Funds from scars after chickenpox
Chickenpox in most children under 10 years old is easy. The temperature rises to 37-38 ° C, the general condition worsens slightly, and the rash is not too plentiful. Within 2-7 days, new rashes appear on the body of the child, which are first represented by spots and papules, but very quickly become bubbles, which soon become covered with crusts.
Having seen such a rash on the skin of a child, each mother experiences whether there are traces of it. And if the course of the disease is severe and there are a lot of rashes, the issue of skin treatment to prevent the appearance of scars and scars becomes very acute.
How to get rid of ospinok with chickenpox
Skin treatment for chickenpox is carried out for several reasons. First of all, it helps to relieve itchwhich brings children with chickenpox to severe discomfort. In addition, this treatment prevents bacteria from getting into the wounds (prevents the infection of vesicles). In addition, the lubrication of the skin of a child with chickenpox accelerates the regeneration process.
The most popular remedies used to treat chickenpox are:
- Calamine. This preparation based on the mineral calamine and zinc oxide is produced in the form of a lotion or in the form of a cream. Treating the skin with this product helps to get rid of inflammation, irritation and itching. Lotion can be used from birth.
- Tsindol. The main component of such a white suspension is zinc oxide. The advantages of the drug is called quite a quick effect, availability and cheapness. Besides, Tsindol can be used when chicken pox in infants.
- Poxcline. This drug, produced in the form of a hydrogel, includes natural ingredients, among which aloe vera is present. This gel eliminates inflammation, swelling and itching of the skin with chickenpox. It can be used from 2 years.
- Brilliant green. Lubrication with such a dye helps to dry the skin, prevent its infection, and also notice the moment when new bubbles no longer appear. The disadvantages of using brilliant green are contamination of clothing and skin, as well as the risk of overdrying of the skin.
- Acyclovir. This antiviral gel inhibits the reproduction of chickenpox pathogens, and therefore speeds recovery. The drug is prescribed for moderate severity of the disease, as well as for severe, when there are especially many bubbles.
- Fukortsin. This is an analogue of raspberry green brilliant color, which is easier to remove from the skin. The basis of the tool is magenta, and additional substances - boric acid, resorcinol, ethyl alcohol and other compounds. The solution is an antiseptic, which has antifungal effects.
- Fenistil. This antihistamine gel-like medicine effectively eliminates itching, providing a cooling and soothing effect. It is allowed to be applied to the skin of children older than a month.
Why traces may remain
Most babies have chickenpox vesicles, and when they fall off, no trace remains under them. This happens if the patient complied with all the recommendations and did not comb the rash, because the chickenpox bubbles affect only the superficial layers of the skin.
If, due to an unbearable itch, the baby begins to scratch the skin covered with bubbles, which will cause the removal of ospins, wounds are formed in their place. Further, due to scratching, bacteria can get into such wounds, which will cause their suppuration.
Since this will affect the deeper layers of the skin, the result will be scars, dents and scars, to get rid of which is very difficult. In many cases, they remain on the skin of a person who has been ill for life. If you do not start the treatment of such traces immediately, over time they become more rough, which complicates the fight against this problem.
How to avoid traces of chickenpox
In order for the baby’s skin to heal without any traces, it is first of all important to prevent the rashes from scratching:
- The child’s clothing must be natural, spacious and breathable. It should not interfere with movement, rub the skin and cause overheating. Change clothes and linen should be daily.
- The child’s nails should be cut short, and if the baby is sick with chickenpox, gloves are worn on its handles.
- Bubbles should be regularly treated with products that will reduce itching and create protection against bacteria on their surface.
- If itching is very severe, you can give the child an antihistamine inside, after consulting a doctor.
- As soon as the body temperature drops, a child with chickenpox is advised. bathe several times a day. In this case, the water in the bath should not be hot, but rubbing the baby with a washcloth or towel is contraindicated.

How to treat scars and scars after chicken pox
Treatment of traces formed after chickenpox, while they are fresh, is usually carried out with medication. To do this, use local products that can stimulate the regeneration of the skin, increase its elasticity and elasticity.
But to remove the scars on the face after chickenpox, which appeared a long time ago, it is often necessary to resort to salon procedures and surgical treatment. This is often of interest to teenagers who had chicken pox many years ago, and now they want clean, even skin. These include microdermabrasion, laser polishing, the use of silicon wafers and other methods.
If after a recent recovery marks remained on the skin of a child suffering from chickenpox, prescribe such means:
- Bepanten. Such a cream containing dexpanthenol improves the metabolic processes in the skin and stimulates its recovery. The preparation is applied with a thin layer on the scars 1-2 times a day. It is allowed to use at any age.
- Countertubex This gel is known for its ability to eliminate scars and accelerate skin regeneration. Its main components are heparin, onion extract and allantoin. The cicatricial surface is treated with this gel 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks, and if the markings on the skin are old, dressing is done overnight with the drug, and treatment is continued for at least 3 months.
- Rescuer. This balsam is made from natural ingredients, among which are propolis, sea buckthorn oil, tea tree oil, beeswax and other ingredients. The tool is used mainly for fresh scars.
- Medgel. This remedy for dimples on the skin is represented by silicone gel. Its use reduces the severity of scars, makes them more elastic and softens their tissues. The duration of the drug depends on the severity of skin damage after chickenpox.
- Dermatics This silicone gel softens and smoothes the scars, moisturizes the skin and eliminates its pigmentation. The skin of children should be treated with this gel twice a day, allowing the applied agent to dry (after application, the drug forms a thin film on the skin). The duration of application of Dermatiks is 2 months.
- Kelo cat This silicone-based gel accelerates the absorption of scars and can be used in children.The affected skin is smeared twice a day, allowing the gel to dry. Means is used at least two months.
- Mederma This gel, which contains allantoin, stimulates skin regeneration and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is applied to the skin 3-4 times a day for 3-6 months.
- Zeraderm ultra. The basis of this gel from scars is polysiloxane, which can eliminate new and old scars on the skin. The tool is applied to the scars twice a day in a small layer and is easy to rub. Treatment lasts from 2-3 weeks to several months.
- Cacao butter. Such a natural remedy has a pronounced regenerating effect and rarely causes allergies. Before use, melt the oil in a water bath and then gently and gently rub it into the affected skin.