Suspension "Panadol" for children: instructions for use


Antipyretic drugs are in the first-aid kit of each family in which the child appeared, because the high temperature is one of the frequent ailments in childhood. To combat fever, paracetamol preparations are considered the safest drugs.

Among them, there is a great demand for Children's Panadol, which is also called Panadol Baby. One of its forms is a strawberry-flavored slurry. When it is prescribed to children, how does it act on the child’s body, in what dose is it used and does it have analogues?

Release form

Children's Panadol in the form of a suspension looks like a viscous syrupy liquid, so this medicine is often called syrup. The solution has a pink tint and strawberry flavor, and the drug tastes sweet.

The amount of medication in one glass vial is 100 ml or 300 ml. The bottle is sold with a plastic syringe and instructions.


The main component of the drug, which provides Children's Panadol with its therapeutic effect, is paracetamol. Its amount in 5 milliliters of the solution is 120 mg.

For a liquid and viscous consistency, as well as to prevent spoilage, the drug contains esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, sorbitol, xanthan gum, water, citric and malic acid.

The sweet taste of the medication is provided by maltitol, the color by the dye azorubine, and the smell by the strawberry flavor. There is no alcohol or sugar in this solution.

Operating principle

Children's Panadol has an antipyretic effect, since its active ingredient is capable of blocking the cyclooxygenase enzyme in the tissues of the nervous system. Due to this, the drug acts on the thermoregulation center, and the body temperature begins to drop.

The same mechanism of action provides an anesthetic effect (paracetamol affects the center of pain), but anti-inflammatory effect in the suspension is practically absent. This medication does not affect the formation of prostaglandins in peripheral tissues, so there is also no damaging effect on the gastrointestinal tract in Panadol.

Absorption of paracetamol from the suspension occurs very quickly. Already in 30-60 minutes after taking the peak of this substance in the plasma becomes maximum. The therapeutic effect is observed after 15-20 minutes after the patient swallows the syrup, and it lasts about 4 hours.

The metabolism of Panadol ingredients takes place in the tissues of the liver, and the drug is almost completely excreted in the urine.


Most often, Panadol Baby is given to children with fever, which can be triggered by:

  • flu;
  • chicken pox;
  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • ARVI;
  • rubella
  • intestinal infection;
  • mumps;
  • vaccination and other reasons.

Since the drug has an analgesic effect, such Panadol can also be used for pain, for example:

  • due to teething;
  • with otitis;
  • for diseases of the throat;
  • with bruises, fractures and other injuries.

At what age is it allowed to take?

Panadol Pediatric Suspension is usually not administered to infants younger than 3 months. According to the instructions, this drug is used in the treatment of children whose age ranges from three months to 12 years.

Syrup is contraindicated in newborns., but for babies of the second or third month of life it is permissible to give it once, in order to eliminate the fever that has arisen due to vaccination.

If the temperature does not decrease after such a single use, Panadol cannot be given again, but you should consult a doctor.

Do not use liquid medicine in adolescence. If the child is more than 12 years old, it is more expedient to give him a tablet form. (Panadol for adults), since adolescents require a higher dosage, because of which the volume of suspension at one time will be quite large.


Suspension is not prescribed if the child has:

  • revealed the intolerance of paracetamol or any of the auxiliary components of the solution;
  • there are disorders in the kidneys;
  • there are problems with the liver;
  • a genetically determined lack of glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase was detected, or there was fructose intolerance;
  • there are serious blood diseases, such as anemia or thrombocytopenia.

Side effects

In some children, taking Panadol causes allergies, such as skin itching or rash. In rare cases, an immediate reaction in the form of urticaria, angioedema, or even anaphylaxis occurs on the suspension. Among other side effects indicate:

  • With long-term use of the drug can change the picture of the blood, reducing the number of its cellular elements.
  • In children with hypersensitivity to NSAIDs, suspension in rare cases provokes bronchospasm.
  • Occasionally, treatment with Panadol impairs liver function or adversely affects the digestive tract (provokes pain, nausea, and other symptoms).

