How to give glucose to a newborn with jaundice?
With the advent of yellow skin color in a newborn, every second mother faces. In most babies, this physiological condition passes on its own without any medical treatment, but some babies are prescribed medications, for example, glucose in the form of a 5% solution.
Glucose is prescribed to a newborn baby with jaundice mainly in such cases:
- If a low glucose concentration is detected in the baby’s bloodthat may be caused by mom's endocrine diseases, such as diabetes.
- If the baby for any reason not getting mother's milk or its quantity is not enough.
- If held resuscitation, for example when developing asphyxia in childbirth. In this case, glucose will serve as an additional battery.
- With birth injuries, characterized by impaired heart function and respiratory process.
Only a doctor should prescribe glucose to a newborn. so that its solution does not provoke the appearance of diathesis and other health problems. Usually, a baby is given a 5% glucose solution in a daily volume of up to 100 ml.
How to give?
Glucose can be administered to the body of a newborn. in three different ways:
- Intravenous infusions.
- As a drink from a spoon or bottle.
- Through the probe.
The route of administration, as well as the expediency of using 5% glucose, is determined by the pediatrician.

Moms who used glucose for jaundice in their newborn babies respond differently to this drug.
Some say that adding glucose really helped to get rid of skin yellowness for several days, others are hesitant to give your child to drink a glucose solution for intravenous administration, others complain about the appearance of such side effects as rash and constipation.
The attitude of doctors to glucose dosing is also very different. Domestic pediatricians prescribe such a remedy in the old manner, asserting that it helps with jaundice, while foreign doctors state that glucose cannot affect the elimination of bilirubin from a child’s body. They recommend Moms pay more attention to breastfeeding, which really contributes to a more rapid deliverance of the body of a newborn baby from excess bilirubin.