At what age can you give fish oil to children and which one is better to choose?


Fish oil has been used as a dietary supplement for over 100 years.

This product is considered to be useful, because it gives the human body fatty acids that are not synthesized in it.

Especially often mothers think about fish oil, wanting to give their kids all the most useful and necessary for normal growth. But with how many months is it permissible to start giving it, how is it useful for a child’s body and how to choose from those on the market? Let's figure it out.

Fish oil is a source of essential fatty acids.


The fat obtained from fish is called the source of such valuable substances for the growing body:

  • Essential Fatty Acidswhich are attributed to omega-3 fats, as well as omega-6 acids.
  • Oleic fatty acid, representing omega-9 fats.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins D and E, as well as vitamin A.
  • Phosphorus and iodine, and chlorine, manganese, selenium, iron and other trace elements.

We recommend to watch the video of the program “Live healthy!”, Which describes in detail all the beneficial properties of fish oil:

Due to this composition, fish oil:

  • Helps absorb calcium.
  • Interferes with the development of rickets.
  • Participates in the mineralization of bones, as well as dental tissues.
  • Supports the activity of metabolic processes in the body.
  • A positive effect on the functions of the brain.
  • Stimulates the mental development of children.
  • Promotes the development of fine motor skills.
  • Improves the ability to learn new knowledge.
  • Increases perseverance and concentration.
  • Reduces fatigue from intellectual loads.
  • Protects against the negative effects of stress.
  • Stimulates the formation of serotonin, thereby preventing the appearance of depression.
  • Lowers blood cholesterol.
  • Warns the development of obesity.
  • Strengthens the body's defenses.
  • By stimulating the synthesis of prostaglandins, it acts as a preventive measure against inflammatory reactions, infectious diseases, and allergies.
  • Improves the condition of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • A positive effect on the respiratory system, as well as the digestive tract.
  • Promotes faster healing of skin lesions.
  • It improves vision, affecting both night vision and color perception.
  • Reduces the risk of malignant tumors.
Fish oil has a positive effect on the mental development of the child.


Despite the large number of positive effects from taking supplements, including fish oil, these drugs also have some drawbacks:

  • On supplements with fish oil in some children occurs allergic reaction.
  • Fish oil, extracted from shark meat, may include harmful substances.
  • Children's fish oil supplements may include artificial flavors and sweeteners.
  • Excess dosages or too prolonged consumption of fish oil can worsen the health of the child.


It is recommended to include it in a children's diet in such situations:

  • As a means for prevention rickets.
  • If the child has developmental disorders and growth retardation.
  • When the baby has signs of hyperactivity or manifestations identified attention deficit.
  • If a preschooler or schoolboy is found memory impairment and problems with remembering information.
  • When a child is diagnosed hypomitaminosis D or A.
  • If the child is long or often sick ARVI.
  • With allergic reactions.
Frequent colds and weak immunity of the crumbs may be indications for taking fish oil
  • If the child has signs depressed or disturbed sleep.
  • For diseases of the eye and vision problems.
  • If the crumbs have congenital heart failure.
  • For the prevention of obesity with propensity to excess weight.
  • If you want to speed healing wounds or burns.
  • With overly dry skin, brittle nails and degraded hair.
  • With the aim of prevent colds and acute respiratory infections.
  • In the postoperative period.

Any of these situations may be the reason for the appointment of fish oil, but in each case, you should first consult with a pediatrician, because a large list of beneficial effects does not exclude the presence of contraindications to this supplement.

We recommend watching a video description of an interesting experiment conducted in the United States, which ascertains the effect of taking fish oil on the mental development of school-age children:


Reception is not recommended for:

  • Individual intolerance to fish.
  • Thyroid hyperfunction.
  • Stomach diseases.
  • Hypervitaminosis D or A.
  • Exacerbations of such chronic pathologies as pancreatitis or cholecystitis.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Severe injuries.
  • Gallstone disease.
  • Pathology of the liver.
  • Renal failure.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Increased bleeding.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Renal disease.
In diseases of the liver. kidney, gallbladder, taking fish oil is allowed only with the permission of the attending physician

In the diet of an infant

The appointment of such an additive for babies of the first 12 months of life must be agreed with the pediatrician. The doctor will take into account the pace of development of the crumbs, the overgrowth of fontanelles and other nuances, on the basis of which will draw conclusions that the baby needs fish oil. It is impossible to give any fish oil supplement to an infant who has not yet turned 1 year old on its own.

