Charging for children 9-12 years


Immediately after the birth of the baby, it is important to conduct a complex of developmental gymnastics for the proper development of the baby. With age, the importance of exercise becomes even more important, especially when children come to puberty. Charging and gymnastic exercises will help the child to be healthy, active and stay in a great mood throughout the day.

Special features

Morning exercise or gymnastics is important and necessary at any age, because it is recommended to carry out all family members. Each age group has its own exercises and orientation of training, but the benefits of physical activity are obvious. From birth, the child is prescribed massages and exercises to help the correct development of a small body, in some cases, exercise therapy is prescribed for infants. When a child becomes independent and can do a physical exercise without the help of a parent, there comes a period of time when you need to start exercising with him.

9 years old is the age when the number of homework for a child increases seriously, it gets several times more cases. Charging for children at the age of 10 is simply necessary, because not every parent can find time and money to ensure that the child attends the sports section or is engaged in another type of activity.

To compensate for the lack of exercise, it is important to set aside at least 20 minutes a day to do a little warm-up with a teenager. Gymnastic exercises at this age should be chosen no less carefully than at any other stage of the child’s development. Both at 9 and 11 years old, the body grows vigorously, and the older the schoolchild becomes, the more intense all the processes inside and outside of his body occur.

This time is considered optimal for the separation of the complex of exercises for girls and boys due to the difference in the pace of development of the organism. In addition, in view of the peculiarities of the metabolic processes of the puberty period, it is important for girls to make a bias on those exercises that will correct the figure. During the period of active growth of the bones in the body of the boys, you need to help them to remove muscular discomfort and develop muscles so that she has time to grow behind the bone tissue.

Exercise and exercise for children of 9-12 years are of great importance, so you should not neglect it, but try to participate in the child’s life and do a physical exercise with him.


The period of the beginning of puberty is of great importance both for the physical parameters of girls and boys, and for their psychological development in general, because it is so important to pay due attention to these issues. It is at this time that all the basic parameters of the figure are laid out, which later will be very difficult to change. The main bias in charging for boys and girls of this age should be done on flexibility, coordination, and those exercises that help strengthen the entire body.

In the process of training, it is necessary not only to select the exercises correctly, but also to ensure that the upper and lower parts of the body are equally stressed. The same applies to the right and left sides of the body.

If parents have the opportunity, and, of course, the desire to engage with the child, then in the charging complex it is worthwhile to introduce such gymnastic exercises:

  • Somersaults His students should already be able to do with physical education classes, so at home, parents can also cope with the task. It is advisable to first learn the technique of carrying out exercises and insurance during a roll to safely hold it at home.Reverse flip is more difficult to do, so the role of the parent in this case is very important in order to correctly explain everything and help reproduce it.
  • If there is a large space in the house, in the courtyard or in the stadium, if it is located nearby, you can try wheel. The first step in learning the wheel will be the handstand against the wall, after which you will need to learn how to get out of this position, raising your hand and lowering your leg in the other direction. As soon as the wheel against the wall starts to turn out, you can try to do it without support.
  • Another important exercise for children of this age is bridgewhich develops the back muscles and activates the spine, which eliminates the formation of any problems with it at an early age. Initially, the bridge learn to do from a prone position on the floor. The first exercises should be performed with insurance, and then use a wall or a Swedish ladder instead, on which the child can lower himself into the bridge and get out of it.
  • Twine also important for children of this age, especially for girls, as they develop the internal muscles of the legs. The flexibility of any limb for the girl will be an advantage, because training in the splits will be a very important moment for the development of a flexible and coordinated girl.

As for the boys, the exercise for them will be slightly different from those designed for girls. Since the growth of the skeleton begins rather abruptly, the muscles do not have time to catch up with it, in connection with which adolescent boys more often become tired and lead a sluggish and passive lifestyle. During this period, it is important to work hard on the flexibility of all parts of the body and perform more coordination exercises.

It is necessary to use sports equipment and equipment in the process of charging or training.

