Vitamins for children


When parents choose a multivitamin supplement for the child, they are primarily interested in the quality of the drug, because it is directly related to the effectiveness and benefits for the child's body. And the best option is to buy a popular and long-established complex, for example, Vitrum vitamins. Which products from this brand can be purchased for a child and what should moms and dads know about such multivitamins?

Parents often find it difficult to choose vitamins for their crumbs.


In the vitamin line Vitrum presents several complexes for children.

Vitrum Baby

This multivitamin preparation is designed for children aged 3-5 years, as it includes nutrients that meet the needs of a child of preschool age. It is represented by chewable fruit tablets in the form of animals (in 1 package - 30 or 60 pieces).

  • The formula of the complex includes the Growth Trio. So called three valuable for the development of the skeletal system and muscles of the child's mineral - calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.
  • Taking supplements has a positive effect on the state of tooth enamel, inhibiting the development of early caries.
  • A drug strengthens the defenses of the child’s body, which is very important for kids starting kindergarten.
  • The complex supports the intellectual and mental development of the child, beneficially affecting the speech of children, as well as processes such as attention and memory.
  • Supplement helps normalize your appetite.

Vitrum Kids

This complex is designed for ages 4-7 years and includes the basic nutrients necessary for a child of this age. It is produced in the form of chewable strawberry tablets, which are animal figures. One pack contains 30 or 60 vitamins.

  • Thanks to the content of the Growth Trio the drug supports the development of the skeleton and muscles of the child, and also helps to form a correct posture.
  • Also product positively affects the bite during the change of teeth and the state of enamel.
  • Additive contains important for the development of the child's intelligence substance.
  • The product has vitamins and minerals, increase the body's defenses therefore, the drug is indicated in the cold season.

Vitrum Junior

Such a complex is recommended for children of 7-14 years, as it supports the body of the student with all the necessary elements at school age. It is made in the form of round chewable fruit tablets, which are sold in packs of 30 and 60 pieces.

  • The drug has a beneficial effect on the mental development of the child, helping to handle school loads more easily.
  • The supplement strengthens the immune system and promotes more rapid recovery from disease, allowing you to quickly return to the learning process.
  • Presence in the Growth Trio It has a positive effect on the eruption of permanent teeth and the child’s posture.

Vitrum Teen

This complex covers the nutritional needs of adolescent children, so it is recommended for children from 14 to 18 years. The additive is made in the form of round chewable chocolate tablets. One pack contains 30 or 60 vitamins.

  • Supplement helps to maintain immunity, therefore it is recommended during the cold season, as well as after illness.
  • The presence in the “Trio of Growth” is important for adolescents, since it is at this age that the musculoskeletal system is growing particularly actively.
  • The drug helps to normalize exchange processes which are often violated during puberty.
  • Supplement also contributes elimination of psycho-emotional overload, related to passing exams.
  • Due to the presence in the complex of zinc, vitamins C, E, A, group B and selenium the child has acne.
  • The drug will help compensate for nutritional deficiencies, if a teenager eats monotonous or carried away fast food.

Vitrum Kids Gummy

This complex is represented by marmalade vitamins for children older than 3 years. The supplement comes in the form of chewing bears and is recommended as an additional source of nutrients for children 3-7 years old. One vitamin weighs 2.5 g. The drug is sold in two versions of the package - 30 "bears" and 60 pieces in one bottle.


Vitrum multivitamins designed for children include the following nutrients:


Main ingredients


13 vitamins (D3, A, B1, E, B2, C, B6, K1, B12, PP, B5, H, B9)

11 minerals (Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, I, Mn, Se, Cr, Mo)


12 vitamins (D3, A, B1, E, B2, C, B6, B12, PP, B5, H, B9)

10 minerals (Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, I, Mn, Se, Cr)


13 vitamins (D3, A, B1, E, B2, C, B6, K1, B12, PP, B5, H, B9)

10 minerals (Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, I, Mn, Cr, Mo)


13 vitamins (D3, A, B1, E, B2, C, B6, K1, B12, PP, B5, H, B9)

11 minerals (Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, I, Mn, Se, Cr, Mo)

Kids gummy

11 vitamins (A, B5, C, B6, E, D3, B9, H, B12, B4, B8)

2 minerals (Zn, I)


Vitamin preparations Vitrum is recommended for children for this purpose:

  • Support intensive growth and development of the child.
  • To prevent SARS in the winter-spring period.
  • Help faster recover after an illness.
  • Complement diet missing in case of malnutrition substances.
  • Provide support with high emotional or physical stress.

Promotional video vitamins Vitrum for children with fixes:


Complexes for children from Vitrum do not give:

  • With increased sensitivity to any ingredient of the drug.
  • When hypervitaminosis A or D.
  • When hyperthyroidism.
  • In case of Wilson-Konovalov disease.
It is also important to comply with age restrictions, for example, the Baby complex should not be given to children under three years of age, and children are not recommended to be supplemented by babies who are under 4 years old.


Any of the children's complexes Vitrum should be taken 1 time per day. The child is offered to chew a pill after eating. The duration of the use of such multivitamins - up to 2-3 months.

Reviews and prices

Parents who have experience of using Vitrum vitamins in children, speak of these supplements mostly positively. Among the advantages noted attractive packaging, pleasant taste of vitamins and rich composition. Most mothers emphasize that the use of Vitrum complexes improved the child's appetite, reduced the incidence of disease and normalized sleep.

As for the shortcomings, there are complaints about problems with chewing, the presence of synthetic additives, as well as a relatively high price. A pack of 30 tablets costs an average of 400-500 rubles, and for a package that includes 60 vitamins, you need to pay an average of 500-700 rubles.

The cost of Vitrum for children is slightly higher than for similar drugs.

In some children, these vitamins caused allergies. Moms also noted that Vitrum supplements can change the color of feces (due to iron) and urine (due to vitamin B2). If the mother did not read the instructions before giving the complex to the child, such changes caused her unnecessary worries.

Substitute Products

Wanting to replace vitamins for Vitrum babies, you can pick up any other multivitamin product recommended during childhood. This can be a complex of Multi-tabs, Pikovit, Alphabet, Supradin or some other.

If the mother wants to provide the child with only natural vitamins, she should pay maximum attention to the balance of the child's diet, including all groups of products that are important for the development of the body.

The Union of Pediatricians of Russia makes a statement about the need for prophylactic intake of vitamin complexes, whereas, for example, Dr. Komarovsky opposes. See the following videos for details.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.