Instructions for use and dosage

Children's Panadol in suspension is taken orally, dispensing the medicine in a box with a measuring syringe. Before taking the medicine, it is imperative that you shake well, so that all its components are evenly distributed in the liquid.

The determination of the dosage of the drug for young patients is influenced by the age of the child and his weight. Recommended figures for kids of different ages and weights can be seen in the table and on the box of Panadol, in the annotation attached to the bottle. For example, if a child is 6 months old and his body weight is 8 kg, he is given 5 ml of suspension per reception, and for a small 4-year-old patient weighing 16 kg a single dosage of the drug will be 10 ml.

The maximum permissible dose is calculated by weight - it is not more than 15 mg per 1 kg per dose and not more than 60 mg per 1 kg per day.

The recommended frequency of receiving the suspension - 3-4 times a day. In this case, liquid Panadol is given at intervals of 4 to 6 hours, but not more than four times during the day. Without the prescription of a pediatrician, the drug can be taken only 3 days.


Parents should accurately measure the suspension and not exceed its one-time dosage, and also not give the drug to children more often than every 4 hours and more than four times a day. An overdose of Panadol is dangerous by the negative effects of the drug liver, digestive system, kidney work and metabolic processes. In severe cases, it can lead to bleeding, encephalopathy, and other adverse conditions.

In case of overdosing, the patient should immediately be shown to the doctor, even if the child's health is normal. If after an overdose no more than an hour has passed, it is important to wash the baby's stomach and give one of the enterosorbents. In a serious condition, the child is immediately hospitalized and acetylcysteine, methionine, and other necessary drugs are prescribed.

Compatibility with other drugs

Before giving Children Panadol in case of heat or pain, it is important to clarify whether the child is taking any other medicines, because paracetamol preparations should not be combined with many other medicines. Their complete list is available in the annotation to the suspension.

Terms of sale

Panadol Baby Suspension is sold without a prescription, so you can freely buy it at most pharmacies. The average price of 100 ml of medicine is 80-90 rubles.

Storage conditions

Shelf life of suspension - 3 years. Until its completion, the medicament should be stored in a place hidden from direct sunlight. At the same time, it is impossible to freeze the bottle or heat it above +30 degrees. In addition, it is important that the syrup could not reach the little child.


On the use of Children's Panadol in children with fever or pain there are mostly positive reviews. In them, the suspension is called an effective medicine, praised for its convenient form, affordable price, ease of dosing and pleasant taste.

Moms like that this drug is not only effective, but also safe, so that it can be given to babies and taken during pregnancy. Only in rare cases, Panadol Baby provokes allergies and other negative symptoms.

Most children take this syrup without problems and their side effects do not develop.

The disadvantages of drugs include it. short healing effect because of what many parents prefer drugs ibuprofen (the duration of their action is up to 8 hours). Also, some mothers do not like the composition of the suspension, because it includes the dye and flavor.

To avoid such chemicals entering the children's body, they choose Children's Panadol in the candlelight, which is especially important for infants or children with allergies.


Panadol Baby's suspension may be replaced by another paracetamol-based liquid medicine, for example:

  • Calpol This strawberry suspension also contains 120 mg of paracetamol in 5 milliliters and is sold in bottles of 70 and 100 ml. For children, she is appointed at the age of 3 months to 6 years.
  • Efferalgan. This 3% caramel vanilla syrup contains 30 mg paracetamol in each milliliter. The drug is produced in bottles of 90 ml and supplemented with a measuring spoon. It is prescribed to children from 3 months to 12 years.
  • Paracetamol. Such a preparation with an orange or strawberry flavor is produced both in suspension (it contains 120 mg of the active substance in 5 ml) and in syrup (the dosage of paracetamol in this form is 125 mg / 5 ml). Medication is prescribed to children older than three months, and at the age of 1-3 months they give under the supervision of a physician.

In addition, instead of Panadol, the doctor may recommend a suspension, the effect of which is provided ibuprofen. Such a drug can be Nurofen or Ibuprofen. Every 5 ml of this suspension contains 100 mg of ibuprofen. The drug is prescribed to children with pain or fever from the age of three months.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


