How to give hofitol newborn with jaundice?


Drugs prescribed for jaundice in babies of the first month of life are not as common as in most crumbs, this physiological condition disappears without any therapy. If the baby is treated, doctors choose the safest and most effective means, for example, Hofitol.

What is it and how does jaundice work?

It is a herbal preparation containing an aqueous extract from the leaves of a plant such as a field artichoke. Its active ingredients are cinnarine, ascorbic acid, flavonoids, beta-carotene, B-group vitamins, phenolic acids, inulin and many other valuable compounds.

The main effect of this remedy is protection of the liver against toxic substances (with jaundice, this toxic substance is indirect bilirubin). Hofitol also has choleretic effect which helps to quickly remove the associated bilirubin in the intestine. In addition, this medicine has ability to normalize metabolic processes and improve kidney function.

All these actions contribute to a more rapid disposal of neonatal jaundice, which causes the frequent prescription of Hofitol to newborns whose jaundice does not pass for a long time or the level of bilirubin is dangerously high.

Hofitol is used at a consistently high level of bilirubin.


The exact dosage of the drug should be determined by the pediatrician. in each case, jaundice and taking into account the weight of the peanut. Often, babies in the first month of life are given from 1 to 10 drops in one dose. As you can see, the range is quite wide, therefore, without instructions from the pediatrician, they do not take medicine in newborns.

How to give?

Newborn give Hofitol in liquid form, counting drops using a convenient dispenser on the bottle. The required number of drops diluted in 5 ml of water. The remedy is given to the baby three times a day on an empty stomach. until the moment when the jaundice does not completely disappear (often this happens within one week).

Starting and stopping Hofitol should be as directed by a doctor.


Most mothers who gave their newborn baby with the jaundice Hofitol, prescribed by a pediatrician, were satisfied with the use of such a medicine. They noted that the yellowness after applying this tool passes fairly quickly. Wherein No side effects from Hofitola (even an allergic reaction) were noted by moms.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