Usually morning exercise at this age is a tonic event, and the main load is given after it. After the warm-up has been completed, the boy is given a certain set of exercises with which he has to cope without much difficulty, but with the tension of all the muscles of the body.

Approximate complex

In order for gymnastics and gymnastics for teenagers to take place correctly, it is worth choosing the best exercises for them. The main ones will be:

  • Performing walking on the spot. It is important to monitor the position of the body, posture and the position of the arms - strictly down.
  • Legs together, arms along the body, Task: lifting on toes, while arms should be raised simultaneously to the sides. It is necessary to monitor posture and breathing.
  • Legs slightly apart, arms bent in elbows in front of you. Task: turn the torso alternately in each direction with the maximum elbow retraction. It is important to monitor posture.
  • Legs, as in the previous exercise, put hands on shoulders. Objective: rotate the elbows in the forward and backward direction for the maximum amplitude. Follow the posture.
  • Legs shoulder-width apart, arms down. Task: on the score 1 - bend forward, stretch the arms parallel to the floor, on 2 - the starting position. You can complicate the exercise: 1 - bending forward, 2 - deflection in the back and arms up, 3 - bending forward, 4 - the starting position.
  • Squat up to an angle of 90 degrees in the knees, pull the pelvis back, keep your back straight with a slight forward bend. For complication, you can hold triple squats with three springs in each squat and return to the leg stance.
  • Feet slightly apart, arms down. Objective: 1 - raising hands and raising toes, 2 - tilting down with lowering hands to the floor.

The number of repetitions will depend on the level of training of children. As the exercises become feasible, you need to gradually increase their number.

In the complex of morning exercises boys can include more such exercises as:

  • Swing feet. Main position: legs are near, hands are arbitrary. Max right and left foot for 8-10 reps. Movement is made from the starting position forward, to the side, and also backwards in turn with each leg.
  • Coordination movements with arms and legs. The legs are near, arms down, on 1 — raising the arms and withdrawing one foot back to the toe, on 2 — the starting position. We repeat the same with the other leg.
  • The slopes on the sides with the addition of hands. Feet slightly apart, hands on the belt. Task: tilt to the side, arms stretch in the same direction. Exercise is performed in each direction.
  • Push ups. Objective: from the position of the prone position, bend and align the arms at the elbow joint. Monitor the even position of the body and the amplitude of movement.
  • Press. Sitting on the rug, the legs can be flat or bent at the knee joints, the position of the hands - behind the head. Task: lie on your back and return to the starting position. You can add body turns to the right and left alternately to work the oblique abdominal muscles.

Using basic exercises or those that include elements of gymnastics for charging with children 9-12 years old will bring great benefits to the body of adolescents, attract them to sports and give a good mood, preparing the student for a new day.


Using all sorts of items and sports equipment can make any exercise or training much more interesting. If a child does not want to do routine exercises, and the sports section is beyond your means, then the use of a gymnastic stick, a ball, or a jump rope will help to drastically change the situation.

The OFP with objects and clockwork music will not leave a teenager indifferent and will attract all household members to training. With the help of a projectile, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Sitting on the rug, legs apart, the ball on the hip of one leg. Challenge: rolling the ball along the leg from hip to toes. Work is performed on each leg alternately.
  • Sitting on the mat, feet forward together, put the ball on the feet, put your hands on the back on the floor. Task: to raise the legs so that the ball rolled down to the stomach and came back.
  • Lying on the mat, hold the ball with your feet. Objective: to raise the legs up to a corner of 90 degrees, without dropping the ball.

Exercises with the use of gymnastic wand.

  • Standing, legs slightly apart, arms crossed holding a wand. Task: fingers move to the end of the wand with each hand in the opposite direction.
  • The wand is located on the floor. Objective: walk along it, advancing clearly in the middle of the foot. This exercise helps especially to prevent clubfoot, and most importantly, that children of different ages can do it with an equally good result.

At the end of any training, it is important to carry out a complex of stretching, which will allow you to relax your muscles and relieve fatigue, saving the child from unpleasant feelings after class. Daily exercise will help to develop the habit of learning, which will last a lifetime.

How to carry out exercises for children 9-12 years, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


