Which vitamins are best for a 4 year old child?


At the age of four, the child's body grows very actively, so it is very important that the child consumes sufficient doses of vitamins and minerals. What kind of vitamins do you need for a four-year period? Can you get them only from food? When does a pediatrician advise a vitamin supplement from a pharmacy and which pharmacy to choose at this age?

Every day a person should consume various nutrients that are important for the work of his body. For children, it is even more important, because in the body of children active processes of growth and development take place, and vitamins are vital substances for such processes.

At 4 years of age, the child’s bone and muscular system is especially actively developing, so parents should pay attention to adequate intake of vitamins D, A, C and group B.

Vitamins for baby
When it is impossible to have a balanced diet, vitamins come to the rescue.

The requirements for vitamins in 4 years and their effect on the children's body are presented in the table:


Impact on the child's body

Norm in 4 years


Participates in the absorption of minerals (in particular, calcium and phosphorus).

Important for the formation and strengthening of the bone system and teeth.

Affects local immunity.

400 IU (10 µg)


Responsible for the state of vision.

Affects growth processes and the immune system.

Important for normal skin and mucous membranes.

1600 IU (500 mcg)


Affects the body's defenses.

It is important for the formation and operation of connective tissue and muscles.

It affects the walls of blood vessels.

45 mg

IN 1

Affects the function of the nervous system.

Important for metabolic processes.

Helps in the work of the digestive tract.

0.9 mg

AT 2

Affects metabolic processes and energy production.

It is important for the state of the organ of vision, skin and mucous membranes.

1.1 mg

B3 (PP)

Responsible for cellular respiration.

Important for digestion and skin condition.

12 mg

AT 5

Participates in fat metabolism.

Helps in the synthesis of hormones, as well as antibodies.

4 mg

AT 6

Important for blood formation processes.

Participates in the production of antibodies.

1.1 mg

B7 (N)

Affects the condition of the skin and hair, as well as nails.

Affects the functioning of the liver.

Participates in metabolic processes.

25 mcg

B9 (folate)

Important for cell reproduction.

Participates in the blood.

75 mcg

AT 12

Affects the function of the nervous system.

Important for blood formation processes.

1 mcg


Stimulates tissue regeneration.

It is important for the condition of the mucous membranes and skin.

Strengthens the vascular wall.

Improves heart function.

7 mg


Important for blood clotting.

20 mcg


Vitamin preparations may be prescribed for a child aged 4 in such situations:

  • The child has problems with the diet. For example, there is no opportunity to eat a balanced diet, there is intolerance to certain foods, the child does not eat well and refuses food rich in vitamins.
  • The child revealed vitamin deficiencies. It manifests problems with sleep, general tiredness, skin changes, blurred vision, poor appetite, frequent whims and other symptoms.
  • The child attends developmental activities, clubs or the sports section, that is, he has increased physical and mental stress.
  • The child is often sick or recovering from an acute illness.
  • Parents want to support the children's body during the period when there are less vitamins in food.
  • The family lives in environmentally unfriendly conditions.


Four-year-olds do not get vitamins if they have:

  • Hypervitaminosis was diagnosed.
  • There is intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • There are severe kidney diseases.
Examination of the child at the doctor
Vitamin complexes should be prescribed by a doctor

Should I use to strengthen the immune system?

The load on the immunity of a 4-year-old child is quite high, since such children usually attend kindergarten or developmental activities, communicate with other children a lot and always risk catching the virus.

Preventing acute respiratory viral infections and colds with vitamins includes the use of complexes rich in ascorbic acid, vitamins E, A and D. These vitamins are especially important for the child's immunity and must be taken into his body in the right amount. If it is impossible to fill the needs of nutrition, complex vitamins will come to the rescue.

Among the most popular drugs designed specifically to support children's immunity are Pikovit Prebiotic, VitaMishki Immuno + and Multi-tabs Immuno Kids.

Forms of release

Children's vitamins are produced in the form of:

  • Sweet syrup.
  • A delicious gel for spreading on cookies.
  • Powder mixed with food.
  • Chewable solid tablets.
  • Chewy marmalade lozenges.

At 4 years of age, children especially like vitamins in the form of animal figures that need to be chewed. They are cute and tasty.

Bears vitamins
Vitamins are available in many different forms; you will surely find one that your child likes

What vitamins are better to give: a review of popular


Release form

Daily dosage for a child of 4 years

Special features

Vitrum Kids

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

This vitamin supplement contains 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. The use of such tablets with strawberry flavor helps in the development of bones and teeth of a child, improves brain activity and improves immunity.

Pikovit 4+

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

In this supplement, 10 essential vitamins are supplemented with calcium and phosphorus. Such a complex is advised to take if the child eats inferior or has no appetite. Also, such a vitamin preparation is recommended after antibiotic therapy. For children with excess body weight or diabetes, Pikovit D 4+ with the same composition is proposed (it contains sugar substitutes instead of sugar).

