How to persuade a child to treat teeth: advice from a psychologist for parents
In order for children's teeth to be as healthy and beautiful as all parents want, it is important to regularly go with the babies for a visit to the dentist and in time fix any problems in the mouth. Therefore, the task of moms and dads is a positive psychological attitude of the child. To ensure that children are not afraid of the dentist and calmly relate to dental procedures, it’s quite possible if you approach this issue correctly.
The main mistakes of parents
The fear of the dentist can be caused by the hesitant nature of the child, the fear of the dentist among the parents, or the fear of the child in front of anyone in a white coat, if he already had negative experience in treatment. However, quite often the fear of visiting the dental office appears in a child because of mistakes made by his parents. These include the following situations:
- The child "gets acquainted" with the dentist, when he already had a problem with his teeth, for example, the tooth began to ache.
- Parents do not pay attention to motivation to be treated.. They do not tell why go to the doctor and why it is so important to maintain the health of the oral cavity.
- When treating teeth, use violence for example, a tooth needs to be sealed, a child breaks out, and it has to be physically held to put a seal.
- The child comes to the doctor in an uncomfortable time for him., for example, when he usually has a daytime sleep or he is already tired.
- Parents cheat crumbs, that the doctor "will not do anything", but in fact it is waiting for a painful procedure.

Use of the game
Games in childhood are an important tool for learning the world. Wherein In the game of children, everything is perceived more positive. And this should be used if you want to change the attitude of the crumbs to some phenomenon or event, including treatment at the dentist.
Together with the child, you can “treat the teeth” to a teddy bear or doll. Lose a situation in which the bear has a bad tooth, and the child will be a dentist and will help a soft "friend." Putting himself in the place of the doctor, the crumb will understand that the doctor does not want to hurt the patient and make him ill, but quite the contrary, he wants to help.
You can also play in the dental clinic when the baby is a patient and the mother plays the role of the doctor. Such a play in the form of a game will help reduce the anxiety of the child before visiting a real doctor.
Similar effect will also result watching cartoons, in which are shown the situations associated with dental treatment and maintaining the health of the oral cavity. The information in them is presented in such a way that the little ones are not afraid of the dentists.
On the importance of the game in the process of teaching your baby to visit the dentist, see the video:
Many parents to convince children to go to the dentist use the promises of a certain reward, for example, buying a toy or fulfilling a baby’s wish. One side, it can really help a little to overcome fear and endure a visit to the dental clinic without tears. However, there are times when kids start manipulate and beg all new and new gifts.
Psychologists agree that directly promoting dental treatment with a new toy or a favorite treat is not a good idea. The child must understand that going to the dentist is important first of all for the sake of health. Focusing on the fact that regular visits to the doctor will eliminate the pain in the teeth or help to smile without problems, the parents, although they spend more effort, do better in the long term.
First visit
It is best that the first visit to the tiny dental office was not for treatment, but only as an introductory event.
Go to the clinic with your child and inspect everything there, including dental instruments. Let the baby talk to the clinic staff and just sit in the chair, and after this excursion give the baby something pleasant.
After that, the second time the child will no longer worry, and will come to a familiar place to people whom he has already seen. In the second visit, you can offer the child to clean the teeth of the doctor with a tasty paste, and then again give the baby some gift. So you fix positive attitude of the kid to the dentists.
Watch a useful video on how not to frighten a child with a dentist’s treatment after the first visit:
Own example
One of the ways to show a child that visiting the dentist is important and there is nothing wrong with it, is the personal example of the parents. Go to the doctor with the baby so that the crumb sees the doctor examine and treat your teeth. At the same time, your mood should be vigorous and festive, and after the visit you should show your baby how strong and healthy your teeth have become.
If the tooth hurts
When a child suffers a toothache, there is no time for getting to know the dentist and a long positive mood, so you have to act quickly. Tell a little story about a diseased tooth that only a doctor can cure. Do not be fooled that the treatment will be easy and painless. Better say that the discomfort will quickly pass and the tooth will recover.
- It is best to go with the child to the dentist in the morning. If the visit is scheduled for a later time, the baby will “wind up” itself and be more capricious in the doctor’s office.
- Do not discuss on the way to the doctor, what kind of manipulation will be carried out with teeth. It is better to switch the attention of the crumbs to neutral topics that can raise the mood of the child.
- Pay a lot of attention to the choice of the clinic and the dentist to find a competent specialist who has a lot of experience treating young patients.
- Try yourself not to be nervouswhen you are going to treat your child with a child or tell a baby about the dental office. Children sensitively catch the excitement of their parents and take on their anxiety.
- When the child leaves the office, Be sure to praise the baby for your courage and emphasize that the baby's teeth have become healthier and stronger. Let the little one speak out if the baby is full of emotions and wants to share them.
- Go with your child to the dentist regularly. If the baby comes to the doctor’s office twice a year, he will calmly transfer any manipulations in case of urgent need.
- Do not discuss with your child the treatment of your own teeth and do not use in speaking dental terms, so as not to frighten the crumbs. Also, do not say the words "pull out" or "drill." It is better to replace them with the words “clean”, “look”, “treat”.
- Never scare your baby with a visit to the dentist. It is unacceptable to threaten a child to go and treat his teeth if he does not obey and, for example, begs for sweets.
- If the child did not agree to the examination and treatment, you can not blame the crumbs or punish him. So you can only worsen the situation.
Watch the following video about the care and treatment of teeth.