What to smear rash with chickenpox?
A rash all over the body is one of the main symptoms of chickenpox. It appears on the first or second day of the disease and quickly spreads throughout the body, and in some children it occurs on the mucous membranes. First, the rash is a speck, quickly transformed into papules, and then - in the bubbles.
Such blisters with chickenpox itch quite strongly, so each mother is interested in what means it is better to smear the sores of chickenpox.
In addition, if you do not process the skin, many babies comb the rash and peel off the crusts, resulting in wounds that will remain on the body in the form of scars until the end of life. And because the right choice of means of itch important for the elimination of discomfort, and for the appearance of the child.

Use of green stuff
Why most often smeared with green paint
The use of brilliant green with chickenpox is popular in our country for a very long time, despite the fact that it is impossible to meet children abroad with chickenpox in a green spot. This drug, which belongs to aniline dyes, has an antiseptic effect on the skin, dries out vesicles and prevents them from being infected with pathogenic bacteria. In addition, this tool is available (sold in all pharmacies and even in supermarkets) and inexpensive.
Cons processing greens
- Due to the presence of alcohol in the composition of such a dye, the drug dries out the skin.
- Means hardly is removed from a children's skin.
- This treatment contaminates the baby’s underwear and clothing.
Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky
A popular pediatrician confirms that brilliant green is very popular for treating rashes with chickenpox, but at the same time he says that there is no particular need to use such a dye for this infection.
For more on this, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.
Putting green spots on new pimples every morning, of course, can help the mother to notice the moment when new rashes no longer appear. And after 5 days the baby will cease to be contagious to others. but Komarovsky focuses on the fact that even without brilliant green from 7-8 days of illness, when all pimples are covered with crusts, the child is no longer contagious to other people.
The well-known doctor believes that the use of green stuff should be a personal decision of every mother, but there is no great need for lubricating the chickenpox bubbles with brilliant green because the chicken pox heals remarkably without such treatment.
Other dyes
You can replace brilliant green with such analogues:
- Fucorcin. Such a solution of bright crimson color contains the dye fuchsin, alcohol, resorcinol, boric acid and other compounds. Fukortsin, as well as brilliant green, has an antiseptic effect and prevents infection of wounds formed during chickenpox when the bubbles burst.Sometimes moms call it a means of fucorcin ointment, but such a red ointment is actually an alcohol solution.
- Methylene blue. An alcohol solution of this blue dye is also considered antiseptic and can replace Zelenka.
Zinc preparations
Zinc oxide-based products are very popular for treating bubbles caused by chickenpox. Such drugs cope well with itching, so they are often chosen by mothers who want to relieve the condition of babies (so as not to itch and crumb did not damage the bubbles).
This group includes:
- Calamine. The tool is produced in the form of lotion and cream. In addition to 5% zinc oxide, the main ingredient of this drug is natural mineral calamine. Treatment with Calamine reduces itching, eliminates skin irritation, has a cooling and drying effect, and also creates a protective barrier on the skin surface that prevents infection of the rash.
- Tsindol. This white suspension effectively dries the chicken pox rash, eliminates itching and speeds up the healing of the skin. Parents praise her for quick action and low price.
- Zinc ointment. This inexpensive remedy has a drying and disinfecting effect on the skin.
What else can be treated rashes
If a mother is interested in what can be used instead of zelenka and zinc agents, then she can recommend:
- Poxcline. This hydrogel contains aloe vera, so it has a beneficial effect on the skin inflamed with chickenpox, soothing it, reducing itching and removing swelling.
- Salicylic alcohol. The preparation effectively dries bubbles, accelerating the regeneration processes in the skin, but it is necessary to use alcohol carefully to avoid drying out the skin.
- Tea tree oil. This tool prevents infection of damaged skin and reduces inflammation. At the same time it is natural and does not have a drying effect.
