Vitamins for schoolchildren
For normal development and good health, every child needs vitamins. And especially when it comes to schoolchildren. Receiving enough vitamins, a school-age child easily copes with the workload, freely concentrates on tasks and quickly learns new material. What vitamins are required for schoolchildren and are vitamin supplements from a pharmacy needed at this age?
Vitamin complexes recommended for school-age children are prescribed for:
- Decreased intellectual abilities.
- Problems with homework.
- Memory impairment.
- Concentration problems.
- Bad appetite.
- Irrational menu.
- Seasonal lack of vitamins in food.
- Long-term medication treatment (especially after antibiotic therapy).
- Frequent colds.
- Recovery from acute illness.
- Increased loads in sports.
- Preparation for exams and Olympiads.
Vitamins do not give in the case of:
- The development of hypervitaminosis (usually talking about an overdose of vitamin D or A).
- Individual intolerance.
- Severe illness in a child.
Why stimulate the brain and improve memory?
- Vitamin B1 improves brain nutrition. and cognitive activity is activated, and the child begins to memorize material better. Lack of this vitamin leads to problems with memory, irritability and fatigue.
- With significant mental stress, the school child needs more vitamin B2, because he is responsible for generating energy. Lack of this vitamin is manifested by weakness, poor appetite, dizziness.
- Vitamin B3 is involved in the production of energy in the nerve cells, whereby the brain is activated. Without his sufficient daily intake, the child’s memory diminishes, and fatigue gradually accumulates.
- The state of long-term memory depends on vitamin B5. Its deficiency leads to constant fatigue and problems with sleep.
- Very important for the work of the central nervous system and vitamin B6. Symptoms of its lack of is the appearance of insomnia, memory loss, inhibition of thinking.
- A sufficient intake of folic acid is important for regulating the excitability of the nervous system, preservation of memory and speed of thinking. The lack of such a vitamin leads to apathy and problems with both long-term and short-term memory.
- Vitamin B12 is important for the cognitive function of the brain, as well as changes in sleep and wakefulness. If it is lacking, the child will be constantly drowsy and will begin to complain of dizziness.
- Vitamin C is also important for memory. since sufficient intake of ascorbic acid is required for the absorption of B-group vitamins.
- Vitamin E is also important, and they note the property of protecting nerve cells. from the action of free radicals and toxic compounds. In addition, its use strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which also helps to improve memory.
Should I use to strengthen the immune system?
It should be noted that the student's immune system is really subjected to high loads and it is worth supporting it with vitamins. In the diet of a school-age child, there should be enough sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamins E and D. It is these vitamins that play the greatest role in protecting the body from the attack of viruses and bacteria.
If it is not possible to ensure the supply of such compounds with food, you can resort to the use of special complex vitamins, for example, give the child VitaMishki Immuno + or Immuno Kids from Multi-tabs.
Forms of release
Vitamins for school age are produced in different forms - sweet gel or syrup, chewable solid tablets or marmalades, coated tablets, capsules, pills, and even solutions for injections. At the same time, the most popular vitamin supplements for schoolchildren are chewable.

What vitamins are better to give: a review of popular
Most often, schoolchildren are buying these multivitamin supplements:
Name and release form |
Age of application |
Composition |
Benefits |
Daily dosage |
Alphabet Schoolboy (chewable tablets) |
7-14 years old |
In addition, there are all 13 vitamins, supplemented with 10 minerals |
The creation of the complex took into account scientific recommendations on the compatibility of vitamins and minerals, affecting their absorption. The additive rarely causes allergies. The drug helps to increase mental performance, improve the tolerance of sports loads and strengthen the immune system. There are no synthetic flavors, colors or preservatives in the tablets. |
3 tablets |
Pikovit Forte 7+ (tablets in the shell) |
7-14 years old |
11 vitamins |
The supplement gives the student a good dose of B-group vitamins. The tablets taste good mandarin. The complex helps with poor appetite, seasonal vitamin deficiencies or increased loads. Supplement is often prescribed after treatment with antibiotics. There is no sugar in the product. |
1 tablet |
VitaMishki Multi + (chewable lozenges) |
From 3 years old |
13 vitamins 2 minerals Inositol Choline |
Lozenges have an original shape and a pleasant taste of fruit. Thanks to choline, the drug improves brain function. The complex has a positive effect on the attention and memory of the student. There are no synthetic flavors or flavors in the lozenges. |
1 pastil |
Vitrum Junior (chewable tablets) |
7-14 years old |
13 vitamins 10 minerals |
The tablets have a pleasant taste of fruit. High doses of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium will strengthen the teeth and the schoolboy's posture. The complex has a stimulating effect on mental development. Supplement is indicated with significant physical and mental stress. |
