Sleeping pills for children


This problem concerns every fifth growing man. About 20% of all parents complain of sleep disorders in their child. Full rest is really necessary for both children and their moms and dads.

If the forces are already running out, and the child that night cannot sleep and does not allow parents to do this, the adults are seriously puzzled by the question of how to choose a harmless and effective sleeping pill for their baby. And in general, should children give sleeping pills?

Before you run to the pharmacy or look for answers in medical reference books, you need to figure out if your baby really needs a sleeping pill? Not all sleep disorders are a sign of a disease requiring medical treatment.

The reasons

Sleep disturbances can be caused by psychological and physiological reasons:

  • If a child is by nature “not sleeping”. In this case, frequent awakening can be a feature of the character and temperament of the baby.
  • If a child has age psychological difficulties. He began to have terrible dreams due to the active development of the imagination, he had age crises (3 years, 7 years, adolescence)
  • If the family has a difficult atmosphere, quarrels, conflicts or the child has experienced severe stress.
  • If a child has a pain. Sleeping pills in this case will have no effect.
A child who does not sleep, because he has something to hurt, does not help sleeping pills

In these cases, the child does not need sedatives (hypnotic drugs). He will be helped by the help of a psychologist, confidential communication with his parents, play therapy. In the case of pain, you need to consult a doctor and treat the cause, not the effect.

Sleep disorders in children and adolescents are of another origin:

  • Shallow anxious sleep, awakening accompanied by shrill crying. These signs may indicate damage to the child’s nervous system.
  • Night flinching is a very alarming sign. This may be the first "call" in the case of the onset of epilepsy. The child urgently requires examination.
  • Somnambulism. Or, as we call it, sleepwalking. This is a sleep disorder that is painful. A child can walk, talk, do something without waking up.
  • Urinary incontinence - enuresis. Wet bed does not contribute to good sleep of the child.
  • Apnea sleep. The child breathes unevenly in a dream, sometimes breathing is interrupted.
  • Syndromes of sleep phase disorders. This is a “failure” of the child’s internal clock. He can be drowsy during the day and stay awake at night. In infants, the biological clock is restored independently or with the help of parents. Older children with sleep phase disorder syndromes may require medication as well.
There may be many reasons for a sleep disorder in a child.

Types of drugs

Under the sleeping pills, we are accustomed to understand any sedative tool that helps you relax and sleep. From the point of view of doctors, this is not quite the correct definition.

Sleeping pills is a group of drugs with a psychoactive effect. There are three types of sleeping pills - barbiturates, antihistamines and drugs containing bromine.

The preparation of a group of barbiturates is a strong sleeping pill, which in its essence does not normalize sleep, but changes its architecture. Antihistamines have the same effect. Barbiturates, among other things, cause a strong physical dependence. "Gentle" sleeping pills do not exist.

What we used to call sleeping pills for children is herbal teas, herbal preparations, homeopathic medicines. We will talk about them in more detail.

How to choose for a child?

Before choosing a drug, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, even if we are talking about herbal medicine, you need to minimize the risks of developing allergic reactions in a child.

Before selecting a sleeping pill for a child, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician

Newborns and children up to 1 year

At this age there are only two reasons for taking real sleeping pills: brain hydrocephalus have a baby or postnatal encephalopathy. These are serious diseases, self-medication for which is inappropriate.

Most often, restless crumbs up to a year for the normalization of sleep are recommended herbal preparations. Mint, wastelandK, Melissa have a mild effect. You can drink them in the form of tea, add to the bath, in which the baby is bathed. Babies often make a decoction of the usual pharmaceutical chamomile.

At this age, the child has good reasons not to sleep: colic, wet diapers, uncomfortable diapers, hunger. Therefore, parents should look for what is the root of the problems of the baby and eliminate negative factors. Sleep will improve without medication.

For very restless babies, there is milk formula with tryptophan (an amino acid that regulates sleep and wakefulness). It is called "Frisolak". It can be given from birth to six months.

For children of the first year of life, you can pick up a milk formula with tryptophan

After the baby turns 6 months, the choice of such special "night" adapted mixtures is significantly expanded. Almost every manufacturer of baby food includes a mixture with tryptophan in its line.

If your 6-month-old baby and your child are older, the doctor found a breakdown in the nervous system, he can prescribe "Pantogam». This is a light sedation that improves blood flow to the brain. He comes in pills, syrup and capsules. Tablet form can not be taken to children under the age of three.

Children's single dose of "Pantogam" begins with 0.25 grams, daily - maximum 3 grams. Depending on the diagnosis, the course of treatment will last from 1 to several months.

Children up to the year Pantog prescribed in the form of syrup

In the next video, a young mother will tell you why a child in her first year of life can sleep badly and what your actions should be.

