Vitamins for children up to a year
In the first 12 months, the children's organism develops especially rapidly and actively, needing the supply of many nutrients. One of the most important are vitamins. Do they need a baby of the first year of life, from where the baby can get them and is it worth buying a pharmacy vitamin complex for the baby?
Any person needs vitamins, and a child under one year old - especially. It is in the first year that the most intensive processes in his body take place that ensure growth and health. The lack of even one vitamin can greatly affect the state of the toddler and its development.
Kids under one year old need these vitamins:
Vitamin | What affects the child's body | What dose should be given in the first year of life |
BUT | Child's height. Vision. Mucous membranes. The immune system. | 1250 IU |
D | Calcium / phosphorus exchange. The condition of the bones. Tooth growth. | 300 IU |
WITH | Connective tissue Immunity. Vessel elasticity. | 30 mg |
IN 1 | Exchange processes. The work of the nervous system. Work intestine. | 0.3 mg |
AT 2 | Energy processes. Metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Mucous membranes and skin. Eye health. | 0.4 mg |
AT 5 | Fat metabolism. Synthesis of hormones and antibodies. | 2 mg |
AT 6 | Hematopoiesis Immunity. | 0.5 mg |
AT 9 | Cell formation. | 25 mcg |
AT 12 | Hematopoiesis The work of the nervous system. | 0.4 mcg |
PP | Skin condition The work of the digestive tract. | 5 mg |
H | Condition of hair and nails, as well as skin. Exchange processes. Liver function. | 15 mcg |
E | Myocardial function. The state of the vessels. The assimilation of other vitamins. | 3 mg |
TO | Blood clotting | 10 mcg |
Is Breast Milk Enough?
Up to 6 months of age, the baby receives all the vitamins in the quantity he needs from his mother's milk, and from six months he begins to try complementary foods, which also enriches his diet with vitamin compounds, therefore in most cases a child under one year does not need to take pharmaceutical vitamin supplements. The only exception is made for vitamin D, especially when it comes to the winter period.
As for the baby-fed crumbs, the situation is similar, as in modern milk mixtures there are all the vitamins important for the development of karapuz, and such babies are beginning to be administered earlier.
On why a child needs vitamin D, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.
The use of vitamin preparations in the age of one year is justified in such cases:
- If the baby's nutrition is insufficient or unbalanced, for example, in the presence of lactose intolerance.
- If the baby refuses to lure and eat very badly.
- If the toddler has chronic diseases (especially of the digestive tract) and you have to constantly take medicine.
- If the baby was diagnosed with vitamin deficiency.
- When the baby is often sick.
- For the prevention of rickets.
Do not give a crumb under the year vitamins in the presence of:
- Individual intolerance to any of the components of the complex.
- Hypervitaminosis.
- Hypercalcemia (if we are talking about vitamin D).
Should I use to strengthen the immune system?
Often sick children, doctors often advise to take a course of vitamin therapy to strengthen the immune system and make the child more resistant to infection with viruses and bacteria. Especially important for strong immunity are vitamins C, E, A and D. Their use will increase the child's defenses, with the result that the crumb will be less sore.
Forms of release
Almost all vitamin preparations for babies of the first year of life are represented by a liquid form. This eliminates the risk of choking and is safer for crumbs than lozenges or tablets. Syrups, powders, chewable tablets or gels are offered to children over 12 months old.
What vitamins are better to give: a review of popular
Title | Composition | Release form | Daily dosage for children under the year | Application features |
Vitamin D | Solution | 1-2 drops | With prematurity and the development of rickets, the dosage of the drug increases to 2-10 drops, depending on the condition of the child. In the summer, the prophylactic dose is 1 drop. It is important not to overdose the drug. | |
Multi-tabs Baby | Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D | Solution | 0.5-1 ml | The drug is indicated for deficiency of vitamin C or vitamin A, as well as for the prevention of rickets. In addition, this complex is prescribed to strengthen the immunity of the child. |
Watering Baby | Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin PP Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamins of group B | Solution | 1 ml | The drug is used to prevent hypovitaminosis, as well as to eliminate it. The complex can be mixed with drinking or eating. |
- Pick up a vitamin preparation to the child about one year only according to recommendations of your pediatrician. The doctor, assessing the health of the crumbs, will be able to suggest which vitamins are preferable, as well as clarify their dosage.
- Having bought a vitamin supplement for the peanut, make sure that the drug is approved for children under 12 months. Dosages of the complexes for older age can have a toxic effect on the infant.
- Prefer vitamins for crumbs younger than a year from a trusted and reputable manufacturer. In addition, you should not buy the drug in an unfamiliar and dubious place.
- Remember that a significant amount of a daily dose of vitamin D is produced in the child’s body under the influence of the sun’s rays. Therefore, in the winter and spring, do not miss the opportunity to walk with the tot in the sun.
- Buying a vitamin complex crumbs, you can look at the combined supplements, in which there are minerals. Especially important for kids younger than a year is iodine, calcium and iron.
- Morning is considered the best time to take a vitamin preparation. Usually the agent is drunk before meals or during meals.

Opinion Komarovsky
A popular pediatrician does not doubt the importance of vitamins for the life and health of a child, but does not recommend taking complexes from a pharmacy without hypovitaminosis. However, he confirms the importance of prophylactic intake of vitamin D, especially at a time when sunlight is not enough.
For more on this, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.
You can learn more about the nutrition of children under one year old from the following articles.: