Choleretic drugs for children


Many children quite often complain of abdominal pain. I do not know how yours, but mine skillfully manipulated this fictional disease: the active phase of sincere "suffering" begins when they do not want to finish their dinner or go to kindergarten, and even when parents reasonably demand that they clean up the nursery as soon as possible.

But often children's complaints of abdominal pain are not so harmless. Especially if the child complains of pain in the abdomen immediately after eating. And especially if he does it systematically. And very particularly, if the child has diarrhea and constipation, rumbling in the stomach, there was an unpleasant smell from the mouth. At least attentive parents should be alerted at least. Perhaps the baby has gall bladder problems.

What problems are there

  • Cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder, accompanied by a disorder of appetite, belching with a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor, heaviness in the right side, dull or sharp pain, yellowing of the skin. Causes - a hereditary factor, unbalanced nutrition, low mobility.
  • Biliary dyskinesia - a violation of the output of bile due to an abnormal contraction of the gallbladder and the own muscle of this organ (yes, there is one!), Oddi's sphincter. Causes of appearance - stress, poor diet with an abundance of fatty foods, food allergies, worms or other parasites, as well as diseases of the stomach.
  • Pancreatitis - inflammation of the gallbladder, in which self-destruction of the organ occurs due to the fact that bile "digests" it. In this case, the degeneration of the bubble proceeds rather quickly. Causes - unbalanced diet, poisoning, viral diseases, parasites. Pancreatitis can also be congenital.
  • Lylamioz - A disease that most often affects children from 1 to 4 years. Because of Giardia (parasites living in the small intestine), the child may have an upper abdominal pain (around the navel), disturbed by frequent bloating, constipation and diarrhea. Sleep, digestion are disturbed, the baby gets tired quickly. Lambliosis also leads to an inflammatory process in the gallbladder.
  • Tumors of the gallbladder. Fortunately, they are extremely rare, and therefore we will not dwell on them in detail.
Causes of systematic abdominal pain in a child can be quite serious
Abdominal pain in a child may indicate inflammation of the gallbladder

If your child often complains of abdominal pain, do not ignore, visit a gastroenterologist. The doctor will be able to recognize the disease of the gallbladder by performing an ultrasound diagnosis procedure (ultrasound). The doctor will be able to objectively examine the contours and thickness of the walls of the organ if the patient comes to the office on an empty stomach.

In the next video from the Union of Pediatricians of Russia you can learn more about biliary dyskinesia.

Primary visual findings are supported or refuted by laboratory test results. The child will have to donate blood, urine and feces. Only then the probability of a correct diagnosis will increase to almost 99.9%.

If pathology is found, prepare for a fairly long treatment, the basis of which will be the appointment of choleretic drugs. I will note right away that only a doctor should prescribe them, the initiative in this situation is punishable by grave consequences for the baby.

If a child systematically complains of abdominal pain, it is worth visiting a gastroenterologist.

What can be taken by children

If you have been prescribed a choleretic for children, you should understand what this medicine is and how it works.

Choleretic drug is a means that helps the formation of bile and its further removal into the intestine. They are plant based and animal protein, as well as synthesized.

Special requirements are placed on the “children's” cholagogue. It is desirable that the drug be in the form of a suspension or syrup. So the child will be easier to take it. But most importantly, the drug was plant-based. Then he will have far fewer side effects than synthetic choleretic.


Consider the most popular bile remedies suitable for children:

  • Holaflux - is a choleretic, usually prescribed for chronic cholecystitis and dyskinesia of the bladder and biliary tract. Herbal preparation, which includes dandelion, thistle, celandine, etc. The drug facilitates the flow of bile. The instructions for use said that no side effects were found, so this drug is often prescribed to children. Available in the form of dry herbal mixture for the preparation of choleretic tea.
Holaflux is a natural herbal preparation that causes almost no adverse reactions.
  • Holagogum is a drug that can be prescribed for the treatment of cholecystitis, dyskinesia, chronic pancreatitis, and to facilitate adaptation after treatment. Available in capsules, has a vegetable origin.
Holagogum is a herbal medicine in capsule form.
  • Allohol - It is also a plant cholagogue preparation, which improves the flow of bile and normalizes the activity of the liver. In addition to plants, it contains dry animal bile. The child will have to take the drug for more than a month, the doctor will determine the dosage, taking into account the age of the baby and his weight. Usually, children up to 7 years old are given half a pill 2-3 times a day, and children older than 7 years old are given a whole pill.
Allohol helps the flow of bile and supports the liver
  • Cholenzim is a combined choleretic with choleretic and enzymatic properties, i.e. contains enzymes that promote digestion. Form release tablets. In the composition - dry animal bile and herbs. Appointed to children over 12 years old, 1 tablet three times a day. For children from three years, the dosage is calculated by the doctor individually. The maximum course of choleretic intake is 9 weeks.
Producers of Holenzim recommend it to children over 12 years of age.
  • Flamin - This is a herbal preparation, consisting of having an immortelle. This herb improves the flow of bile. Available in the form of ointment, powder for suspension, choleretic tea, tablets. The tool, according to numerous reviews of doctors and parents, shows high efficiency with bile stasis. The doctor may prescribe the same drug to your baby with giardiasis. Flamin, at the request of manufacturers, is not recommended for children under 5 years of age and for children with peptic ulcer.
Flamin is prescribed to children over 5 years old.
  • Berberine is an herbal medicine based on substances obtained by pharmacists from the roots and leaves of barberry. Effective antispasmodic and choleretic agent. Contraindicated only in pregnant women and phytoallergics. Pharmacies available in pill form.
Berberine is contraindicated in pregnant women.
  • Odeston is a preparation of plant origin, which not only promotes the synthesis and output of bile, but also prevents the process of crystallization of cholesterol. This drug is contraindicated in children under 10 years.
Odeston is contraindicated in children under 10 years

In addition, children with dysfunction of the gallbladder and biliary tract may appoint Nikodin, Osalmid, Cormagnezin. Often, in the appendage to the choleretic doctor may prescribe a separate antispasmodic. As a rule, in pediatrics this No-shpa.

Folk remedies

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts can be treated by popular methods.The best fighters with stagnant bile are birch buds, corn stigmas, rowan fruits, burdock roots, and hips. There are several ways to prepare drugs with a choleretic effect:

  1. Bile Juices,
  2. Choleretic teas, teas.
  • Dandelion juice. It is made from dandelions with roots. Perfectly removes stagnant bile volume, has a slight antispasmodic effect. Take it twice a day for 20-25 ml. The course of treatment will be 3 weeks.
Dandelion juice must be taken twice a day.
  • Rowan juice. Remember how in school, when the USSR, we collected mountain ash and handed it to the pharmacy? So, only many years later I learned that the main use of these knitting red berries is to make preparations that “accelerate” bile. The clusters “nailed down” by the first frosts and having undergone temperature “shock therapy” need to be collected and gently pressed. Take 15 ml. twice a day. The course of treatment is three weeks.
Rowan juice need to be taken three weeks, twice a day
  • Radish juice. It is pressed simply, it does not need a special recipe. Take 30 ml. three times a day. It is important to know that such juice is contraindicated for children with gastritis and high levels of acidity in the stomach.
Radish juice is contraindicated for children with gastritis
  • Pear juice Delicious and very healthy choleretic juice. You can take it as you want by quantity and duration. Pear juice is a rather weak choleretic, it is better to use it after the main phase of treatment as a prophylactic. Children will love this medicine very much, both at the age of one and 2 years and 4 years.
Pear juice is probably the most delicious medicine for a child.

For decoctions and homemade tea with cholagogue effect knotweed, St. John's wort, aniseed fruits, corn silk, dog rose, immortelle.

Infusions with a choleretic effect in children should be given with great caution - possible manifestations of allergies to herbs. The most popular infusion for problems with the gall bladder is Mint. Take celandine, mint leaves and potentilla. Everything should be in equal proportions. The total weight should be no more than 2 grams. Herbal mixture pour a glass of boiling water and let it cool a little. This infusion perfectly “accelerates” bile and helps to normalize the functioning of the liver. Mint infusion take hot, like tea, twice a day. The general course of admission is at least two weeks. This tea should not be given to children under the age of 6 years.

Below in the video are some effective recipes for choleretic decoctions and infusions. But before you prepare the decoction, specify whether it is possible for a child at this age to drink such an infusion.

Mineral water or tuba

Washing the gallbladder is carried out strictly in the morning. A few days before it does not need to eat salty, fatty.

You will need half a liter of non-carbonated mineral water (Essentuki or Borjomi). Water must be heated to 40 degrees Celsius.

In a glass of hot liquid, add a tablespoon of Magnesia (powder). Instead of magnesium sulfate, you can use your choice of "Sorbitol" or "Holosas". The resulting solution must be taken orally. Lying on the right side, apply a warm heating pad to the hypochondrium area. This therapeutic "lying" should last at least 2 hours. After that, it is desirable to empty the intestines. The most difficult thing here is to make the child lie so much time in one position. But try combining tubing and watching cartoons. Tubage is carried out on the recommendation of the doctor and no more than once every 6 months.

Gallbladder washing is done in the morning

If your child has problems with bile, then the mineral table waters of the alkaline composition “Essentuki” and “Borjomi” should be present on its table almost daily.

Choleretic oil

Strong choleretic folk remedy considers flaxseed oil. But the store version of this product will not work. Cook the butter yourself.100 grams of flaxseeds need to be crushed in a coffee grinder or blender, put in a liter jar, and top with refined (odorless) sunflower or olive oil. For a week your flaxseed should be kept in the fridge for a short time, and then it can be given in a teaspoon to the baby before eating.

General requirements for receiving choleretic drugs

  • Never give your child a choleretic fasting. Before taking the next dose, let them eat something. Candy will not do. Well, if it is something that creates a greater amount of food in the stomach - fruit, cake.
  • When making choleretic juices, the main condition is to squeeze the juice immediately before use. You cannot keep pressed juice, it quickly loses its healing properties.
  • When taking a choleretic, it is important to follow the schedule prescribed by doctors. Make sure that the child does not miss a single medication.
  • Never appoint a choleretic, no matter how attractive its composition may seem to you, to a child by yourself! This must be done by a doctor.
  • The child during the treatment and for quite a long time afterwards must adhere to the diet prescribed by the doctor. It will be reduced to a reduction in the amount of fat protein origin, as well as carbohydrates, especially "fast". Eating a child will need at least six times a day - fractional and balanced.
Do not give the child any choleretic drugs on an empty stomach.

And finally. Enter into the child's diet foods with choleretic effect. Your baby can and should often be given bran, vegetables and vegetable broth, oranges, pears, melons, watermelon and prunes. He wants to "make friends" with vegetable juices that contribute to the formation of bile - with cabbage and beetroot.

And remember that soda, ice cream, smoked sausage, chocolate, french fries, fatty meats and even onions and garlic impede the normal flow of bile.

Diseases of the gallbladder and its ducts are quite dangerous and unpleasant. In order to avoid long treatment, it is better as far as possible to engage in the prevention of these ailments from birth. Feed the baby in a balanced and correct manner, make sure that the child leads a mobile lifestyle, does not sit at the computer for hours after eating. And, of course, listen to his complaints.

Watch Dr. Komarovsky’s program on gallbladder and pancreas problems.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.