Preschool children

The grown peanuts (2-5 years), in addition to homeopathic and herbal preparations, the doctor may prescribe "Phenibut». It is a nootropic drug that has a mild tranquilizer effect. This medicine fixes the blood circulation in the central nervous system, improves the activity of brain cells.

Pediatric dose of this drug is from 20 to 100 mg per day. The treatment will last up to 4 weeks. "Phenibut" the doctor may also advise in case of enuresis in a child and in the treatment of certain forms stutter.

Most often, children aged 2-5 years old pediatricians recommend a medicine with citral to normalize sleep. It has a mild effect, calms the child and reduces intracranial pressure. Also helps with ascariasis. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the child.

Magnesium preparations, for example, Magne B6, also normalize sleep, but you should not give them to a child without a doctor's recommendation. If the doctor according to the results of tests of the child comes to the conclusion that in a small body there is not enough magnesium, he will certainly offer you this particular drug. Magnesium improves the functioning of the cells of the whole organism, including the nervous system. Improves sleep, appetite, reduces anxiety.

The instructions for "Magne B6" says that the children's dosage is 1-6 tablets per day. The amount does not depend on age, as many mommies think, but on the degree of magnesium deficiency in the body. That's precisely why it is better to pass tests first.

Magne B6 dosage is selected based on the degree of magnesium deficiency in the child’s body

Homeopathic remedies

  • “Bayu-bye” - homeopathic drops, which contain extracts of medicinal plants - motherwort, hawthorn, peony. Manufacturers of these drops recommend starting their reception at the age of 5, but many parents (and I am not an exception) practice “Bay-Bay” reception even before the baby is 1 year old. Of course, strictly metered - no more than two drops before bedtime. Drops have a soothing effect, almost do not cause allergic reactions.
Bai Bai is prescribed for children over 5 years old.
  • «Children's tenoten"- mild sedative of homeopathic origin. It comes in pill form. Dosage for children from 3 years from 1 to 3 tablets per day. The course of treatment can take up to six months.
Tenoten tablets prescribed for children over 3 years
  • «Persen» it is a safe sedative, which children from 3 years can be given in pills, and from 12 years in capsules. Herbs in the “Persen” are mint, lemon balm, valerian. Often "Persen" is advised to take children aged 10-14 years who are heavily involved in adolescence.
Persen children prescribed in the form of tablets or capsules, depending on the age of the child
  • «Nott"- Another homeopathic remedy, which allows to curb the emotional manifestations of the child and to establish his restless sleep. Effectively reduces childhood anxiety. "Notta" is available in the form of drops, tablets. Tablets are recommended for overly irritable and moody children.
Nott's drug is prescribed to children in the form of drops or tablets
  • «Dormikind"- German homeopathic remedy. Fully eliminates sedative effects, and therefore it can be used by the smallest - babies from birth to 4 years. Often it is prescribed for hyperactive children. Tablets "Dormikinda" kids are bred in a teaspoon of water, older children prescribed 1 tablet 4 times per day.
The advantage of Dormikind is that it can be used even for very young children up to one year old.
  • Children's syrup "Rabbit". Designed for restless and excitable children older than 3 years. Reduces stress, relieves anxiety, normalizes sleep and makes it strong. In the "Hare" - herbal ingredients (cumin, chamomile, valerian, hawthorn) and vitamins. It is taken by dissolving the dose in any liquid 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
The little hare syrup can be given to children from the age of 3
  • "Baby Sed". These are soothing homeopathic granules. They can be given to children over 7 years old. 5 capsules need to dissolve in the morning for a quarter of an hour before meals. "Baby-Sed" is ideal for whining, impressionable children of primary school age. Often, doctors recommend a drug for easier psychological adaptation to school.
Baby-sit can be given to children from 7 years
  • "Capricela" is a sedative homeopathic remedy in granules, which can be taken by children who have reached the age of 1 year. The method of administration and dosage - as in "Baby Sed."

On the road

Sometimes parents are looking for a way to help a child calmly survive a long journey or a long flight in an airplane. Since travel is a one-time event, not daily, there is no need to take medications, even homeopathic. But you can use tea "Baby soothing number 23". It consists of the roots of valerian, dandelion, mint leaves, walnut, plantain, hawthorn, caraway, rosehip, dushchitsa, St. John's wort, and many other useful plants. This tea relieves stress, reduces neuromuscular tension, reduces the feeling of fear. According to parents, he acts gently and does not cause serious side effects.

Children's Herbal Tea No. 23 is made entirely from natural products.

Most homeopathic medicines and fitosborov can be purchased in pharmacies without prescriptions, but this does not mean that you do not need to consult a doctor before using.The fact is that even light "vegetable" sleeping pills can cause unwanted side effects - allergies, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness.

If your child does not sleep well at night, but he is healthy and full of energy, you can try to turn on a pleasant bedtime soothing music, which is presented in the video below.

How to improve your sleep and sleep, says in his program Dr. Komarovsky.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