It should be noted that children fed by mother's milk, in the first six months of life, are less in need of additional sources of vitamins and healthy fats. What can not be said about the kids-iskushnniki. If a baby who is fed a mixture does not get enough omega-3 and omega-6 fats, this can lead to problems with intellectual development.

In such a situation, the pediatrician will certainly recommend the inclusion of fish oil in the diet of the baby, choosing the drug individually, and then determining the desired dosage, as well as the duration of treatment. The minimum age at which prescribe fish oil, doctors call 4 weeks.

Watch a video in which Dr. Komarovsky talks about the use of vitamins contained in fish oil, for the prevention of rickets in young children:

Types and how to choose the best

If we talk about natural fat, then we are talking about oily transparent liquid yellow color, which has a characteristic odor and taste. Such fat can be obtained from fish liver (mainly cod) and fish carcasses, for example, from tuna or salmon meat.

The second option is more preferable for children, because it is obtained by cold pressing, it is of higher quality and contains the optimal amount of useful substances. The fat obtained from fish liver is almost devoid of omega-3 fats and will give the child too many fat-soluble vitamins, due to which the duration of its intake is limited to 3 months.

Note that the highest quality is considered Norwegian fat, because the seas of Norway are classified as ecologically clean places, and the fish from them does not accumulate oil products, heavy metals and other toxins.

Nowadays, manufacturers of fish oil supplements offer high-quality products with a pleasant taste for children, which kids enjoy drinking or chewing. Fish oil for children is liquid, packed in capsules, and also hidden in marmalades.

The most effective in its healing effect is called capsulated fish oil, since such a drug does not come into contact with air and its beneficial properties persist longer. Capsules for such additives can be made from fish gelatin, which only increases their benefit. However, many small children cannot chew or swallow capsules, so liquid preparations for young children (up to three years old) are very relevant.

When buying fish oil for a child, thoughtfully read the label supplements and description from the manufacturer. It is important to pay attention to such points:

  • From what source it is obtained.
  • Whether there are certificates of quality on the selected additive.
  • Is it indicated that the drug has a medical, rather than a food purpose?
  • How much supplement is omega-3 fat? It is desirable that their concentration was at least 15%.
  • What material is the shell made of?
  • What are the expiration dates.

If you buy liquid fish oil, make sure that its consistency is uniform and there is no unpleasant smell. When buying a drug in capsules for a child, it is better to stop at small packages, as long-term storage worsens its properties.

The most popular drugs

Among the supplements containing fish oil, such drugs are most in demand for children:

Moller Kalanmaksaoljy. It is a liquid fish oil with a fruit flavor, packaged in 250 ml bottles. This supplement from Finland can be given from 6 months of age. The daily dosage of the drug is 5 ml.

Minisun Omega-3 Fat and Vitamin D. This Finnish product is also a source of fish oil (600 mg in each fruit marmalade), and vitamin D3 (400 IU in each jelly). It is recommended to give to kids older than two years, 1 marmalade candy per day.

Triomega Kids. This is another Finnish supplement, the capsules of which contain fat from fish. Such fruit capsules are prescribed for 2-3 pieces per day for children over 5 years old. They can be swallowed and chewed.

Solgar Goldfish. This fish-like gummy fish oil is made with cold-pressed tuna. There is no sugar, salt, starch or any artificial additives in the preparation. The remedy is given to children over 4 years old, 2 chewable tablets per day.

Kusalochka. Such capsules from domestic producers contain Icelandic fish oil and natural flavors. Supplement prescribed from 3 years of age with indications to receive fish oil. Children under 7 years of age are given one capsule twice a day with meals, and at an older age, the number of doses increases to 3 per day.

Biafishenol for children. Such domestic fish oil is represented by capsules recommended for children over 3 years old. The product is obtained from Icelandic fish (from carcasses). Its daily dosage for the age of 3-6 years is 4 capsules, and for children over six years old - 8 capsules.

BioContour. This fish oil for children from the Russian manufacturer PolarPharm is represented by additives with different flavors - strawberry, apple, lemon, orange, raspberry, grapefruit and multifruit. Also in the assortment of this company from Murmansk there is a drug and without flavorings. All of these drugs are soft chewable capsules that are approved for use in children of three years and older. They are made from carcasses of sardines, Atlantic herring and mackerel. Any of the supplements is administered 4-8 capsules per day.

