Gymnastics for a child 5-6 months


Five-month-old children are emotional and inquisitive. But their need to explore the world is limited by physical skills, or rather, their lack. Despite the fact that by this age the child has achieved a lot and learned a lot, the most difficult and intensive stage of its development is just beginning. Helping a baby is a challenge for caring parents. About what physical exercises at this age should be introduced into the charging complex, we will discuss in this article.

Features of physical development at the age of six months

If your child is already 5-6 months old, you can confidently say that he learned to smile and express his emotions. Also, the babies of this age category are already well-kept head, if they lie on the tummy, more consciously make movements with arms and legs, they are able to grab the objects and toys of interest. Five-month and six-month-old babies can’t lie and do nothing - it is beyond their strength.

Many children roll over perfectly - from the back to the stomach and back. Some have already attempted to sit down. All of these numerous skills certainly need to use when planning a set of activities for the child.

At five months, the child begins to actively explore their own body. At the mental level, the first speech skills are improved, the crumb is already able to pronounce some individual sounds and even syllables, and his thinking and attention are actively developing.

Waking periods have become even longer, the child is now sleeping a maximum of 15-16 hours a day. The rest of the time he needs to communicate - tactile, verbal, emotional. All these types of communication and should become mandatory when performing gymnastic exercises.

Without these three components even the most useful, from the point of view of anatomy, exercises will not bring the desired result.

At this age, the child begins to realize that the movements of his body and limbs can be controlled, and he can control them. This leads kids in indescribable delight. Charging, supplemented by exercises that meet the needs of the age, will be perceived by the child with pleasure and will bring many benefits.

The benefits of gymnastics

The baby is 5-6 months old and is on the verge of new discoveries: soon he will start sitting, crawling, and then getting up on his feet. Gymnastics should be consistent with his motor skills and contribute to the development of new ones - be sure to include exercises to stimulate crawling and strengthening the muscles of the back, chest and arms in the daily training program with the child. This will be required so that the baby can sit down faster. You do not need to sit down by force - this is harmful and dangerous, but to help the child strengthen certain muscle groups is a great initiative for loving parents.

Gymnastics at this age contributes to a better understanding of the device of your own body, and this is exactly what the baby cares about right now. With regular physical exertion, joints and bone apparatus strengthen, muscles become more elastic. All this will do good work when the child begins to take a vertical position: it will be easier for him to sit down, stand up and, eventually, go.

Exercise improves blood flow to the limbs, muscle tissue, and skin. This has a positive effect on the formation of immunity of the baby.It is noticed that children with whom they do gymnastics every day are less likely to get sick, and if this happens, the disease is easier and there are practically no complications.

The tactile contact that the child experiences during gymnastics and the massage that precedes it has a positive effect on the work of the nerve receptors of the skin, in particular, and of the entire nervous system. A child who is given adequate physical exertion, falls asleep better, has an excellent appetite, and has less constipation.

The little ones with whom the mother deals with every day are developing more harmoniously, their need for communication is being met. Such children learn to speak before, and in the future they demonstrate richer learning abilities.

If a child has certain neurological or musculoskeletal disorders, he is prescribed a special, therapeutic massage and exercises from the complex physical therapy (physical therapy).

It is recommended to add new exercises to such complexes only with the permission of the attending physician or the local pediatrician.

Gymnastics for a child for whom normal, fortifying massage and the same physical activity are recommended, in 5-6 months, should be directed to the development of targeted limb movements.

Interesting exercises

Charging, given the increased mobility of the child, should be complemented by active exercises that the baby will perform, not only because the mother holds his heels tightly or pens, but also because he himself will be interested to perform a certain physical action. Do not forget to organize classes with accompaniment of music, read poems and sing songs - “Rails sleepers” will do, and “Giraffe has spots, spots, spots everywhere.”

These songs will help the baby to better explore your body. In general, all exercises should be as emotional and fun as possible, so that the little one is not bored. Below we provide a list of the most fun and entertaining (and useful!) Exercises for children of the specified age:

  • "Catch me!". This exercise is aimed at developing coordination of hand movements. Put the child on the back, to the right of him put the included sound toy. When the baby takes it with one hand, wind up and place the second toy on the left, which will sound different. The task of the baby is to take the second toy with the second hand and, at least for a short time, to hold both toys with two hands.

  • "Stool". This exercise is done in order to help the child learn the skill of sitting. Mom stretches her own index fingers to the baby lying on her back. The child’s task is to grab onto them and tightening the body in her arms, while continuing to hold Mom’s arms, lift the torso, trying to sit up. No need to drag the child. If his muscles are not ready to sit, do not sit down. It is important that the initiative to change the position of the body with your support belongs to the baby. Exclude the rise of the body to the state of a right angle, it will be good if for a start the child can rise 30-45 degrees relative to the surface on which the gymnastics is done.
  • "Feather". This exercise will be useful for the spine and back muscles. Bring the child on his back, straightened open hand under his back and slightly raise the baby above the surface, hemming it from above with his second hand. Ideally, the child will bend, strain the back and abdominal muscles. Do this exercise 5 to 10 times.
  • "Tin soldier." A child who is already beginning to make independent attempts to sit down can be offered a new exercise that will show him that the vertical position of the body is not at all scary. Grasp the child with his hands on the chest on the sides and hold him in an upright position with the legs on a firm surface for about half a minute. For charging, you can repeat this technique from 2 to 4 times.

If the child has not begun to sit down, this exercise should not be carried out.

  • "Kitten puppies." This exercise is designed to support crawling skills. Put your baby on your tummy and place your stretched palm under your belly. Gently, with the second hand holding the baby by the back, begin to lift the baby into a position in which he will lean on the surface with his knees and handles. Hold the child in that position for a few seconds, and therefore smoothly lower it to its original position.
  • "I - myself!". This exercise effectively develops all muscle groups, stimulates the seat and improves the vestibular apparatus. Lift the child under the arms and hold it vertically. Preliminarily put him a toy right under the legs in front of the socks, for which he wants to bend. Holding his chest, help the crumble to bend over by squatting. After the toy is in the hands of the baby, gently lift it to its original position. It will be enough to repeat the reception 2-3 times.

  • "Shchekotun". This technique will strengthen the muscles of the foot, because the day is not far off when the child starts to stand with the support on this part of the body. Take the heel in your hands and draw an index finger from the third toe of the leg, from the sock to the heel, a straight line. In this case, the child will bend and unbend the foot.

In addition to these exercises, the mother can continue to carry out the traditional "Caterpillar", in which the baby will reach out and try to crawl on the stomach for a toy. You can complicate the exercise by putting two toys in front of the child. If you try, over time, he will grab both objects with two handles. You can also start doing the exercise “Wheelbarrow” if the child’s arms are strong enough (the mother holds the child’s legs, she crosses the surface with her hands).

General recommendations

  • If the weather and time of year allow, hold a lesson without clothes, and in summer - on the street;
  • Be sure to start gymnastics with a general massage, so that the child’s muscles are “heated” for subsequent exercise;
  • The exercise is best done in the morning, because it has a stimulating effect, and can cause sleep disturbances if done in the evening;
  • Do not conduct a lesson if the baby is naughty.

Read more about gymnastics for children 5-6 months, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


