Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox?
The question "can I wash at chicken poxHas always been discussed. And if earlier pediatricians categorically denied sick children in this procedure, now the opinions of doctors differ, which is connected with a more detailed study of the effect of the virus and the processes occurring in the skin of children with chickenpox.
What is a chicken pox
Chicken pox is considered the most common infection, which mainly affects children 2-7 years old.
The disease also occurs in babiesIf the mother did not have chickenpox before and the crumb is not protected by its antibodies. Also, chickenpox can hurt teenagers and adults, and the course of the disease in many cases, severe.
The disease manifests itself high temperature, malaise and skin lesions. A particular discomfort for a child with such a disease is rash. It is represented by bubbles that are quite itchy. In this case, it is impossible to scratch the rash, because not only can pathogenic bacteria get inside the damaged skin, but also leave traces that often do not disappear until the end of life.
In children who have had chickenpox until the end of their life, immunity remains to this infection. Cure the disease is usually symptomatic. With strong heat, ibuprofen or paracetamol is given, and the skin is lubricated with agents that eliminate itch. If the course of varicella is moderate or severe, resort to the appointment of antiviral drugs, such as tablets. Acyclovir.
Is it possible to bathe a child with chickenpox
Once hygiene procedures in the form of baths for children with chickenpox were contraindicated. Doctors explained “why not” to the fact that the rash should be dried, and after the bath the crusts, on the contrary, were soaked and softened.
Nowadays, most pediatricians do not prohibit bathing babies with chickenpox.
Quite the contrary, they believe that such a hygienic procedure prevents additional infection of the skin. In addition, with frequent bathing, itching of the skin will decrease, so that it will be possible not to use antihistamines in the treatment.
In this case, bathing children with chicken pox should be properly, following these tips:
- Temperature should be comfortable. Water should never be too hot. Consider the optimum temperature not higher than + 37 + 38 ° C.
- To wash your child with chicken pox, it is best to use just clean water. No detergents (skins, gels, soaps, shampoos) are recommended to be applied to the skin covered with rashes. If the mother is interested in when you can wash the child with soap, then the answer of the doctors will be "as soon as all the rashes heal."
- Herbal decoction (for example, chamomile or oak bark) or a little potassium permanganate can be added to the water.
- You cannot rub the skin with the washcloth, and if the baby is washed in the shower, the pressure should be weak.
- The procedure should not be long. It is quite enough to keep the baby in the bath for one to five minutes, and wash only 1-3 minutes in the shower.
- Do not rub the baby’s skin after bathing with a towel. It is best to wrap the baby’s body with a sheet or a large diaper after the crumbs are removed so that all the water is absorbed. In this case, the diaper or sheet after wetting the skin of the child should be sent to the wash.
- Immediately after bathing, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic preparation, for example, lotion Calamine, brilliant green solution or remedy Tsindol.

What day you can wash
As a rule, in the first days of the manifestations of chickenpox in a child, the temperature rises strongly and the general condition worsens. That is why in the acute period of the children do not bathe, and wipe with wet wipes. A full bath is recommended two to four days after the onset of the disease, when the baby's well-being improves, and the first rash began to become covered with crusts.
How many times can you bathe
To reduce itching, protect the skin from infection and alleviate the discomfort of a child with chickenpox, bathing can be frequent - up to 4-6 times a day.
Opinion of Dr. Komarovsky
A popular doctor supports the point of view of foreign pediatricians that it is possible to wash a child with chickenpox. Komarovsky He considers the bath for chicken pox to be a good way to clean the skin of the child from dirt and to relieve the itch. At the same time, he focuses the attention of parents on the fact that the bath water should be cool, and the itch provokes overheating. And therefore, in the room where the kid is sick with chickenpox, should not be too dry and hot.

Can I go to the bath
Bathing a child in the bath at the chickenpox is not recommended for several reasons. First, the baby in the acute phase of the disease plus 5 days after the last blisters appear is contagious, so he should not contact other people. Since the bath is a public place, visiting it with a child who has chickenpox is unacceptable. Secondly, because of the high temperature and active sweating, itching of the skin is worse with chickenpox, therefore, even if there is no one in the bath other than the sick child and his parents, such a hygienic procedure will be inappropriate.

What and how to wash Zelenka or fukortsin
As soon as the main symptoms of chickenpox disappear, after 4-5 days, you can begin to bathe the baby normally. At the same time, many parents are interested in the problem of removing traces from fucorcin or brilliant green from the face, hair and body skin. You can quickly get rid of red or green markings in this way: first, steam the baby’s skin in the bath, and then apply soap suds on the painted parts (use baby or laundry soap to get it), then rub the stains.
Also relieves from the spots of green stuff well:
- Lemon juice (you can rub your baby’s skin with a slice of freshly cut lemon).
- Toothpaste, which can be diluted with water or milk.
- Salicylic alcohol.
- Hydrogen peroxide or ethyl alcohol.
- Makeup Remover.
- Olive or sunflower oil.
- Alcohol wipes for office equipment.
You can learn more about chickenpox by watching Dr. Komarovsky’s program.