Poly kids. Such chewing fish oil with raspberry or orange flavor is produced in Murmansk. The drug is recommended for children three years and older.Its daily dosage is 8 capsules.

Omega-3 from Gummi King. This supplement, represented by lemon, strawberry and orange candies without gelatin, contains tuna fish oil, and the flavors and colors in this preparation are only natural. These marmalade fish are recommended for children over 2 years old and 2 things a day.

Instructions for use

Fish oil is advised to give to children during feeding. It is usually offered to drink, chew or swallow during breakfast. If it is a liquid preparation without a sweet taste, it can be used for dressing salads and other dishes for children.

The dosage for each child should be selected together with the pediatrician, because such an additive can be prescribed both for preventive purposes and for treatment.

In addition, the dose for a child in 2 years or 7 years will be different. Children under three years old are recommended liquid fish oil supplements, and at an older age, capsules or gels can be given.

Supplements with fish oil usually give a course that lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. The drug should be consumed daily, and after an interval of 2-3 months, the reception can be repeated. The number of courses per year can range from 1 to 3. It is best to take such supplements from September to May so that the product does not deteriorate.

Side Effects and Overdose

  • If you take fish oil on an empty stomach, it may lead to a dilution of the chair. In order to avoid such a situation, it is recommended to use such additives only while eating.
  • As for overdose, it is possible if you give your child a drug of liver fat. This species contains too many vitamins and can cause nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea. With the abolition of the drug, these side effects disappear.
  • Excessive consumption of fat from fish in chronic cholecystitis or pancreatitis can provoke an aggravation of such pathologies.
  • Some children may have bad breath (resembling fish).

We recommend to watch a film of the Air Force channel about the benefits of fish oil for children:


Keep fish oil longer than recommended by the manufacturer, it is impossible. Usually the shelf life for such additives does not exceed 24 months, and after opening the package, some drugs should be consumed in a period of up to 3-4 months.

For the preservation of nutrients liquid preparations with fish oil packaged in dark glass bottles. Having selected the desired dosage of the drug, it is important to close the vial tightly. If you leave such an additive in the sun, its valuable fatty acids collapse.

Also, storage at high temperature will lead to deterioration of the drug, therefore it is advised to keep fish oil at a temperature below + 10 ° C. For this reason, drugs are not recommended to take in the summer.

The best option is to store fish oil in the refrigerator

Opinion Komarovsky

A popular doctor regards fish oil as a useful supplement, but advises giving it to children and lactating mothers only when it is impossible to obtain vitamin D from other sources. If a child and his mother regularly walk on a sunny day, take complex vitamins or synthetic vitamin D, Komarovsky does not see the need for it in the diet.

However, the famous pediatrician does not consider such an additive harmful, and if the mother wishes to give it as a supplement to the child's diet, this, in the opinion of Komarovsky, will not harm. Provided that a single dose, the frequency of admission and the duration of use of the parents will discuss with the pediatrician.

What can be replaced?

Omega fats, vitamin D and other beneficial compounds from fish oil a child may well receive from food. For this, fish should be present in its diet twice or thrice a week. The most valuable species are trout, salmon, mackerel, tuna, haddock, herring and sea bass.

Omega fats can also be obtained from plant foods, for example, from walnuts, vegetable oils, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds. There is a lot of vitamin D in such products as butter, eggs, liver, sour cream. If they appear regularly in the child's menu, he will not need an additional intake of fish oil.

Foods containing a sufficient amount of omega-3


Moms, in most cases, respond to fish oil supplements positively.. They are satisfied with the use of such natural products in children, noting the strengthening of immunity, success in learning, strong bones and teeth, as well as the good mood of the little ones.

Among manufacturers, Finnish companies, for example, Möller, receive the most positive feedback. Although the price of drugs from Finland is somewhat higher, they attract mothers with their quality and natural composition.

Some kids do not like fish oil, even if it is placed in a chewing candy. However, most children do not protest against children's supplements with fish oil, calling them tasty. Children especially like fish-shaped preparations.

Such drugs are transferred, according to moms, also mostly good. Allergic reactions are rare and mostly in children who are allergic to fish or seafood.

You can find out more about the benefits of fish oil by watching the program “About the Most Important”.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