Pikovit Plus 4+

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

This complex contains 12 vitamins, supplemented with iodine, iron, calcium and zinc. The drug is recommended for poor appetite and low body weight, as well as asthenic syndrome and for the seasonal prevention of hypovitaminosis.



2 tsp. (10 ml)

This liquid vitamin complex well eliminates hypovitaminosis, as it includes all the vitamins important for health. Before giving the syrup to the child, the bottle should be shaken.

Kinder Biovital


1 tsp (5g)

The supplement is a yellow gel, which has a fruity taste and aroma. It is easy to use and like to children, while safe and includes lecithin in addition to vitamins. Such a vitamin complex is recommended to stimulate the growth of the child, eliminate fatigue, strengthen the immune system and increase appetite.

Multi-tabs Junior

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

The formula of this drug includes 11 vitamins, supplemented with 7 minerals. Such chewable tablets have a fruity or raspberry-strawberry flavor. Taking this drug strengthens the immune system and helps to cope with high loads. The product does not include preservatives and artificial colors.

Nature's Plus Source of Life Animal Parade Gold

Chewable tablets

2 tablets

Such animal figures contain not only all the vitamins that children need, but also minerals, enzymes, beneficial bacteria and other compounds.The use of this supplement improves digestion, strengthens the skeletal system and supports immunity.

Children's Centrum

Chewable tablets

1 tablet

Supplement is recommended for anemia, calcium deficiency and general loss of strength. In this complex, 13 vitamins are supplemented with 5 minerals. The drug has a positive effect on mental development, bone health and immunity. It lacks dyes and sugar.

VitaMishki Multi +

Chewable lozenges

1 pastil

These are some of the most sought-after vitamins at 4 years of age, as children like the shape and taste of these pastilles. The complex is recommended to improve intellectual activity, memory and attention. The supplement includes not only vitamins, but also choline, iodine, inositol and zinc. In this preparation there are no artificial colors and synthetic additives for taste.

Alphabet Kindergarten

Chewable tablets

3 tablets

This preparation contains all the vitamins needed by the child, as well as 9 minerals. In this case, all components are divided into three different tablets. They have a different taste and need to take such pills at different times, although the order of administration can be anything. The supplement will help stimulate the immune system and mental development of the child, will make the baby more resistant to large loads. The drug is made without preservatives, synthetic dyes and flavors.

Junior junior

Chewable lozenges

1 pastil

The supplement contains 11 vitamins, supplemented with calcium. These pastilles have a chocolate and apricot flavor. This supplement is recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Nature's Way Alive!

Chewable tablets

2 tablets

This complex will give the child high doses of vitamins C, A, E and D, as well as minerals, fruit and vegetable extracts. The product has a good effect on eye health and digestion, and also helps strengthen the teeth and bone system.


Chewable tablets

1 tablet

The drug is represented by animal figures containing vitamins essential for the health of the child. The complex is recommended to strengthen the immune system, vision and bone system of the child.

Nutritional correction as an alternative

Food is the main source of virtually all vitamins, so it is important to pay great attention to the balance of the diet of a 4-year-old child.

You can avoid the use of pharmaceutical vitamin supplements, if the menu of the four-year period necessarily includes such products:

  • Milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and cheese.
  • Eggs
  • Butter.
  • A variety of vegetables.
  • Meat, poultry and liver.
  • A fish.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Bread and porridge.
  • Legumes
  • Fruits and various berries.

ABOUT menu child with 4 years read in another article.

Baby eating vegetables
The average child who eats normal food does not need additional vitamin complexes.

Opinion Komarovsky

A popular doctor is not too fond of synthetic vitamin preparations, although he calls vitamins extremely important for the health of a child.

Komarovsky is sure that with a varied diet the child does not need additional vitamin complexes.

Therefore, he advises parents to pay attention to the diet of the child, and not to run to the pharmacy for bright pills. According to the pediatrician, the appointment of vitamin preparations should be carried out only with proven hypovitaminosis.

For more on this, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.


  • Buy for the child only vitamin complexes intended for children. If you give a baby a drug for adults, it can cause health problems.
  • It is best to choose a vitamin supplement from a reputable manufacturer, while buying the drug should be in a pharmacy. When comparing the complexes recommended to 4-year-old children, do not forget to read the reviews of parents.
  • Before giving the child a vitamin, read the annotation attached to the preparation and pay attention to the allowable age of use, recommended dosages and contraindications. Also look at the expiration date of the drug.
  • If your baby has a tendency to allergies, select vitamins especially carefully. Many vitamin complexes include colorants and flavorings, and although most manufacturers use natural compounds, allergic reactions to them are still possible.
  • Choosing a vitamin complex for a 4-year-old child, you can stop the choice on a vitamin-mineral preparation. For a child of this age, the intake of such minerals as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc is especially important.
  • Since almost all vitamins have a tonic effect on the work of the nervous system, their use is recommended in the morning.
  • Think carefully about the storage of children's vitamins, as many children perceive them not as medicine, but as a delicacy. Try not to allow the situation when the baby gets to the full package and eats a lot of vitamins at once.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