1 tablet |
Sana-Sol for schoolchildren (effervescent tablets) |
12-17 years old |
10 vitamins and magnesium |
From tablets prepare a delicious drink. Due to the presence in the composition of vitamins C and E complex increases the body resistance of the student to external negative factors. Due to the high doses of vitamins of group B, the drug has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps to absorb new material. |
Drink from 1 tablet and 150 ml of water |
Multi-tabs Junior (chewable tablets) |
4-11 years old |
11 vitamins 7 minerals |
The supplement is a tablet with berry or fruit flavor. This is a balanced formula for schoolchildren, helping to quickly adapt to the new team and cope with the loads. Due to the high content of iodine, the complex stimulates both immunity and mental development. |
1 tablet |
Multi-tabs Teen (chewable tablets) |
11-17 years old |
11 vitamins 7 minerals |
Additive normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates the development of intelligence. The drug contains a full dose of iodine. The complex is recommended for high loads, for example, intensive training in the sports sections or preparing for exams. |
1 tablet |
Jungle (chewable tablets) |
From 3 years old |
10 vitamins |
Students like the shape and taste of this drug. The complex strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the metabolism in the child’s body. |
1 tablet |
Kinder biovital (gel) |
From the first year of life |
Lecithin 10 vitamins 3 minerals |
Due to the content of lecithin, vitamins from this complex are better absorbed. Children love the taste and texture of these vitamins. |
Twice a day 5 g |
Children's Centrum (chewable tablets) |
4-12 years old |
13 vitamins 5 minerals |
The supplement gives the child the right combination of B vitamins to support the nervous system, enhance memory and thinking. The complex has a positive effect on the condition of the teeth, bones and the immune system. Tablets do not contain sugar and dyes. |
1 tablet |
Many doctors insist on the need to introduce vitamin supplements in the child's diet. As an example, you can watch a video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.
We insist on a balanced diet and providing the student with the necessary amount of vitamins from products.
Nutritional correction as an alternative
If parents want to use vitamins to help their student's health, which will help his mental development, you should first reconsider the diet of the child, because almost all the valuable vitamins for the brain we get from food.
With a balanced nutrition, vitamin supplements from the pharmacy will not be needed. To do this, make sure that the schoolchildren are present in the menu:
- Dishes from fatty fish (pink salmon, salmon, trout). They are a source of iodine and easily digestible proteins.
- Various vegetable oils, seeds and nuts. Of these, the child will receive vitamin E.
- Dishes from whole grains. They are the source of the B vitamins.
Equally important is getting enough minerals. For memory and attention the child needs:
- Iron. Its source will be veal, rabbit, liver, beans, egg, cabbage.
- Magnesium. His child will get from peas, beans, dried apricots, nuts, cereals, sesame.
- Zinc. To get it, your child needs to eat dried fruit, liver, meat, mushrooms, and pumpkin seeds.
About proper student diet read another article. Learn the principles of a balanced diet and see an example of the menu for the week.
Opinion Komarovsky
The well-known pediatrician calls vitamins important substances for the child's health, but I am sure that the ordinary child does not need vitamin pharmacy complexes. Komarovsky offers parents to more closely control the diet of the child, so that all the necessary vitamins come into the children's body with food.
With regard to improving memory, a popular doctor recalls that this function should be trained through the study of poetry and other activities, and not at all taking vitamins.
- Looking after a multivitamin for a child, you first need to pay attention to the recommended age of use. As lower dosages in vitamins for smaller children, and high doses in complexes for adults are not suitable for schoolchildren.
- To buy vitamin supplements should be in a pharmacy, choosing a complex from the range of well-known manufacturer. Then you will be assured of the quality of the vitamins your baby gets.
- When choosing a vitamin complex for a schoolchild, they often prefer an additive in which other nutrients are present besides vitamins. In such complexes, pay attention to the dosage of iodine, zinc, selenium, iron, and omega fats.
- If you are interested in a complex with a high content of calcium, pay attention to such additives as Kaltsinova, Pikovit D and Sana-Sol with calcium and magnesium.
- If you are interested in vitamin preparations with a high content of iron, you should purchase Vitrum Circus or Dr. Theis Multivitamol. In these complexes, vitamins are supplemented with a high dose of iron to stimulate hematopoiesis and prevent anemia.
- So that the child does not experience a lack of iodine (a mineral that is very important for mental development), you can give the student Yodomarin or pick up multivitamins with a full dose of this element.
- When choosing a multivitamin for an allergic child, carefully study the composition of the product, because in most complexes there are fillers that can cause an allergic reaction (sweeteners, dyes, flavor additives, etc.).