How many days is chickenpox contagious?
If the baby got infected chicken pox, any mother will be interested in how long the child is infected with the infection that surrounds the child and when the chickenpox ceases to be contagious. This is important to prevent infection in babies and adults who have not had chickenpox before.
In addition, parents of healthy babies are wondering if their child will be infected if there is contact with a sick baby chicken pox. To determine this is quite easy if you know at what period of the disease the child begins to release the causative agent of chicken pox into the environment.
What is chicken pox
Chickenpox is considered the most common infectious disease in childhood. It is caused by a virus from the group of herpes viruses, called Varicella Zoster. The same pathogen in adults provokes shingles.
The disease is characterized by the appearance of a characteristic rash and symptoms of intoxication. It can be of varying degrees of severity, from the mildest form with a minimum of manifestations to very severe forms causing serious complications.
In childhood, in most cases, chickenpox is easily tolerated. Infection leaves a lasting lifelong immunity and can develop repeatedly only with immunodeficiency. Much more often, chickenpox is sick only once in a lifetime.

Incubation period
So called the time interval from the entry of the virus Varicella Zoster in the children's organism until the first symptoms of infection. During this period, the viruses multiply in the cells of the mucous membranes, accumulate and penetrate into the blood. After spreading all over the body, the pathogen accumulates in the skin cells, provoking the appearance of rashes.
Duration incubation period Most babies are 14 days old. Depending on the functioning of the child’s immune system and other factors, this period may be longer (up to 21-23 days) or shortened (up to 7-10 days).
Infectious sick child
When a child becomes contagious
A child with chickenpox begins to release the Varicella Zoster virus into the environment with particles of mucus and saliva at the end of the incubation period - about a day before the first symptoms of the disease.
How much chickenpox is contagious after a rash
The child becomes especially infectious in case of chickenpox after a rash. When new elements of a rash form on his body temperature the body rises, an increasing number of viruses are released from the baby’s body, both with mucus and bursting vesicles. It is believed that the child remains infectious for up to five days after the last elements of the rash appear on his skin.

How many days is chickenpox contaminated
To calculate this, you need to summarize:
- The last day of the incubation period.
- The entire active period of the disease, which lasts 2-9 days.
- Five days after the last bubbles.
The result is that the child with chickenpox is contagious for 8-15 days. If the disease lasts longer than 9 days, then the baby will be the source of the virus for a longer period.

At what age can you become infected?
Chickenpox mainly affects children from 2 years to 7-10 years of age. The most susceptible to Varicella Zoster viruses are babies aged 4-5 years. Immediately after birth, chickenpox practically does not occur, since the newborn receives protection from the pathogen of this infection against mother who has had chickenpox in the form of antibodies.
Baby is older than 6 months get chickenpox may, since it is from 6 months of age, the immunity received from the mother weakens. The disease occurs in adolescents, as well as in adults. And if young children have chickenpox relatively easily, over the age of 12, such an infection has a severe course and a high risk of complications.
Ways of infection
The main route of transmission of the virus
The causative agent of chicken pox is transmitted from sick children healthy mainly through the airborne path. The virus is excreted with particles of mucus from the body of the sick child into the air, and then enters the mucous membranes of other people. The susceptibility of children without immunity to the virus Varicella Zoster is 90%.
Other transmission routes
Since the bubbles contain a rather high concentration of viruses, it is possible that a healthy child can also be infected with the skin of a baby with a chickenpox when the vesicles burst.
Also note the high risk of intrauterine infection. If a woman did not have chickenpox before and became infected during gestation, it can affect the development of the fetus and cause congenital chickenpox.
Is it possible to get infected through a third party
Since the Varicella Zoster virus has a very low resistance outside the human body, it quickly collapses. The virus retains its viability on objects in the room and on the street only for 10-15 minutes. It is destroyed by sunlight, temperature drops, disinfectant solutions and other effects. That is why the infection with chickenpox through third parties and various objects almost never occurs.

How not to get chickenpox
The most common measure to prevent infection in children's groups is to isolate sick children and toddlers in contact with them during the “dangerous period” when children may be infectious. Since it is possible to get infected from 10 to 21 days of the incubation period (it is not known what the duration of this period will be for a particular child), all contact children are isolated at this particular time.
For prophylaxis chickenpox is also used vaccinations. Vaccination can be carried out from 12 months of age. In most cases, this protects the child from chickenpox, and if the disease develops, then its course will be easy. That is why vaccinations are often advised to adults if they have not had chickenpox in childhood.
How to get sick specially
Some parents are not only not afraid of chickenpox infection of their children, but also strive for it. They explain such actions by the fact that in childhood the course of chicken pox is easier. To get such an infection, you do not need to take any special measures. It is enough to stay in the same room with a child with chickenpox during the period of its infectiousness for 10-15 minutes.
Watch Dr. Komarovsky’s program about chickenpox - find out how to treat and what to do.