- Fenistil. This antihistamine drug, marketed as a gel, is often used for chickenpox. Lubrication of the rash with phenystyle helps to quickly relieve itching and swelling, cools the skin and soothes it.
- Potassium permanganate. For the treatment of the rash, a clear solution of such a pale pink color (5%) is used. Use potassium permanganate to lubricate the skin of the child should be very careful, because a high concentration of the drug can cause burns.
- Hydrogen peroxide. This colorless liquid is characterized by a pronounced antiseptic effect and prevents the infection of bubbles.
- Baking soda. Preparing from it a 5% solution, the agent is applied to the skin to eliminate itching and drying of the bubbles.
Can I use iodine
The use of iodine in chickenpox is not recommended, since this drug has an irritating effect. If you blur the bubbles with iodine solution, itching will only intensify.
Antiviral drugs
An abundant rash in severe or moderately severe chickenpox can be lubricated:
- Acyclovir (Zovirax). Such a drug directly affects the causative agent of chickenpox, providing antiherpetic effect. Acyclovir accelerates the healing of the rash and reduces the inflammatory process in the skin.
- Viferon. To treat the varicella rash, you can use white gel or yellow ointment. Antiviral and immunomodulating effects are noted in this drug due to the presence of interferon alfa-2B.
- Oxolinic ointment (3%). The tool has a local effect, inhibiting the process of reproduction of the herpes virus.
How to smear chicken pox in infants
The safe means allowed for treating the skin of babies in the first year of life with chickenpox are:
- Calamine - approved for use in babies, well soothes the skin, prevents infection, accelerates its healing.
- Viferon - gel can be used from birth, and the ointment form of this medicine is allowed only for children older than one year.
- Fenistil - it is permissible to lubricate the skin of a child older than 1 month with this gel.In this case, the treatment should be limited (it is impossible to lubricate all the skin).
- Tsindol is a remedy often used to treat the delicate skin of babies with chickenpox, providing a decongestant, antipruritic and soothing effect.
How to conduct external treatment for chickenpox
How to apply drugs
All preparations must be applied to clean skin. If spot treatment is required, it is convenient to use a cotton swab, and a cotton pad is used to lubricate a large area of the eruption.
How often to smear means
The frequency of treatment depends on the drug used, as some agents are applied once a day (for example, fukortsin or Acyclovir), and others put the baby’s body up to 6-8 times a day (soda solution). Most drugs are applied 3-4 times a day.
How many days to smear
The duration of skin treatment is determined on the basis of changes in the skin of the child - as soon as the rash begins to heal, the application of ointments, gels and other means can be stopped. In most cases, the skin is lubricated during the first 7-10 days of illness.
Can I not treat the skin
If mom doesn't want to smear the chickenpox bubbles with anything, it will not affect their healing. If you observe hygiene (change linen bathe child) and prevent scratching, the entire rash from the skin of the child will disappear without any additional treatment.

What to smear in the mouth and other mucous membranes, genitals
If the rash of chickenpox appeared not only on the surface of the skin, but also in intimate places, in front of the eyes or in the oral cavity, this gives the child additional discomfort.
For its processing can be applied:
- Furacilin.
- Miramistin.
- Boric acid (1% solution).
- A weak solution of potassium permanganate.
- Oil solution hlorofillipta.
- Infusion of calendula, sage or chamomile.
- Sea buckthorn oil.
- Calgel.
- Kamistad.
Apply drugs on the genitals, oral mucosa or eyes should be very carefully.
The use of antibacterial agents for chickenpox on genitals and other mucous membranes is contraindicated.
What to smear on scars
In order not to leave traces of rash on chickenpox, which is especially important for a profuse rash on the face, different drugs are used, for example:
- Cream Bepantenbased on dexpanthenol.
- Gel against scars Mederma.
- Means Medgel based on silicone.
- Scar ointment
- Gel Dermatics
You can learn more about chicken pox by watching Dr. Kmarovsky’s program.