a drink according to the instructions that are attached to each herbal collection, as well as in a universal way - a teaspoon of raw materials per cup of boiled water, insist on a water bath for up to 15 minutes, strain and give a teaspoon.

Pharmacy drug called "Soothing collection for children". It consists of motherwort, thyme, valerian and Kuril tea. A tablespoon of the collection is brewed in a glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then half an hour infused.The resulting liquid is filtered and given to a child for a third of a glass once a day, preferably before bedtime.

Tea "Children's soothing", which can be bought at any pharmacy, is already packaged in sachets, it is convenient to brew it and you can do without straining. The dosage is very simple - 1 packet per tea. It is recommended to drink it no more than 3 times a day. The composition of this tea - immediately 9 medicinal plants, including chamomile, St. John's wort, mint, valerian and other equally useful herbs.

Up to three years still makes sense soothing baths. But for procedures you can use a decoction of pine buds, eucalyptus oil, fir oil, water tincture of motherwort.

Children from 3 to 6 years can I buy a pharmacy "Collect number" 1 ", in which in different proportions contains lemon balm, mint, valerian and other herbs. Manufacturers claim that the collection does not have side effects and contraindications, but warned that it should be used carefully, not to allow the drink to be too rich, dark in color and bitter in taste. In all good measure.

Often nervous and moody children of this age group recommended "Collection number 3". In its composition - the fruits of fennel, cumin, motherwort and valerian. Due to the presence fennel, tea from this herbal set has not only a calming effect, but also normalizes the work of the digestive system during bloating, flatulence, diarrhea.

Children from 7 years can be appointed "Collection number 2". It has a fairly strong natural antidepressant - herb watch leaf, hops, mint and valerian. Tea is brewed according to the instructions, given once or twice a day, preferably in the afternoon and at night.

Collection with serial number 4 designed for all children from 1 year and older. In addition to its composition soothing herbs rose hips are present, so this drink can be given to a child to increase immunity during periods of illness.

Adolescents at puberty, when any slight stress can cause a violent hormonal reaction, it is recommended to use "Collection number 2" in dosages twice the dose for children from 7 years.

True, such tea should not be given to a child before classes at school or before an exam, because the three-leaf watch is powerful, and it will be very difficult for your child to focus on their studies.

After 12 years children can be given almost all herbal antidepressants - fees and tinctures, including alcohol. Some herbs can be bought in the form of tablets, for example, motherwort. At this age, this form of drugs is not prohibited.

General recommendations

  1. Any means of herbal medicine, including soothing teas and baths will be effective if used systematically in courses. Medicinal plants are cumulative.
  2. If there is a desire to prepare the fees yourself, but there is no experience of working as a professional herbalist, you should give preference to pharmacy herbs. They are assembled and harvested in compliance with all norms and standards, tested and the quality of their doubts does not cause.
  3. If after 1-2 courses of treatment with herbal remedies, there is no improvement in the child’s condition, this is a good reason to go to a doctor.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.